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Robots Should Be Taxed?By John Naughton ∷盧青亮 譯註「If the robots are coming for our jobs, make sure they pay their taxes.如果機器人搶了我們的工作,那麼必須向它們徵稅。由英國倫敦Google DeepMind開發的人工智慧圍棋程序AlphaGo的勝利,意味著人工智慧已經向人類引以為傲的領域發起強力挑戰。人工智慧的崛起可能會導致千萬人失業,不僅是體力勞動者,甚至連腦力工作者也可能會被機器人取代,對此人類難免感到擔憂。為了使人工智慧的進步更好地惠及全人類,我們能否從政策上給出解決之道呢? The problem with the future is that it's unknowable. But of course that doesn't stop us trying to second-guess1 it. At the moment,many people—and not just in the tech industry—are wondering about the impact of automation on employment. And not just blue-collar employment—the kind of jobs that were eliminated in the early phase of automating car production, for instance—but also the white-collar jobs that hitherto2 seemed secure.Economists found that because computers could now be substituted for low-skill workers performing routine tasks (book-keeping, clerical work and repetitive production and monitoring activities) we were going to see a "hollowing-out" of middle-skilled, middle-wage jobs and a corresponding rise in employment at both the high and low ends of the skills spectrum3". And in a 2015 study, two Oxford researchers took the 702 categories that the US Labour Department uses to classify jobs and tried to estimate which of them might be vulnerable to automation using the "smart" technologies that are now commonplace.Their conclusion: almost half (47%).1. second-guess: 預測。2. hitherto: 到目前為止,迄今。3. spectrum: 範圍。 譯文:未來的問題就在於其不可知性,但這當然不會阻止我們去預測未來。當下,許多人——不止技術界人士——都在試圖探究自動化對就業的影響:不僅僅是藍領工作崗位——在汽車生產自動化初期就被淘汰的那類工作——還有迄今為止似乎未被殃及的白領工作崗位。經濟學家發現,由於計算機目前可以替代那些負責日常工作(記賬、行政工作以及重複性的生產與監控活動)的低技能工作人員,我們會看到中等技能、中等收入的工作崗位被「掏空」以及「分布在高端與低端技術這兩極的工作機會的相應增長」。在2015年的一項研究中,兩名牛津大學的研究人員依照美國勞工部分類的標準選取了702個工作類別,並試圖估計哪些工作可能更容易受到當下常見的「智能」技術自動化帶來的沖擊。他們的結論是:接近一半(47%)。 」If these predictions are accurate, then there is trouble ahead because the existence of a stable middle class seems to be a prerequisite4 for a liberal democracy. But because of the aforementioned problem with the future, we don't know how immediate the threat of high-end automation is.It could be that getting to this particular future will take a lot longer than the technology's boosters and Cassandras5 think. But no one doubts that it will happen. The standard riposte to concerns about automation is to pooh-pooh them.6This is an old story, sceptics7 contend. Anxiety about the rise of the machines goes back to Elizabeth I and the stocking frame8. And each time the fears have been overblown: the new technology did indeed destroy jobs; but the new industries that it enabled eventually created even more jobs. So calm down: it will come good in the end.4. prerequisite: 前提。5. Cassandra: 卡桑德拉式的人物。卡桑德拉是希臘、羅馬神話中特洛伊的公主、阿波羅的祭司,她能預卜未來但無人相信。 6. standard: 通常的,普遍的;riposte: 機敏的回答; pooh-pooh: 發呸聲。7. sceptic: 懷疑者,持懷疑態度的人。8. 英國青年威廉·李(William Lee)在1589年發明了「織襪機(stocking frame)」。他向伊麗莎白一世(Elizabeth I)展示這部機器時女王的反應很糟糕,並拒絕授予他專利,理由是擔心機械化會造成失業與政治動亂,危及王室權力。譯文:如果這些預測準確的話,那麼未來就有麻煩了,因為擁有穩定的中產階級似乎是一個自由民主國家存在的前提。但由於未來的不可知,我們無法得知高端自動化的威脅會在哪一刻降臨。也許這一天的到來還需要相當長的時日,遠比技術擁護者以及卡桑德拉式的先知們預計的還要久。但沒有人會懷疑這一天的到來。 對於自動化的擔憂,通常的對策就是對其嗤之以鼻。這是老生常談了,懷疑派如此反駁。對於機器崛起的憂慮可以追溯到伊麗莎白一世與織襪機時期。而每次擔憂都被過度誇大:新技術確實會讓一些工作崗位消失;但新技術催生的新產業最終會創造更多的就業。所以冷靜下來:最終一切都會好的。 」And maybe it will. But there』s still a problem. What both the boosters and the sceptics ignore is that waves of automation have always involved periods of traumatic disruption. In a fascinating recent article the economist Tyler Cowen pointed out the problem with blithe9 assumptions about a better future—they miss out on the history of what actually happened in the great industrial transformations of the past. "The shift out of agricultural jobs," he writes, "while eventually a boon10 for virtually all of humanity, brought signifcant problems along the way. This time probably won't be different, and that』s why we should be concerned."9. blithe: 漫不經心的。10. boon: 恩惠,有用之物。譯文:也許最終真的會好起來,但還有一個問題:擁護者和懷疑者都忽略了一點,那就是自動化浪潮總會帶來痛苦的動蕩時期。在最近一篇很有意思的文章里,經濟學家泰勒·科文指出了隨意展望美好未來所產生的問題,其原因就是這些臆斷忽略了歷史上重大工業變革發生時的實際情況。「將人們從務農中解脫出來,」他寫道,「雖然對於幾乎全人類而言是一件幸事,然而這場變革也帶來了不少嚴重的問題。這一次或許不會有什麼差別,而這正是我們應當關注的原因。」」…………以上內容選自《英語學習》雜誌第6期。自動化浪潮的動蕩期究竟給中產階級帶來了什麼樣的危險?過渡的成本又該由誰來承擔?盡在2017年《英語學習》❖無悅讀不成夏 讀一下怎麼夠,當然還要讀一夏 《英語學習》暑期微店拼團活動正式開啟! 5本大滿足僅需35元還包郵(2人即可成團)★2017年1月-7月刊★現在已加入《英語學習》豪華套餐 快來呼朋引伴,參與活動吧《英語學習》微店拼團了解更多詳情~《英語學習》7月新刊上市啦,市面均有售~~天辣么熱,不想出門?快點擊下方按鈕,新刊速遞到家哦 ~戳我購買

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