3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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事件1:布魯塞爾爆炸案Belgian authorities said they foiled a "terror attack" Tuesday when soldiers shot and killed a suspect after a small explosion at a busy Brussels train station. Prosecutor's spokeswoman confirmed the suspect's death early Wednesday and said no other explosives were found on his body.比利時當局稱他們周二挫敗一起「恐怖襲擊」,在一個擁擠的布魯塞爾火車站,一次小爆炸后士兵開槍射殺了一名疑犯。檢察官女發言人於周三上午確認了嫌犯已死,稱沒有在他身上找到其他的爆炸裝置。Belgium's Crisis Center, which monitors security threats in the country, said based on initial information it did not see a need to raise the country's terror threat to the highest level and kept it at the second-highest level.比利時危機中心負責監控國內安全威脅,它認為根據初始信息沒有必要將國家的恐怖威脅警戒級別提高到最高水平,而是仍維持在三級水平。"We have to see in what kind of society we want to live in," said Belgian Interior Minister. "Today it is train stations. Tomorrow all subway stations and the day after all city halls. Will we have to arm, protect, control all that? Is that the type of society we want," he asked.「我們必須清楚我們想要生活在什麼樣的社會中,」比利時內政部長說,「今天是火車站,明天是捷運站,之後就是市政廳了。我們必須武裝、保護、控制所有這些嗎?那種社會是我們想要的嗎?」他問。Belgian:比利時人,比利時的authorities:當局,官方,當權者foil:阻止,挫敗suspect:嫌疑犯Brussels:布魯塞爾Prosecutor:檢舉人,公訴人spokeswoman:女發言人explosives:炸藥,爆炸物Interior:內政的,內務的city hall:市政廳這次被比利時警方定義為恐怖襲擊的事件,除了嫌疑犯本人沒有傷亡,然而2016年3月22日的連環爆炸案實在讓人心有餘悸,恐怖分子從來沒有停止過他們的行動,我們也不能掉以輕心。然而需要注意的不僅僅是恐怖分子。比利時抓捕3月份巴黎襲擊案的主犯時,布魯塞爾當地大量穆斯林居民湧上街頭,抗議警方逮捕他們的「英雄」,並向警局投擲石塊和玻璃瓶。政府不得不出動防暴警察和警犬驅散人群。如何引導平民中狂熱的宗教信徒正確認識自己的信仰也是值得思考的。事件2:沙烏地王儲易位Saudi Arabia's king has appointed his son Mohammed bin Salman as crown prince - replacing his nephew, Mohammed bin Nayef, as first in line to the throne. The king must have already ruffled a lot of feathers in a royal family that was used to being presided over by a succession of elderly men, the BBC's Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen reports.沙烏地阿拉伯國王將他的兒子穆罕默德-本-薩勒曼立為王儲,廢黜了原王儲——他的侄子穆罕默德-本-納伊夫。據《英國廣播公司》中東編輯傑里米·鮑恩報道,國王一定已經激怒了王室——皇室習慣於由一幫老人主持。King Salman's decree also means Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 31, will become deputy prime minister while continuing as defence minister.沙爾曼國王的法令也意味著31歲的穆罕默德-本-薩勒曼王子將作為國防部長繼續擔任副總理。Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, 57, has been removed from his role as head of domestic security, state media say. He has pledged allegiance to the new crown prince, his younger cousin.官方媒體稱,57歲的穆罕默德-本-納伊夫已經被免去國內安全負責人的身份。他已宣誓效忠新王儲,他的表弟。重點辭彙短語:crown prince:王儲ruffle:惹怒,激怒feather:同類的人;志趣相投的人;一丘之貉preside:負責,主持a succession of :一連串pledged allegiance:宣誓效忠這不是國王薩勒曼第一次廢黜王儲。他剛剛繼位詩就廢黜了當時的王儲——他的弟弟穆克林,需要解釋一下沙烏地一般以輩分年齡決定繼承順序,所以以往都是哥哥傳給弟弟的。薩勒曼顯然並不想遵循這一傳統,他想讓自己的兒子繼位,但為了面子上好看些,讓自己的侄子當了過渡王儲,現在就直接把王儲之位給了兒子。但是他有資格繼位的幾位兄弟還活著,而下一代也在虎視眈眈,王室內部也並不贊同他這樣的行為,這場權力博弈,不知誰是最後的贏家。事件3:男足遺憾戰平敘利亞The United States-led coalition said on Tuesday it had killed ISIS』 self-proclaimed top cleric in an air strike in May on a Syrian town near the Iraqi border.周二美軍稱在五月在伊拉克邊境附近的一個敘利亞鎮發動空襲中,擊斃了伊斯蘭國自命最高宗教領導人阿比里尼。Rumors of Binali』s death had circulated after the strike, but there was no official confirmation until the statement.阿比里尼死亡的說法從空襲后就在流傳,但一直沒有官方確認直到這次聲明。It described Binali as 「a close confidant」 of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and said he 「had a central role in recruiting foreign terrorist fighters and provoking terrorist attacks around the world.」據描述,阿比里尼是伊斯蘭國領導人阿布·貝克爾·巴格達迪的「知心密友」,他「在招募外國恐怖分子和挑起世界各地的恐怖襲擊方面發揮了核心作用」。重點辭彙短語:ISIS:伊拉克和大敘利亞伊斯蘭國(英語:Islamic State of Iraq and al Shams)cleric:神職人員,聖職人員Syrian:敘利亞的,敘利亞人Iraqi:伊拉克border:邊界rumor:(美國用法,其他國家用rumour表示)謠言,流言,傳聞circulate:(謠言等)流傳,散布confidant:男性知己(或密友)recruit:招聘,招募provoke:煽動,激起,挑起魯迅曾說,「勇者憤怒,抽刃向更強者;怯者憤怒,卻抽刃向更弱者。」從這個角度講,恐怖分子不僅僅是暴徒,也是懦夫。他們屠戮沒有抵抗能力的平民,綁架兒童欺凌婦女,以此來威懾他人,可恨可鄙。禍害遺千年,當年的本·拉登死了,基地組織卻變為更強大的ISIS,阿比里尼被擊斃了,可許多地區依然籠罩在恐怖分子的陰影之下。保護無辜的人不再日夜恐懼,世界不再受到恐怖襲擊的威脅,不是任何單獨一個國家的責任,而需要所有人共同努力。黑暗也許不能完全消滅,但我們總能讓更多的人感受陽光。閱讀最新好文,點下方鏈接跳轉

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