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說起校服,很多人都是嫌棄的……這也難怪,春夏秋冬一身衣服、男女同款、肥大寬鬆、如此考驗顏值……媽媽再也不用擔心我早戀啦!之前微信上廣為流傳一篇帖子《校服為什麼這麼丑》,說的就是這檔子事兒。說起校服,一個「丑冠全球」真是扎心了:校服之丑冠全球,但它耐磨、耐臟、耐洗、省事、不怕學生長個頭……說好的青春文藝浪漫呢?這跟偶像劇里演的一點也不一樣啊!看了這六個校服經典款,你有沒有找到小時候穿到的那款?嗯……雙語君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)是環保綠白……再來個校服基本款矩陣!還是原來的配方,還是熟悉的味道,雙語君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)彷彿看到了自己的小時候……說是考驗顏值,自然就有些穿得好看的人。先來一波校服照感受一下!然而,理想很豐滿,現實很骨感。我們的校服照,一般都是這樣的。「校服為什麼這麼丑」也成為了網上的熱門話題,引起了社交網站的熱烈討論(Social media buzz over the ugliness of Chinese school uniforms)。#校服真的丑嗎#這個話題就被瀏覽了1.1億次,有67萬博友留言,表示校服太丑。新浪還做了數據調查,接近半數的人覺得校服丑……In a 2015 survey run by Sina, a whopping 44.6% dismissed them as ugly, while 45.1% — just slightly higher — voted that good looks are really more about physical appearance than fashion.根據2015年新浪的調查,44.6%的網友認為校服丑,另外還有45.1%的人認為一個人的美貌取決於他的長相而不是他的衣服。外媒談起校服,也是滿滿驚愕臉:這是校服?我還以為是運動服!These Chinese students may look like they』re wearing regular track suits, but these are their school uniforms!這些學生看起來像是穿著普通運動服,但實際上他們穿的是校服哦!Some schools in China offer their students track suits as uniforms that allow students to be comfortable at school.一些學校讓學生穿運動服作為校服,讓學生們在學校能夠穿得舒服。BBC紀錄片中穿著校服的英國學生While some Chinese students feel that their uniforms are 「ugly」, Korean students are quite envious of their uniforms. They expressed that China』s uniforms looked super comfortable compared to Korea』s school uniforms.雖然學生感覺自己的校服很「丑」,但是韓國學生卻表示非常嫉妒校服。他們認為,和韓國校服相比,校服看起來超級舒服!來聽聽他們怎麼說:@leeshockmin:哇!看起來好舒服呢!@ryongryong:我小時候住在,就穿著圖片里那樣的校服。這個衣服冬暖夏涼,超舒服!@kimtaehyung:看起來超贊的!我一到學校就會換上體育制服。@eundanggum:哇我太嫉妒了!舒服的才是最棒的,我們的校服雖然蠻美的,但穿著實在太難受了……你是不是感受到了滿屏的星星眼?沒想到,我們眼中醜醜的校服,卻有人那麼喜歡呢!但要知道,說這話的不是別人,而是校服滿滿偶像劇既視感的韓國學生……他們的校服,畫風一般都是這樣的……Based on Western-style uniforms, the South Korean uniform usually consists of a shirt, blazer and tie, with skirts (which are replaceable with trousers in the majority of schools nowadays, skirts have recently sparked controversy for its shortening trend over the years) for girls and long trousers for boys.韓國校服以西式校服設計為基礎,一般包括襯衫、上裝和領帶,女生穿短裙(現在很多學校都代之以長褲,裙裝因近兩年越來越短而引起爭議),男生穿長褲。俏皮的短裙,乾淨整潔的白襯衫點綴著可愛的領結,顯得青春又可愛。男生校服也是藏藍色的西裝、還有襯衫、領帶。配上迷之笑容,你就是superstar……顏色和花式也各異,比如下面這件就是黃色外套,墨藍色領結和短裙,配上白色運動鞋,又是一個新潮校園look!因為又潮又有型,韓國校服也登上了韓劇,或者成為韓國歌星的造型神器。Obviously, the looseness of Chinese uniforms provides more room for movement. Korean uniforms, on the other hand, are simply so stylish that they have gone out of the classroom to school-themed K-Dramas and the closets of K-Pop artists.很明顯,校服讓人活動起來更方便,但是另一方面,韓國校服太時髦了,它們已經走出校園,登上了校園主題的韓劇,成為韓國流行歌手的標配。比如在一些韓劇里,男女主人公就穿著養眼的校服。還有一些歌唱團體也喜歡穿校服。不過,即便如此,他們還是對校服表示出深深的愛,對於這一點,外媒用一句話做了總結:It seems the grass is always greener on the other side!看來總是這山望著那山高啊!中韓校服我們見得很多了,不過還有其他國家的校服你們見過嗎?雙語君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)帶你一起看看。日本 Japan日本的校服對學生來說不僅僅是學校的標誌,更是時尚潮流的風向標。許多女學生畢業后仍然喜歡三五成群地穿著校服外出,可見她們對校服的喜愛程度。In Japan, boys in secondary school wear an outfit modelled on 19th Century Prussian army uniforms. Called the gakuran, it consists of a dark jacket with stand-up collar and buttons down the front, worn with trousers.在日本,上中學的男孩穿的制服仿的是19世紀的普魯士陸軍軍服,稱為「詰襟」,包括一件黑色立領對襟系扣上衣,和配套褲子。Girls, on the other hand, wear a dress called the sailor fuku, based on European naval uniforms.女孩子則穿著仿歐洲海軍制服的「水手服」裙裝。The uniform generally consists of a blouse attached with a sailor-style collar and a pleated skirt.這種制服通常包括水手領的襯衫和一條百褶裙。In elementary schools, it is common for boys and girls to wear brightly coloured caps to prevent traffic accidents.日本國小生常戴著鮮艷的小帽子,以防交通事故。一個個風度翩翩的小紳士走在古典的溫莎小鎮里,真是賞心悅目。據說伊頓公學的一套校服可以高達2000英鎊。平時大多是剪裁合體的西裝馬甲,有重要場合時必須穿著晚禮風格的燕尾服。話說起來,據考證,校服最早就是起源於英國的。It is believed that the Christ's Hospital School in London in 1552 was the first school to use a school uniform.據信,1552年,倫敦的基督公學是世界上第一個使用校服的學校。基督公學的藍袍校服(blue coat)是世界上最早的校服,這所學校因此也被稱為「Bluecoat school」。Harrovians still wear the school's famous straw hats.哈羅公學的學生現在還戴著該校著名的草帽。除了這些古老的貴族學校,普通的英國學校校服一般都是得體的西裝。Style of England school uniforms is rather classic, simple and decent. Middle school students must wear orthodox western-style school uniforms. 英格蘭的校服比較古典、簡約、得體。中學生都穿著正統的西式校服。越南校服最大的特色就是,一些學校會把越南傳統服裝奧黛作為女生校服。純白色的奧黛既有民族特色又仙氣十足。The white áo dài is a tradition uniform for high school girls in Vietnam, but most schools in Northern Vietnam only require it for important events or ceremonies.純白的奧黛是越南女中學生的傳統校服,不過現在越南北部的大多數學校只在重要場合和儀式中才要求女生穿奧黛。The image of a high school girl with nón lá and white áo dài on a bike is still considered symbolic nowadays.如今,女高中生戴著斗笠、穿著雪白的奧黛騎腳踏車的場景仍是越南標誌性的畫面。印度尼西亞 IndonesiaPublic schools in Indonesia tolerate religious freedoms. For example, Muslim girls may opt to wear long-sleeve shirts, longer skirts, and jilbab to cover their heads.印度尼西亞的公立學校允許宗教自由,穆斯林女孩可以穿長袖長裙,還可以穿長袍遮住頭部。西班牙 SpainIn Spain the use of school uniforms is not compulsory in the public school at any stage. However, it is customary to wear uniforms in private schools, where typically girls wear uniform shirt and jersey skirt and boys wear trousers, white shirt and tie and sometimes jacket.西班牙的公立學校不強制穿校服,但私立學校通常都有校服。女孩穿著制服襯衫和裙子,男孩穿長褲、白襯衫和領帶,有時加上西裝外套。美國 USA美國對校服的要求比較寬鬆,不同的學校對學生服裝的要求也不同,學生可以自由地選擇符合自己個性的校服,也有學生乾脆不穿校服。Campus environment in United States is rather unconstrained. Students can decide by themselves whether they buy and wear school uniforms or not.美國校園環境很寬鬆,學生可以自己決定要不要買校服、穿校服。烏茲別克 UzbekistanWith young people under the age of 25 comprising of approximately 60 percent of the total population, there is a lot of people here in their rather smart school uniform. With what looks like purple/blue colours throughout.在烏茲別克,25歲以下的年輕人佔了總人數的60%左右,所以,這裡許多人都穿著非常漂亮的校服,也就是這種全身藍紫色的校服。不丹 Bhutan 不丹的校服看著很舒服很傳統,棉布質感天然環保,濃濃的森系風格撲面而來。男生的校服穿在身上看著像少林小子。正規一些的學校會要求男生穿上黑襪子與黑皮鞋。It』s said that boys in Bhutan don』t carry school bags. They carry all stationeries and books in clothes. So their uniforms are always bulged.據說不丹男生很少背書包,所有文具和書本都揣在懷裡,衣服鼓鼓囊囊的。澳大利亞 AustraliaUniforms usually have a color scheme based on the school colors. Most, if not all, public and private schools have the school logo incorporated in the uniform ensemble, typically on the necktie and the blazer breast pocket.澳大利亞的校服通常根據學校標誌顏色,有一套配套的顏色。大多數的公立以及私立學校都將校徽印在服裝上,特別是領帶上以及西裝前胸口袋上。斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka在斯里蘭卡,白色校服的學生會給旅行者留下深刻印象。Girls who attend government and semi-government schools will wear a white one-piece dress. This may or may not have sleeves. Certain schools make wearing a tie mandatory for girls and some may have a plastic badge or the school's insignia stitched to the dress. 在斯里蘭卡,上公立或者半公立學校的女生須穿白色連衣裙,有的有袖有的無袖。有些學校要求女生打領帶,有的則要求她們佩戴塑料的徽章或者將徽章縫在裙子上。德國 Germany二戰前德國校服非常普遍並受到納粹的影響,被認為是軍國主義的標誌。在1980和1990之間,校服近乎絕跡。There is no tradition to wear school uniforms in Germany, and today, almost all students of state schools, private schools or universities do not wear school uniforms. 現在德國沒有穿校服的傳統,幾乎所有公立、私立和大學的學生都不穿校服。但近年來,德國一些學校又開始使用校服,但一般不稱為「uniform」,而叫做「school clothing」 (Schulkleidung)。In recent times, school clothing has been introduced in a small number of schools. In these cases the clothes are collections of shirts, sweaters, and the like, catering to contemporary fashion senses.近來,德國少數學校開始採用校服,通常包括一些符合當下流行審美的襯衣、毛衣之類。印度 IndiaUniforms are compulsory in India in both public and private schools. It is one of the most important components of school life and is taken very seriously in India.在印度,無論公立還是私立學校都要求穿校服。校服可算作學校生活的重要部分,要求非常嚴格。Many schools require students to wear shoes ties and ID Cards that make them look smart and tidy, and comb their hair down and keep it clean and short. Long hair are tied in braids. 很多學校要求學生系鞋帶、佩戴學生證,看起來乾淨利索,頭髮要梳整齊,保持清爽的短髮,長發則要編成辮子紮起來。俄羅斯 RussiaBack in the days of the Soviet Union and even prior to that, during Tsarist times, the boys uniforms sometimes reflected military roots.在前蘇聯甚至更早之前的沙皇時代,男生的校服有時反映出當時的軍隊傳統。The dress code for girls usually consists of important items. A black dress is worn, over which goes a white apron.女孩子們的校服通常由幾個重要的部分組成:一條黑色的裙子,外面罩一個白色的圍裙。確定這不是女僕裝?Stockings are worn, but the fun part were the hair bows. Girls would compete to see who could wear the biggest bows and great care was taken to look your very best in front of your peers.還要穿長筒襪,但最好玩的部分是綁在頭髮上的蝴蝶結。當時女孩們會比較誰戴的蝴蝶結最大,並且為了時刻在同學面前保持良好的形象,女孩子們會小心翼翼的保護它們。1974年,蘇聯學生的校服。小姑娘們頭上扎著喜慶的白色蝴蝶結,天天都像在過六一兒童節……蘇聯解體后,從1994年起,將近20年俄羅斯不再強制穿校服。但2013年9月,俄羅斯新的教育法又重新將校服引入校園生活, 但並不要求全國所有學校都採用統一校服。俄羅斯傳統校服,你們真的不是來當服務員的嗎?2010年,在慶祝活動上穿著統一服裝的俄羅斯兒童。2014年,俄羅斯某中學的女生校服。《紐約時報》評出21世紀目前最牛的25部電影!你看過幾部?《我的前半生》熱播,陣容豪華,劇情扎心,婚姻的修羅場沒有贏家

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