3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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很多考研學子一說到英語就是狂背單詞,一說自己基礎差就想瘋狂買各種資料,彷彿資料在手,知識就會自動跑進腦海里。其實,Carrie老師建議,考研初期,別太猛、別焦慮、別貪心,Keep calm and carry on. 超精讀就是一種非常好的補基礎方式。這裡,老師以「Carrie帶你超精讀之經濟學人第一期」中的一段文字為例,告訴大家如何超精讀,如何通過超精讀補基礎。「FOREIGN internet giants often struggle in China. Facebook, Twitter and Google are largely irrelevant on the mainland. Uber, an American car-hailing app that is conquering markets everywhere else, is also finding China hard to crack. But unlike those other tech titans, the taxi disrupter is not being frozen out by unfair Chinese regulations favouring local firms. Uber』s biggest problem is that it has encountered a world-class local upstart.」生詞Giant n, an unusually large enterprise; 大型企業; Walton built a retail giant. 其他常見用法:巨頭、巨大的; Shakespeare is a giant among writers. 莎士比亞是一位文壇巨匠。Strugglev, make a strenuous or labored effort; 1)奮鬥;This is the cause for which we have been struggling.這就是我們一直為之奮鬥的事業。2) 艱難行進、掙扎;He struggled to his feet from the chair.他吃力地從坐著的椅子上站了起來。3)形容生活舉步維艱,境況不如人意時,苦苦掙扎。Irrelevantadj, having no connection with the subject at issue; 無關的;Conquerv, defeat someone or something,戰勝、征服;They conquered the flood after a strenuous fight lasting four days and four nights.經過四天四夜的苦戰他們終於戰勝了洪水。Crackv, to break ;使破裂;crack the market.打開市場缺口Titann, a person of exceptional importance and reputation, 巨人、巨頭;They met with kings and presidents and titans of business.Disruptern,a person who disrupt sth, 擾亂者。(關鍵在認識disrupt)Disruptto interrupt or throw something into disorder; 中斷、擾亂;The bad news disrupted our conference.這則壞消息攪亂了我們的會議。Telephone service was disrupted for an hour.電話通訊中斷了一個鐘頭。Freeze outto force out or exclude, as by unfriendly behavior; 排擠、逼走;The competition became so keen that many of smaller companies were frozen out.競爭是如此激烈,許多較小的公司被排擠了出來。Favourv, promote over another;support;支持、偏袒、幫助;A teacher should not favour any of his students..教師不應該偏愛任何一個學生。Encounterv, meet with, 遇到We encounter so many problems in our work.我們在工作中遇到如此多的問題。Upstartn, an upstart company is one that has quickly become very successful 成功的初創企業;寫作句型be largely irrelevant on/ be largely relevant on 與...基本沒有關係/與...有很大關係find sb/sth +形容詞+ to doThey find China hard to crack.the taxi disrupter=Uber,為了避免重複過多,可替換表達frozen out: The others tried to freeze me out of the conversation.unfair Chinese regulations favouring local firms 對當地企業有利的不公平制度World-class:The city has earned a world-class reputation as a centre for the development of musical talent.語法定語從句:That is is conquering markets everywhere else 做定語從句修飾 app,也就是uber.Favouring local firms:非謂語動詞短語做後置定語,修飾regulations.可以改成定語從句: the taxi disrupter is not being frozen out by unfair Chinese regulations which favour local firms.表語從句 – 系動詞后 - biggest problem is that …Carrie老師有話說Carrie同學們,看到以上短短70字的一段文字,我們就能跟著老師學到這麼多辭彙、語法、寫作表達,基礎再差的同學通過這樣的方式,都能夠越來越好~ 想跟著老師以這種方式補基礎的,請點擊這裡戳鏈接哦~英語系統班學員免費聽,, 備註超精讀請輸入標題 abcdefg想更加系統學習英語,戳閱讀原文進入19系統班~為 你 而 生 , 結 幫 而 學新 浪 微 博: 幫 學 堂幫 學 堂,讓 學 習 更 有 效點擊「閱讀原文」

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