3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

2.14情人節2.14 Valentine's Day3.14白色情人節3.14 White Valentine's Day4.14黑色情人節4.14 Black Valentine's Day5.14玫瑰情人節5.14 Rose Valentine's Day兩個相愛的人在一起天天都是情人節。Every day is Valentine』s Day when two people truly love each other.節日里自然要準備禮物,一束鮮花、一盒朱古力,足以讓她感到心滿意足。You should prepare gifts, like a bundle of flower or a box of chocolate, to make her happy. 她並不需要你把天上的星星摘下來,她要的只是你的一份心意。She doesn』t need the stars from the sky. All she wants is your caring heart. 38 歲的雷·史密斯決定向他的女朋友克萊爾求婚了!他想要找一個與眾不同的方式向心愛的人表達愛意和承諾。於是,他在和女友的 148 張合照中偷偷藏入了「你願意嫁給我嗎」的求婚卡片,而幸福的克萊爾一直都蒙在鼓裡。38-year-old Ray Smith decided to propose to his girlfriend, Claire. He figured out a special way. He took 148 photos of he and his girlfriend and secretly put in 「Will you marry me」 signs in them, while Claire didn't know about anything about it. 2015 年 6 月,克萊爾懷孕了,這讓雷想出了求婚的絕佳點子。「我當時告訴克萊爾拍照只是想記錄寶寶出生前的足跡」。In June, the couple found out that Claire was expecting a baby. That was when Ray came up with this brilliant idea. "I told her I was taking the pictures to track the progress of the baby." he admitted.5個多月來,他將求婚卡片偷偷藏進與女友的 148 張合照中。有時候,克萊爾要看照片的,為了防止露餡,雷每次都要拍好多張照片:帶卡片的和不帶卡片的。For 5 months he hid small pieces of paper with the words "Will you marry me" written on them when they took pictures together. Sometimes Claire wanted to see the pictures, so Ray had to take more than one shot: one with the card and one without. 克萊爾睡著的時候When Claire』s sleeping.克萊爾吃東西的時候When Claire』s eating.搞怪自拍的時候When Claire does selfie.克萊爾做家務的時候When Claire』s doing housework.克萊爾吃零食的時候When Claire』s eating snacks.寶寶的B超檢查都不放過Even during ultrasound test.將寫滿了求婚的紙條貼滿了自己整個臉。Put proposal note all over his face.就在 2015 年聖誕節當天,他決定將所有合照做成影片,單膝下跪向克萊爾求婚,克萊爾不僅立刻點頭答應,更被這充滿愛意的求婚方式深深感動。On Christmas Day, Ray gathered all the pictures together and made a video. Then he got down on one knee, told her the whole story, and delivered the most important question. Claire said YES immediately. Job-IN把這個溫馨的故事分享給大家,希望身邊的朋友都能用心去對待生命中遇見的每個人。Job-IN want to share this warm story to you. Hope we all cherish every person we meet in our life.今天白色情人節,記得給她準備一份禮物,不在貴賤,重情心意。Today is White Valentine』s Day. Don』t forget to send her a gift. It is not about the price, but the heart.今日互動你有哪些浪漫的告白或求婚的方式,寫在文章底部留言處和大家一起分享吧。Have you come up with any romantic proposal method? Please share with us by replying at the bottom.

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