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本文由微信公眾號「騰訊知識產權保護」授權無訟閱讀發布一、引言根據互聯網路信息中心(CNNIC)發布的第39次《互聯網路發展狀況統計報告》,截至2016年12月,網民規模達7.31億,手機上網用戶數達到6.95億。在新技術、新模式和新業態的影響與帶動下,互聯網與內容產業開始深度融合,成為推動供給側改革和釋放市場活力的新路徑。作為領先的互聯網綜合服務提供商,知識產權創新和保護是騰訊發展的生命線。在「連接」和「內容」戰略的指引下,騰訊不僅關注自有知識產權,更將尊重和保護第三方知識產權作為內容產業生態和知識產權保護戰略的重要組成部分。讓權利人得到應有的尊重,保護權利人的合法權益,是社會發展之必然,也是騰訊「成為最受尊敬的互聯網企業」這一願景的初心所在,更是踐行企業社會責任的直觀體現。《騰訊知識產權保護白皮書》(以下簡稱「白皮書」)選取了QQ、QQ空間、微信、騰訊視頻、應用寶和騰訊微雲等六款備受億萬用戶喜愛的產品,對其知識產權保護狀況進行闡述。二、保護理念騰訊秉承尊重、連接的理念,與用戶及合作夥伴共建知識產權新生態。在「事前預防,事後救濟,協調共治」原則的指引下,騰訊堅持尊重創意、尊重權利人、尊重知識產權權益,並建立了全方位、立體化的知識產權防護體系,打擊知識產權侵權行為。對於侵犯第三方知識產權的行為,騰訊秉承「零容忍」的態度,在堅持分享的同時,堅決維護第三方知識產權和合法權益,堅定地將企業社會責任與企業經營深度結合,將其提升到企業發展的戰略高度並積極付諸行動。此外,騰訊也始終密切關注行業動態,積極響應國家政策要求,時刻審視自身的社會責任。例如,根據國家版權局《關於加強網路文學作品版權管理的通知》中有關「黑白名單制度」的相關要求,騰訊積極建立了相關流程,以保護權利人的合法權益。白皮書首次披露騰訊在知識產權保護技術上的創新,這些創新性保護技術與各項知識產權制度融合,有效地維護了平台生態健康,凈化了行業環境。三、保護對象本白皮書所涉及的知識產權保護的對象,是指由權利人合法享有的、在騰訊各類產品上以上傳、分享、傳播、下載等方式呈現的智力成果,如遊戲、影視、音樂、文學、動漫等。不同的智力成果包含的知識產權類型有所不同,包括但不限於著作權、商標權和專利權。四、保護制度為充分、有效地保護第三方的知識產權,騰訊建立了科學、全面的知識產權保護制度,這是騰訊知識產權戰略的基本要素和重要保證。以白皮書選取的六款產品為例,截至2016年12月,六款產品共發布30項制度,規範和指導第三方知識產權保護,其中包括:公司級協議和政策2項,即《騰訊服務協議》和《版權保護投訴指引》,適用於騰訊所有產品和服務;產品級協議和規則16項,產品級保護指引12項,分別適用於各具體產品和服務。以上保護制度涉及各方權利義務、產品使用中的禁止性行為、侵權舉報投訴途徑等內容,為落實知識產權保護提供了重要的規則依據和實操指導,並跟隨業務發展及產品迭代,不斷進行更新。五、保護技術保護知識產權,不僅需要完善的制度規範,更需要先進的技術支撐。經過多年的積澱,騰訊在知識產權保護領域取得了一系列創新性保護技術成果,並申請相關專利,涉及防盜鏈、作品識別、內容檢測、數字指紋、仿冒APP及惡意網站識別等多個方面。騰訊將這些創新性保護技術與各項知識產權制度有機融合,並在實際應用中綜合利用,協同保護。六、知識產權保護現狀6.1 QQQQ是騰訊於1999年2月推出的即時通訊產品,在用戶間和群組內部提供信息發送、文件傳輸、音視頻在線聊天等服務。在QQ上的侵權行為通常表現為用戶自行填寫的帳號信息侵權,和用戶在QQ群內保存的群文件內容侵權等。據統計,2015年1月至2016年12月間,QQ累計受理涉及知識產權侵權的投訴函件1500餘件,其中,涉及著作權的投訴佔比為54.67%,涉及商標權的投訴佔比為41.33%。根據騰訊對第三方知識產權保護經驗的積累,結合數據分析,權利人被他人侵犯著作權和商標權,是互聯網平台上最主要的知識產權侵權行為。這些侵權行為具有行為複雜、技術多樣、發現難、成本低、傳播快、範圍廣等特點,給知識產權保護帶來了諸多難題。因此,騰訊結合各產品特點,構建完善的知識產權保護體系,秉承尊重,連接的理念與用戶及合作夥伴共建健康、有序的知識產權新生態。6.2 QQ空間QQ空間於2005年推出,是由用戶自主管理的展示圖片、文字、音視頻等信息的在線網路空間。用戶在QQ空間展示的信息中,可能存在未經許可傳播的受著作權法保護的作品,也可能存在未經許可使用他人註冊商標的情形等。據統計,自2015年1月至2016年12月,QQ空間受理涉及知識產權的侵權投訴函件1000餘件,其中,涉及著作權的投訴佔比96.19%,涉及商標權的投訴佔比2.86%,涉及專利權投訴佔比0.95%。6.3 微信微信於2011年1月推出,是一款免費的綜合型互聯網社交通訊工具。用戶可以通過網路發送語音簡訊、視頻、圖片和文字,也可以使用「朋友圈」、「公眾平台」、「搖一搖」等服務和功能。給予用戶優秀溝通體驗的同時,微信作為網路服務提供者無可避免的面臨著知識產權保護的挑戰。自2015年1月至2016年12月,微信共收到針對個人帳號侵權投訴107000餘件,其中,知識產權侵權投訴主要涉及商標權、著作權、專利權,佔比分別為9.00%、7.50%和0.20%; 同時期,微信共收到針對公眾號文章侵權投訴61000餘件,其中著作權和商標權侵權投訴分別佔總投訴數量的41.00%和10.00%。自2015年4月至2016年12月,微信品牌維權平台投訴處理量約為30000件,有效保護了知識產權權利人的合法權益。6.4 騰訊視頻騰訊視頻於2011年4月推出,是一個綜合性在線視頻平台,為廣大用戶提供豐富的正版影視作品。在給用戶帶來優質視頻內容的同時,作為網路信息存儲空間的服務提供者,騰訊視頻也為廣大用戶提供了視頻的上傳、分享等服務。基於用戶上傳內容的自發性和廣泛性,加之網路環境下侵權成本低等特點,可能存在用戶侵犯權利人合法權益的情形。數據顯示,自2015年1月到2016年12月,騰訊視頻依法處理與用戶上傳侵權視頻有關的投訴函件15000餘件,包括綜藝、電視劇、動漫、電影、音樂、新聞等多種內容類型,主要涉及侵犯著作權、商標權等知識產權權益,其中著作權侵權投訴佔比為98.00%,商標權等其它類型侵權投訴佔比為2.00%。6.5 應用寶應用寶於2011年推出,是專為安卓系統打造的應用分發平台,致力於為用戶提供豐富多樣的移動應用資源,以及方便快捷的應用管理體驗。作為中立的應用分發平台,應用寶不是內容的直接提供者,海量應用由開發者上傳。其中,少數應用本身或應用包含的內容存在侵犯第三方知識產權的風險。自2015年1月至2016年12月,應用寶共受理投訴函件1200餘件,投訴各類應用軟體累計3200餘款。其中,單獨的著作權投訴成立量佔比55.34%,單獨的商標權投訴成立量佔比為30.77%,同時投訴著作權和商標權的成立量佔比9.85%,此外還存在極少數的專利侵權投訴。6.6 騰訊微雲騰訊微雲於2012年12月推出,可界定為提供網路信息存儲空間服務的在線雲存儲工具,其通過互聯網為用戶提供信息存儲、下載、讀取、分享等服務,具有安全穩定、海量存儲的特性。基於用戶的存儲、下載、讀取、分享等行為,信息在雲存儲空間內流動,存在用戶傳播、分享侵權內容的可能性。據統計,2015年7月至2016年12月,騰訊微雲累計受理侵權投訴函件3700餘件,其中,知識產權侵權投訴函件2800餘件,佔比74.41%,均為著作權侵權投訴。七、保護路徑騰訊創立了方式便捷、響應快速、流程科學的維權路徑,六款產品設置有多元化的投訴入口,為權利人指明維權的具體途徑和詳細方式,具體包括:1、通過產品中設置的電子化侵權投訴渠道進行投訴;2、通過產品中提供的電子郵箱進行投訴;3、通過郵寄紙質信函進行投訴。在此基礎上,各產品通過制定相關規則和指引,為權利人的維權提供明確的操作流程指導,積極引導權利人正確行使權利。八、結語在深入實施國家知識產權戰略,加快建設知識產權強國的背景下,知識產權對企業創新的促進作用不斷進階,著力創新和保護知識產權已成為互聯網行業的共識。作為領先的互聯網企業,騰訊肩負著更多的使命,以保護促創新,以制度促發展,將社會責任融入企業發展中,在不斷構建和完善知識產權保護體系的同時,「連接」億萬用戶和合作夥伴,共同打造安全、開放、分享的互聯網知識產權新生態。1. IntroductionThe China Internet Network Information Center reported in its 39th China Statistical Report on Internet Development that China』s Internet population reached 731 million users in December 2016, of which 695 million were mobile Internet users, and that new technology and business models caused the Internet and entertainment industry to merge, plotting a new course for rejuvenating the economy and promoting supply-side structural reforms.As China』s leading Internet content and services provider, Tencent』s success rests upon the creation and protection of intellectual property (IP). Protecting third party IP is a vital component of our IP protection strategy and essential to the health of the entertainment industry and ecosystem. Tencent views IP protection as essential to societal progress, an element of social responsibility, and a part of its commitment to becoming the most respected Internet company.This Tencent White Paper on Intellectual Property Protection (「White Paper」) illustrates how Tencent protects IP by examining six of its most popular products – QQ, QQ Space, Weixin, Tencent Video, MyApp, and Weiyun.2. Tencent』s IP Protection PhilosophyTencent believes in working with users and third party rights holders to create a new and better IP ecosystem. Tencent respects originality and rights holders, and to this end has established a comprehensive IP protection program to combat IP piracy.While embracing the open nature of the internet and the sharing of information, Tencent employs a zero-tolerance policy on IP infringement on its various platforms and products.Tencent also actively responds to new developments in the industry and in government policy. For example, Tencent has implemented new policies that comply with whitelisting/blacklisting requirements in the National Copyright Administration』s Notice on Improving Online Literature Copyright Management.The White Paper also discusses the innovative technologies employed by Tencent to improve the health of its entertainment ecosystem and the larger entertainment industry.3. What Tencent ProtectsThe IP protection discussed in this White Paper covers various forms of content that can be uploaded, shared, distributed, or downloaded through Tencent』s products and platforms, including games, movies and television programs, music, literature, anime, and manga. These works manifest different forms of IP, including copyright, trademark, and sometimes patent.4. Tencent』s IP PoliciesTencent has established a comprehensive set of policies to protect third party IP. In relation to the six products described in this White Paper, Tencent has released a total of thirty policies addressing the protection of third party IP as of December 2016. These include two company-wide policies applicable to all Tencent products (the Tencent Terms of Service and the Copyright Protection Guideline); sixteen product-specific policies, and twelve product-specific IP protection policies. These policies provide practical guidelines on the rights and obligations of each party, restricted activities, and the reporting channels for each product. As each product develops and iterates these policies are also constantly kept up to date.5. Tencent』s TechnologyAfter years of development, Tencent has achieved a series of advances in IP protection technologies, many of which are patented. The new technologies cover areas such as preventing deep linking, identifying copyright works, monitoring content, digital fingerprinting, and spotting malicious Apps and websites.6. Recent ProgressIn Tencent』s experience and statistics, the primary form of IP infringement over the Internet relates to copyright and trademark rights. These infringing activities are often technically complex, difficult to uncover, cheap, fast, and widespread, making enforcement work a challenge. Tencent has therefore created IP protection programs tailored to each of its products, striking a balance between accessible, open products, and an infringement-free ecosystem.6.1 QQQQ is an instant messaging product launched by Tencent in February 1999. Users can use QQ to send messages, documents, and video/audio files to each other or to groups of users.User can potentially submit infringing information to their accounts, or store files containing infringing content in chat rooms. Between January 2015 and December 2016, the QQ team received over 1,500 complaints relating to IP infringement. 54.67% of these complaints relate to copyright, and the rest relate to trademark rights.6.2. QzoneQzone is a social networking platform launched in 2005, where users can upload and share blog articles, pictures, and video/audio files.Content uploaded to Qzone by users may contain unauthorized copyright materials or unauthorized use of registered trademarks. Between January 2015 and December 2016, the Qzone team received over 1,000 complaints relating to IP infringement. 96.19% of these complaints relate to copyright, 2.86% relate to trademark rights, and 0.95% to patents.6.3. WeixinWeixin was launched in January 2011. It is a free instant messaging mobile App with powerful features where users can send voice messages, video clips, pictures, and text, as well as use additional functions such as Moments (where users can post and share content with friends in a News Feed style), Open Platform (where content creators can access Weixin』s SDK, Official Account admin, and payment functions), and Shake (where users shake their phones for additional social features).With these great functions also come the inevitable risk of IP infringement. Between January 2015 and December 2016, the Weixin team received over 107,000 complaints against individual Weixin user accounts. Copyright, trademark and patent related complaints respectively account for 7.50%, 9.00% and 0.20% of these complaints. The team also received over 61,000 complaints against Official Account articles, of which 41.00% relate to copyright, and 10.00% relate to trademark rights. Between April 2015 and December 2016, Weixin』s Brand Protection Platform processed over 30,000 complaints relating to trademark rights.6.4. Tencent VideoTencent Video was launched in April 2011. Tencent Video not only provide users with a rich library of professionally produced movie and television programs, it also allows users to generate, upload and share their own video content.Due to the platform』s open nature, some users may use Tencent Video to infringe third party rights. Between January 2015 and December 2016, the Tencent Video team received and processed over 15,000 complaints regarding infringing content uploaded by users, including variety shows, television series, anime, movies, music, and news programs. 98.00% of these complaints relate to copyright, while the rest relate to trademark or other personal rights.6.5 MyAppMyApp, Tencent』s own Android APP store, was launched in 2011. As an open platform.MyApp itself is not the source of uploaded Apps. Instead, third party developers upload thousands of software applications to MyApp, some of which may contain copyright infringing content or code. Between January 2015 and December 2016, the MyApp team received over 1,200 complaints against more than 3,200 Apps. Of these complaints, 55.34% relate solely to copyright, 34.77 relate solely to trademark, and 9.85% seek to enforce both forms of IP. A very small fraction of those complaints relate to patent.6.6 Tencent WeiyunTencent Weiyun was launched in December 2012 as an online storage service, where users can upload, share, read, and download content.As users populate Tencent Weiyun with content, some of these user activities may infringe copyright. Between July 2015 and December 2012, the Tencent Weiyun team received over 3,700 complaints, nearly three quarters of which, or 2,800, were complaints relating to IP. In the case of Tencent Weiyun, all of these complaints relate to copyright.7. Working with TencentTencent maintains convenient communication channels whereby rights owners can address their concerns. In relation to the six products described above, rights owners can raise their concerns to Tencent in the following ways:1. By using the product』s built-in feedback channels;2. By sending an email to the address provided in the productor;3. By mailing a letter to Tencent』s office.Once the relevant product team receives a complaint, they will guide the rights owner through Tencent』s IP protection program.8. SummaryIt is Tencent』s mission as a leading Chinese internet company, not only in business strategy but also in social responsibility, to facilitate innovation and development through its IP protection program, which in turn allows Tencent to create a secure and open ecosystem connecting millions of users and partners with IP.

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