3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

閱讀是打開世界和通向智慧的鑰匙,然而作為一個成年人,如何從忙碌的生活中抽出時間來完成自己的閱讀使命呢?每天你會看到各種大V,文化帳號分享者各種各樣主題的書單。我打賭不少人每年都會雄心壯志地列出一長條書單,發誓今年一定要看完,不過請告訴我, 去年的書單你看了多少呢?顯然鍛煉你的閱讀肌是非常有必要的。而同時,閱讀這種東西真沒有偷工減料,什麼10分鐘讀完一本書,10分鐘看完名著,我可以毫不客氣告訴你,這樣的文章都是垃圾。對你的閱讀一點幫助都沒有。但問題來了,作為上班族,哪裡來那麼多時間看書呢?今天我要給大家介紹一些提高閱讀習慣的妙招。1 「棄坑」是可以被原諒的。我們有時候開始讀一本書,最後發現,我真的不喜歡或者對自己並沒有啟發。但是因為這是權威人士,或者很多人叫好的「經典讀物」,所以逼著自己硬著頭皮讀下去,或者說,沒人想做一個「半途而廢」的人。其實這種,讀到最後笑到最後的思想,對你的閱讀習慣沒有任何好處。想想看,早點退出,你可以花更多時間去讀你喜歡的書籍,想要享受讀書,就不要和原則地去以「好壞」來選擇書。畢竟每年幾萬本書,每本都有人喜歡有人嫌,對不對?2 時間永遠都在,幾分鐘也寶貴。世界上最高產的作家之一,史蒂芬金表示,如果想要跟上他的腳步,你每天至少需要閱讀5個小時。聽上去好可怕是不是,但是這包括了一切你可能的時間,比如你排隊買奶茶的空間,也許20分鐘,上下班捷運一共90分鐘,時間永遠都在,每一個忙碌的時段,都有哪些隱藏時間等待你去發現,你會在捷運上看到那些捧著書的上班族,把這些片段鏈接起來,一周也能看好幾本了。3 保持低調科學表明,當人在實現目標時,與人分享目標和進度反而會降低成功的可能性。因為學者研究發現,分享經歷其實會把你的注意力從事情本身轉移到分享這個動作上去。所以沒有額外分享動作的人會更有精力投入到活動中去。也許你不信,分享越多,努力就越少,如果你要閱讀很多書籍,要承諾的對象只有你自己,不是社交網路。4 少分心有人把房間的電視挪到地下室,然後放上兩排書架之後,明顯提高了閱讀效率。5 閱讀實體書一個可能大家都不願意接受的事實,電子產品容易導致分心。如果你手裡是一本實體書而不是隨時鏈接全世界的互聯網,或者不是來一條短消息的手機,你的意志力可能就不會那麼容易被挑戰了。當所有閱讀和影音畫都轉移到液晶屏的時代里,手裡的紙質書,不該被忽略。6 改變你的心態其實改變閱讀習慣很重要一點是改變你對樂隊的看法。你不能把這太「當回事兒」,就是不要如此鄭重其事,如此神聖,如此夢想。把它融入吃飯睡覺日常生活,像呼吸一樣自然。一切就水到渠成了。7 精鍊你的書單你的書單再長,不看也沒有用,最多光彩一下朋友圈咯。書單還是有必要的,但是別弄的太長,一旦列出了,就盡量去完成。將那些「被推薦」好書整理起來 ,挑出你喜歡的,覺得有興趣的進行閱讀,在完成之前,就別被其它推薦打攪了。縮短書單長度和書單周期會更有效率。據說巴菲特一年閱讀500本,比爾蓋茨一年50本,我們開始也許做不到,但是貫徹上面幾條,改進閱讀習慣,你至少比去年的自己讀的多,不是嗎?下面分享幾個有助大家專心閱讀的小辦法。Forget what you know about reading.將你對閱讀的一切認知都拋開Did you ever wonder why teachers teach the SQ3R strategy? That strategy requires that you read a text more than one time and that you question what you read. The truth is, you should never read a school book or article one time! There is a right way to read a book for pleasure, and a right way to read a book for learning. You can read a book for pleasure one time through and be just fine.You』ll get all you need out of that one reading—which is pleasure. However, it is harmful to assume that you should approach academic reading the same way. In order to read and comprehend a book or article for school, you need to be much more intentional and strategic. That is, if you want to earn a good grade!你有沒有好奇過為什麼老師會講SQ3R 方法(Survey,Question,Read,Recite,Review)呢?該方法要求你將一篇文本多讀幾次,並對閱讀的內容質疑。而真相是,你一次都沒有讀過課本或文章!為了獲得樂趣,或者學習知識而閱讀也有正確的方法。你可以純粹為了樂趣將一本書讀一遍。那麼你會從閱讀中得到所有你需要的,即樂趣。但是,如果以同樣的方法來對待學術閱讀則是有危害的。為了閱讀或理解課內書籍或文章,你需要更加集中注意力且採用策略。也就是說,如果你想獲得好成績的話!Understand genres and themes.了解體裁和主題In most reading tests, the student is asked to read a passage and predict what might happen next. Prediction is a common reading comprehension strategy. The purpose for this strategy is to make sure you』re able to infer information from the clues in the text. Here』s an passage to clarify this point:在大多數的閱讀測試中,學生們會被要求閱讀一段文章,並預測接下來的內容是什麼。預測是一種常見的閱讀理解模式,該模式的目的是確保你可以從文章中的線索里推斷出信息。這裡有一段文章可以對這一點作出解釋:Clara gripped the handle of the heavy glass pitcher and lifted it from the refrigerator shelf. She didn』t understand why her mother thought she was too young to pour her own juice. As she backed away carefully, the rubber seal of the refrigerator door caught the lip of the glass pitcher, which caused the slippery handle to slip from her hand. As she watch the pitcher crash into a thousand pieces, she saw the figure of her mother appear in the kitchen doorway.克拉拉抓住了沉重的玻璃水罐的把手,將它從冰箱擱板上拿下來,她不明白為什麼媽媽覺得她太小,不能自己給自己倒果汁。她小心翼翼地往後挪,冰箱門上的橡膠密封圈碰到了玻璃水罐的邊緣處。克拉拉眼睜睜看著水罐摔了個粉碎,又看到了媽媽的身影出現在廚房門口。So, what do you think will happen next? We could guess that Clara』s mother reacts angrily, or we might guess that the mother bursts into laughter. Either answer would be sufficient, since we have so little information to go on.所以,你認為接下來會發生什麼呢?我們可以猜猜看,克拉拉的媽媽是勃然大怒呢,還是忍俊不禁呢。兩個答案都有可能,因為我們獲取的信息量太少了。But if I told you that this passage was an excerpt from a thriller, that fact might impact your answer. Similarly, if I told you this passage came from a comedy, you'd make a very different prediction.但是,如果我告訴你這段話摘自一篇驚險小說,這個事實可能就會影響你的答案了。同樣地,如果我告訴你這段話摘自一篇喜劇小說,你又會作出一個截然不同的預測。It is important to know something about the type of text you're reading, whether it is a nonfiction or a work of fiction. Understanding the genre of a book helps you make predictions about the action--which helps you comprehend the action.了解你所閱讀的文本的體裁十分重要,不管它是不是小說。了解一本書的體裁能夠幫助你對情節作出預測,從而也幫助你理解故事情節。Read with tools.在工具的輔助下閱讀Any time you read to learn (and not for pleasure), you should use active reading skills. There are good tools to use as you read, and there are tools that are not so good to use.當你為了學習知識而閱讀時,(並非為了樂趣),你就應該使用積極的閱讀技巧。閱讀時使用的工具也是有好有壞。A pencil is a good tool. You can use a pencil to make annotations in the margins of your text without doing any permanent damage to the text.鉛筆是一個好的工具。你可以用鉛筆在文章邊緣做註釋,就不會對文本造成任何不可復原的毀壞。Another good tool is a pack of sticky notes. Use your notes to jot down thoughts, impressions, predictions, and questions as you read.還有一個好工具是一包便利貼。用便利貼來記錄你在閱讀中的想法,印象,預測和問題。A highlighter, on the other hand, can be a really bad tool. Not only do you create some serious damage when you highlight a book, you also give yourself the false impression that you have accomplished anything significant by doing so.另一方面,熒光筆是一個糟糕的工具。它不僅使你在作記號時給書本造成破壞,也會讓你產生這樣做就能完成所有重要的事的錯覺。The only thing you accomplish by highlighting is marking passages that you may want to read again. But if a passage impresses you enough to highlight it, you must indicate why it impresses you. Otherwise, you will go back to read isolated sentences and try to remember why they were important.你用熒光筆唯一可以完成的就是給你想要在此閱讀的段落做上標記。但是,如果一篇文章已經給你留下了足夠深刻的印象,你就要標註上該文章打動你的原因。否則,你就只能倒回去閱讀單個的句子,並且試著記住其重要性的原因。Analyze the title (and subtitles).分析標題(及副標題)If you are wondering why I would mention the title last, I can assure you that there is a good reason. The title is often the last thing to be adjusted once a writer has finished writing.如果你很好奇為什麼我會把關於標題的內容放在最後說,我可以告訴你一個充分的理由。標題通常是作者在完成寫作后最後進行調整的部分。A writer will labor hard and long on an article or book, and often the writer uses many of the same strategies that a good reader uses. Writers edit the text and identify themes, make predictions, and make notations galore.作者在一篇文章或一本書會花費大量的心血,而且作者通常會使用和優秀的讀者一樣的許多策略。作者們將文本進行編輯,並確定主題,作出預測,並做上大量的註釋。Many writers are surprised by the twists and turns that come from the creative process.許多作者會對這個充滿創意的過程的迂迴曲折感到驚訝不已。This is why, once a text is completed, the writer may reflect on the true message or purpose as a final step and come up with a new title. This means you can use the title as a clue to help you understand the message or purpose of your text.這就是為什麼當一篇文章完成後,作者會把反映真實信息或目標作為最後一步,然後想出一個新標題的原因。這意味著你可以把標題做為幫助你理解信息或文章目的的線索。

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