3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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感謝您關注高中英語公眾號,如您尚未關注,請點擊上方藍字「高中英語」關注我們,獲取更多知識方法。每日更新,與您不見不散!今日立秋!走在路上也能看到幾片落葉,想到劉瑜寫過一段話:「…...這樣的日子裡,還有一些樹葉,還是金黃的,還在緩緩墜落,還贈給我『惆悵』這樣奢侈的東西,還讓我注意到季節,並且通過季節注意到自己,真的令人感謝。」這段話有沒有讓你更有秋天的感覺呢?一起來學一些和「立秋」有關的英語知識!立秋用英語怎麼說?Start of Autumn & Beginning of Autumnfall與autumn有何區別?fall和autumn都有秋天的意思,fall多用於美式英語(the first day of fall),autumn多用於英式英語。立秋九大習俗,你了解多少?1. Autumn Tiger秋老虎Although Start of Autumn indicates the beginning of autumn, hot weather will not come to an end. The period of hot days after Start of Autumn, usually lasting for 30 days, is called "Autumn Tiger" or "Indian Summer." Because of decreasing precipitation, it is even more sweltering during this period than during Major Heat.雖然立秋預示著秋天的開始,但是炎熱的天氣還遠沒有結束。立秋過後,炎熱的天氣通常還會再持續30天,這段時間被稱之為「秋老虎」,北美人稱之為「印第安夏」。這一段時間甚至會比大暑還要熱。2. Fleshing out in Autumn貼秋膘On the first day of the Start of Autumn, usually people will weigh themselves and compare their weight to what it was at the Start of Summer. If one has lost weight during the summer, then at the beginning of autumn, he or she needs to flesh out by eating many different kinds of delicious food, especially meat.在立秋第一天,人們通常會稱自己的體重,和立夏時的體重作比較。如果在夏天體重下降了,那麼秋天開始的時候,人們就會吃許多美味的食物來進補,特別是肉食。Gathering crops3. Autumn Harvest秋收Start of Autumn is a big solar term for farmers. It is time to gather crops. There is a saying: "If it rains on the day of the Start of Autumn, a good harvest is expected."對於農民來說,立秋是一個非常重要的節氣——收莊稼的時候到了!有句諺語說得好「立秋下雨萬物收」,即是說立秋如果下雨就會有好收成。4. Eating peaches吃桃子In Hangzhou, people eat peaches on the Start of Autumn day. The peach stones are kept until New Year』s Eve and thrown into the stove, burned into ash. People believed that in this way, plagues could be prevented for the whole year.在杭州,人們有在立秋當天吃桃子的習俗。吃完桃子之後,桃核會一直保存到除夕,然後扔進爐子里燒成灰。人們相信這樣可以全年預防瘟疫。5. Eating longans吃桂圓The Start of Autumn period is harvest time for Taiwan longan. People believe that eating longan will help their descendants become senior officials.立秋是台灣桂圓豐收的時節。人們認為吃桂圓可以幫助子孫後代當大官。6. Eating dumplings吃餃子In Shandong province, people make dumplings during the Start of Autumn, and they call it "Eating the Autumn". On the day of Start of Autumn, senior members of the family will stand in the middle of the hall, worshiping a bowl of cereal, and praying for the harvest in autumn. Most of the families will eat dumplings together after Start of Autumn day.在山東,人們會在立秋包餃子吃,這被稱為「吃秋」。在立秋那天,家裡的老人會站在屋子中間,守著一碗麥片粥,祈求秋天豐收。立秋過後,大多數家庭都會在一起吃餃子。7. Eating red beans吃紅豆Starting from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and the Song Dynasty (960-1279), people in Yiwu, Zhejiang province, have eaten red beans on Start of Autumn day. They take seven to 14 little beans, swallowing them with well water. When taking the beans, one must face west, it is said, so as not to get dysentery during the autumn.從唐宋兩朝開始,浙江義烏的人們就有了在立秋吃紅豆的習俗。他們會拿出7到14顆小紅豆,用井水服用。據說在吃紅豆時,人們必須面朝西邊,以免在秋天的時候患上痢疾。8. Eating gourds吃瓜During the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), people would put gourds outside for a day before the Start of Autumn, and eat them on Start of Autumn day to drive off the summer heat. Today people in Tianjing still keep this custom, believing that eating melons such as towel gourd, white gourd and bitter gourd can prevent diarrhea in autumn and the coming winter and spring.清朝時,人們會在立秋前一天在屋子外面掛一根瓜,然後在立秋當天吃掉,從而祛除夏季的酷暑。現在天津的人們仍然保留有這一習俗,認為吃絲瓜、冬瓜、苦瓜等食物可以預防秋冬春季腹瀉。9. Touching Autumn摸秋There is the custom of "Touching Autumn" in the northern part of Yancheng, Jiangsu province. On the eve of Start of Autumn, people can touch and take for free all kinds of fruits as they like in private or public gardens, and the owners will not be angry, no matter how much they lose. Many gardeners even leave some mellow fruits in the field on purpose for the guests during the night.江蘇鹽城北部地區有一個「摸秋」的習俗。在立秋前一天晚上,人們可以在公共或私人果園裡隨意摘取各種水果,而無論損失多少主人都不會生氣。有些果園主人甚至還會專門為晚上來摸秋的客人準備許多成熟的水果。關於高中英語高中英語隸屬於三好網,是全國最具影響力的高中英語學習服務平台,每天提供最精準知識總結、最有效學習技巧、最新聯考英語資訊,以及學習娛樂兩不誤的經典英文歌曲、電影等。有關高中英語學習的一切精彩,等你來關注!

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