3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

雙邊訪問公告:應外交部長王毅邀請,菲律賓共和國外交部長卡亞塔諾將於6月28日至7月1日對進行正式訪問。At the invitation of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Foreign Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano of the Republic of the Philippines will pay an official visit to China from June 28 to July 1. 訪華期間,領導人將會見卡亞塔諾外長,王毅外長將與他舉行會談。雙方將就中菲關係、—東盟關係和共同關心的國際和地區問題交換意見。The Chinese leadership will meet with Foreign Secretary Cayetano, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will hold talks with him during his visit. The two sides will exchange views on China-Philippines relations, China-ASEAN relations and international and regional issues of common interest. 中菲是傳統友好鄰邦。去年兩國關係實現轉圜以來,政治互信不斷加深,務實合作全面開展,海上對話合作重新啟動,兩國關係不斷向好發展,給兩國人民帶來了實實在在的利益,也促進了地區和平穩定。今年5月,習近平主席同來華出席「一帶一路」國際合作高峰論壇的杜特爾特總統再度會晤,就兩國關係發展進一步達成重要共識。菲律賓是今年東盟輪值主席國,中方願同菲方共同努力,推動—東盟關係和東亞合作不斷深入發展。China and the Philippines are neighbors enjoying traditional friendship. Since the turnaround in the bilateral relationship last year, we have further deepened political mutual trust, carried out practical cooperation in various aspects, restarted maritime dialogue and cooperation, and moved forward the bilateral relationship, which have created tangible benefits to people from the two sides and promoted regional peace and stability. President Xi Jinping met again with President Duterte who came to China for the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in May, reaching important consensus in developing the bilateral relations. The Philippines holds the rotating presidency of ASEAN this year. The Chinese side is ready to work with the Philippines to push forward China-ASEAN relations and East Asia cooperation. 相信卡亞塔諾外長此訪將進一步增進中菲政治互信,深化兩國各領域全面合作,促進雙方在區域合作中的溝通協調,推動兩國致力於和平與發展的戰略性合作關係不斷邁上新台階。It is believed that the visit by Foreign Secretary Cayetano will bolster political mutual trust between the two countries, deepen bilateral cooperation in different fields, promote communication and coordination in regional cooperation and advance the strategic cooperative relationship for peace and development. 「一帶一路」倡議問題:問:中方發布的《「一帶一路」建設海上合作設想》白皮書提出,要連接中巴經濟走廊和孟中印緬經濟走廊,考慮到這其中涉及的敏感問題,你能否具體介紹中方如何連接這兩個經濟走廊?Q: China's recent white paper on "Vision for Maritime Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative" has proposed to connect the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor with the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor. Can you elaborate on how China plans to do this considering the problems involved? 答:你剛才提到的《「一帶一路」建設海上合作設想》是上周中方發布的一份重要文件。A: "Vision for Maritime Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative" is an important document issued by the Chinese side last week. 至於你提到的把兩條走廊進行連接的問題,首先,關於中巴經濟走廊,我們多次說過,中巴經濟走廊是中巴兩國著眼長遠發展搭建的合作框架。走廊建設不僅對促進中巴共同發展具有重要意義,也有助於促進地區互聯互通,促進地區國家的共同發展和繁榮。中巴經濟走廊是經濟合作倡議,不針對第三方,與領土主權爭議無關。You asked about how the two corridors are to be connected. First, with regard to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, we have been saying that it is a cooperation platform set up by the two sides for long-term cooperation, which will not only foster common growth of China and Pakistan, but also bring development and prosperity to other countries in the region through interconnectivity. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is an initiative for economic cooperation. It is not directed at any third party, and has nothing to do with territorial sovereignty disputes. 第二,關於你提到的孟中印緬經濟走廊,建設這條走廊是沿線四國政府的重要合作共識。加快推進走廊建設,有利於推動相關國家互聯互通和經濟社會發展,促進本地區區域合作,使南亞國家更多從亞洲的發展中獲益。目前,四國已就走廊建設的目標、機制、領域等達成初步共識,並即將完成聯合研究報告,探討啟動政府間合作機制。Second, the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor was built based on the consensus of governments of the four countries. Accelerated progress of the corridor will improve interconnectivity and economic and social development of the relevant countries, promote regional cooperation and make sure that South Asian countries will gain more benefits from the growth of Asia. Up till now, the four countries have come to an initial agreement on what targets the corridor is aiming at, what mechanism is to support it and what areas the corridor covers. A joint research report on launching an inter-governmental cooperation mechanism will be completed soon. 第三,無論是中巴經濟走廊,還是孟中印緬經濟走廊,都是「一帶一路」倡議框架下的重要合作項目。如果這兩個項目以及「一帶一路」框架下的其他類似項目能夠協同推進、相互補充、相互促進、形成合力,將有助於提升「一帶一路」建設的整體效力,為有關國家和地區帶來更多好處和利益,進一步提升當地人民福祉。Third, be it the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor or the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor, both are important cooperation projects under the framework of the Belt and Road initiative. If these two projects can advance in parallel with other similar projects under the Belt and Road, complementing each other, reinforcing each other and forging synergy, they will give a strong boost to the overall strength of the Belt and Road, create more benefits for relevant countries and the region, and improve people's well-being. 第四,我要在這裡重申,「一帶一路」倡議是中方提出的,但它是一項國際公共產品。倡議提出以後,全球100多個國家和國際組織積極支持和參與「一帶一路」建設,60多個國家和國際組織簽署了「一帶一路」合作協議。上個月在北京舉行的「一帶一路」國際合作高峰論壇取得了空前成功,收穫了一大批務實成果,這很能說明問題。Fourth, I would also like to reiterate that the Belt and Road, though born in China, is a public goods for the whole world. Once put forward, it has earned the support of over 100 countries and international organizations, more 60 of which have signed cooperation agreements on the Belt and Road. Last Month's Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijng which achieved remarkable success and abundant results also speaks volumes. 第五,目前,印度方面的某些人士對「一帶一路」可能還有一些疑慮和猶豫,還處在一種觀望和糾結的狀態。我們可以給印度方面更多的時間。但對世界上很多其他國家而言,「一帶一路」是一個巨大的機遇。他們的實踐已經證明,對於「一帶一路」倡議,早參與,早受益;多參與,多受益。Fifth, it seems that some people in India still have doubts about the Belt and Road. They are hesitating and cannot make up their mind. Let's give them more time. For a lot of other countries in the world, they have proved through their own practice that the Belt and Road is a gigantic opportunity where early participation brings early harvest, and extensive involvement creates larger benefits.-中東關係問題:問:據報道,王毅外長剛剛訪問了阿富汗和巴其斯坦,中方對此訪有何評價?Q: Foreign Minister Wang Yi has just wrapped up his visit to Afghanistan and Pakistan. What is China's comment on that? 答:6月24日至25日,王毅外長應邀訪問阿富汗和巴其斯坦。此訪的主要目的,一是落實領導人同阿、巴兩國領導人達成的重要共識,進一步推動中阿、中巴雙邊關係取得新進展。二是應阿巴雙方請求,根據領導人指示,進行一次穿梭外交,重點聽取阿巴雙方意見,了解實際情況,在力所能及範圍內幫助阿巴改善關係,同時共同推動阿富汗和解進程。A: Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Afghanistan and Pakistan from June 24 to 25 upon invitation. The main purpose of the visit is, on the one hand, to implement the consensus reached between Chinese and Afghan leaders, as well as Chinese and Pakistani leaders in improving China's relations with the two countries; and on the other hand, to conduct shuttle diplomacy at the request of the Afghan and Pakistani sides, and as mandated by the Chinese leader, for opinions from both sides and the understanding of the situation so as to help improve relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan as our capacity allows and promote the reconciliation process in Afghanistan. 王毅外長在有關記者會上已明確表示,從不干涉他國內政,從不將自己的意志強加於人,但在朋友需要時,我們願伸出援手,助一臂之力。此訪期間,王毅外長同兩國領導人深入坦誠溝通,達成一系列共識。三方發表了聯合新聞公報,其中重要的共識主要有五點:Foreign Minister Wang Yi has stated clearly at the press conference that China never interferes in others' internal affairs, or imposes its own will on others, but is always ready to lend a helping hand when needed by friends. Foreign Minister Wang Yi had candid and in-depth discussion with leaders of the two countries during the visit, reached consensus and jointly issued a five-point press communiqué. 一是中阿巴三方願共同維護地區和平穩定,加強互聯互通和經濟合作,促進共同安全和共同發展。First, China, Afghanistan and Pakistan are committed to safeguarding regional peace and stability, enhancing connectivity and economic cooperation, and pursuing common security and development. 二是阿巴雙方願意積極改善相互關係,同意建立雙邊危機管控機制,就突發事件進行及時有效溝通。Second, Afghanistan and Pakistan are willing to improve their relations and establish a crisis control mechanism that will enable timely and effective communication on contingencies. 三是三方同意建立中阿巴外長對話機制,從務實合作開始,就共同感興趣的領域開展合作。Third, it is agreed to set up a dialogue mechanism among foreign ministers of the three countries for cooperation in areas of common interest, starting from practical ones. 四是三方同意重啟阿巴中美四方協調組,致力於阿國內和平與和解,呼籲塔利班早日加入和平進程。Fourth, the three countries agree to reactivate the Quartet for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan, and call on the Taliban to join the peace process as soon as possible. 五是三方支持早日恢復上海合作組織—阿富汗聯絡組工作,為阿富汗和解進程發揮建設性作用。Fifth, all three support the early restoration of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization-Afghanistan Liaison Group to contribute constructively to the reconciliation process in Afghanistan. 可以說,這次穿梭訪問取得了積極成果,巴阿雙方相互釋放善意,朝著改善關係邁出重要一步。It is fair to say that the shuttle visit is a fruitful one as Pakistan and Afghanistan show goodwill to each other and take a major step toward improving relations. 問:關於王毅外長訪問阿富汗和巴其斯坦,據報道,阿富汗國內因為一些暴力事件批評巴其斯坦,稱巴其斯坦庇護塔利班。中方的外交努力是否有助於解決這個具體問題?Q: Regarding what you said about Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit to Pakistan and Afghanistan, Afghanistan accused Pakistan of harboring Taliban which caused violence in Afghanistan. So will China's diplomatic efforts help alleviate that particular problem? 答:我剛才在回答問題時已經說過了,這次王毅外長進行的穿梭訪問是應阿巴兩國政府請求,並根據領導人的指示開展的。這次訪問取得了積極成果。巴其斯坦和阿富汗雙方相互釋放了善意。雙方同意建立雙邊危機管控機制,我們認為這是朝著改善關係邁出的重要一步。我們也多次說過,巴其斯坦和阿富汗保持友好合作關係,有利於地區的和平穩定,也有利於國際社會的反恐努力。中方也願意繼續為此發揮建設性作用。A: As I just said, the shuttle visit was made at the request of the Afghan and Pakistani governments, and as mandated by the Chinese leader. It has produced positive results, as Pakistan and Afghanistan show goodwill to each other, and agree to establish a crisis control mechanism. We take it as an important step toward improving the bilateral relations. We have been saying that a friendly and cooperative relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan is conducive to regional peace and stability, as well as the world campaign against terrorism. The Chinese side would like to continue to play a constructive role in this regard. 問:據報道,25日,巴其斯坦東部一油罐車傾覆起火,造成150餘人死亡,約100人受傷。中方對此有何評論?Q: It is reported that on June 25, an oil tanker capsized and ignited in eastern Pakistan, killing over 150 people and injuring around 100. What's your comment on that? 答:中方注意到有關報道,對這起不幸事故表示痛心,對遇難者表示哀悼,向遇難者家屬和受傷人員表示誠摯慰問。王毅外長日前在巴其斯坦訪問時,已當面向巴方表達了中方的慰問。A: The Chinese side has noted the relevant reports. Saddened by this tragic accident, we mourn for the victims and express our sympathy with the bereaved families and the injured. Foreign Minister Wang Yi, during his visit to Pakistan, has conveyed in person the condolences of the Chinese side to the Pakistani side.-美國關係問題:問:美國新任駐華大使布蘭斯塔德在一段視頻中對人民表示,他的三大優先工作,第一是解決中美雙邊貿易的失衡問題,第二是阻止朝鮮構成的威脅,第三是拓展中美兩國人民的關係。中方對布蘭斯塔德這一表態有何評論?是否會因為這位「人民的老朋友」到任在這些方面加強同美國的合作?Q: Terry Branstad, the new US ambassador to China, said in a video message that resolving the bilateral trade imbalance, stopping the threat of the DPRK and expanding people-to-people ties between China and the US will be his top priorities. What is China's comment on the remarks by Mr. Branstad? Will China consider enhancing cooperation with the US since the "old friend of the Chinese people" is going to take office? 答:我們希望布蘭斯塔德先生就任美國駐華大使后,能為增進中美兩國人民之間的交往與了解,促進中美關係健康穩定向前發展發揮更多積極作用。A: We hope that Mr. Branstad, after assuming the post of US ambassador, will make more positive efforts to increase exchanges and understanding between our two peoples and maintain the sound and steady growth of China-US relations. 至於你剛才提到的一些具體問題,中方的立場很明確,我就不重複了。As for the specific questions you asked, China's positions are quite clear, and I will not repeat them here.-南亞關係問題:問:第一批赴藏朝聖的印度香客在乃堆拉山口被阻攔,你能否介紹他們被阻攔的原因是什麼?是否會有其他措施安排他們朝聖?Q: There are reports that the first batch of Indian pilgrims who scheduled to travel to Xi Zang were denied entry into China at the Nathu La pass. Can you tell us the reason behind? And are other arrangements being made to allow the Indian pilgrims to make the journey? 答:據我了解,兩國的外交部正就此進行溝通。A: As far as I have learnt, foreign ministries of China and India are in communication on that. 問:關於這批印度香客被阻攔的相關細節,我們採訪的香客稱他們被攔在邊境口,但並不知道是因為發生了滑坡還是其他原因。中方當地政府是否介紹了具體原因?Q: Do you have any details about why the Indian pilgrims were not allowed in? Because the pilgrims we have spoken to said they were stopped at the border gate but were not told whether there was a landslide or something else. Do you have any information from local authorities about what the reason is? 答:我剛才已經說過了,據我了解,目前兩國的外交部正在就此事進行溝通。A: As I just said, according to what I have learnt, foreign ministries of the two countries are communicating on that.問:據報道,近日,印度邊防部隊在中印邊界錫金段越界並與中方邊防部隊發生相持。你能否證實並予以評論?Q: It is reported that the Indian border troops overstepped the China-India boundary at the Sikkim section and there was an ensuing standoff with the Chinese border troops. Can you confirm that and what is your comment on that?答:近日,印度邊防人員在中印邊界錫金段越過邊界線進入中方境內,阻撓邊防部隊在洞朗地區的正常活動。中方已採取相應應對措施。A: Recently, the Indian border troops crossed the China-India boundary at the Sikkim section and entered the Chinese territory, obstructing Chinese border troops' normal activities in Donglang. The Chinese side has taken proportionate measures in response. 中印邊界錫金段已由1890年《中英會議藏印條約》劃定。印度獨立后,印度政府多次以書面形式對此予以確認,承認雙方對錫金段邊界走向沒有異議。中方要求印方尊重邊界條約規定,尊重的領土主權,立即撤回越界的印邊防人員並徹底調查此事,維護好中印邊界錫金段的和平與安寧。The Sikkim section of the China-India boundary was defined by the Convention Between Great Britain and China Relating to Sikkim and Tibet in 1890. The Indian government has repeatedly confirmed that in written forms since India's independence, recognizing that it concurs with China on the trend of the boundary line at the Sikkim section. The Chinese side requires the Indian side to respect the boundary convention and China's territorial sovereignty, immediately withdraw their border troops that have crossed the boundary, conduct thorough investigation into this and safeguard peace and tranquility of the Sikkim section.與此同時,鑒於上述事件,出於安全考慮,中方不得不暫緩安排印度官方香客團經中印邊界錫金段乃堆拉山口入境朝聖,並已通過外交渠道通知印方。As such, the Chinese side has to put off arranging for Indian officially-organized pilgrims' entry through Nathu-la mountain pass in the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary out of security concerns. The Indian side has been informed through the diplomatic channel.(註:本問題非當日例行記者會上提出的問題,是外交部發言人耿爽就上述事件答記者問)國際組織:問:據了解,亞信非政府論壇第二次會議即將在北京舉行,請您介紹相關情況?Q: It is learnt that the Second Conference of the CICA Non-governmental Forum will be held in Beijing. Can you give us more information on this? 答:6月28日至29日,亞洲相互協作與信任措施會議非政府論壇第二次會議將在北京舉行。A: The Second Conference of the CICA Non-governmental Forum will be held in Beijing from June 28 to 29. 本次會議主題為「亞信25年:為了亞洲的安全與發展」。來自亞信成員國、觀察員國和觀察員組織、以及地區有關國家的前政要、專家學者、媒體精英和非政府組織代表及駐華使節等共約300位中外方人士將出席會議,就踐行共同、綜合、合作、可持續的亞洲安全觀,構建具有亞洲特色的區域安全架構,以及推動共建「一帶一路」共識落地等議題進行探討。The theme of this year's conference is "25 Years of CICA: for Asia's Security and Development". Around 300 former political leaders, scholars, experts, media professionals, NGO representatives and diplomatic envoys in China from the member states, observer states, observer organizations of CICA and relevant regional countries will attend the conference. They will hold discussions on such topics as seeking common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in Asia, establishing a security architecture tailored to Asia and implementing the consensuses concerning the Belt and Road initiative. 除開幕式和全體會議外,會議框架內還將舉行以亞洲安全形勢、網路空間安全、反恐合作、應對氣候變化、加強金融安全與合作、落實聯合國2030可持續發展議程、媒體作用、亞信非政府論壇發展為主題的8場專題圓桌會議。In addition to the opening ceremony and the plenary session, the conference also consists of eight round-table panels focusing on Asian security situation, cyberspace security, counter-terrorism cooperation, climate change, financial security and cooperation, implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, media's role and development of the CICA Non-Governmental Forum. 亞信是亞洲地區重要的安全對話與合作平台之一,中方目前正在擔任亞信主席國。亞信非政府論壇系根據習近平主席在2014年5月亞信上海峰會上提出的倡議建立。目的是構建亞信各方民間交流網路,廣泛傳播亞信安全理念,為推進地區安全治理奠定堅實社會基礎,為亞信自身發展提供智力支持。首次會議於2015年5月在北京舉行。舉行論壇第二次會議恰逢亞信成立25周年,是中方主席國工作的重要活動之一,相信將為探討亞洲安全與發展之路作出新貢獻。CICA is one of the important platforms in Asia for security dialogue and cooperation. Now China holds the chairmanship of CICA. The CICA Non-Governmental Forum was established based on the proposal of President Xi Jinping at the Shanghai Summit of CICA held in May, 2014. This forum aims to put in place a non-governmental communication network among all relevant parties of CICA, promote the security concept of CICA, lay a solid public foundation for advancing regional security governance and provide intellectual support for the development of CICA. The First Conference was held in May, 2015. The Second Conference, which marks the 25th anniversary of CICA, is one of the important activities during China's chairmanship. We believe this conference will make new contributions to exploring the path of security and development in Asia. 其它問題:問:上周,加拿大政府宣布中加兩國將停止國家支持的以竊取商業秘密為目的的網路黑客攻擊行為,但中方並未發布有關聲明。你能否提供兩國所達成的聲明細節?Q: The Canadian government put out a statement last week saying that China and Canada have agreed not to get involved in state-sponsored hacking to steal each others' commercial secrets. China has yet to put out a statement about this as far as I know. Can you give us details on this agreement that was reached between the two countries? 答:6月22日,中共中央政法委員會秘書長汪永清與加拿大總理國家安全與情報顧問丹尼爾·讓在渥太華共同主持了第二次中加高級別國家安全與法治對話。此次對話期間,雙方就安全與法治領域的廣泛議題進行了討論,其中包括你提到的網路安全問題,取得了積極成果。對話后,中加雙方發表了《第二次中加高級別國家安全與法治對話聯合聲明》。中方也就此發布了消息,全面介紹了對話成果。如果你感興趣,可以上網查閱,消息稿和聯合聲明網上都有。A: On June 22, Wang Yongqing, Secretary-general of the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the CPC Central Committee, and Daniel Jean, National Security and Intelligence Advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada, co-hosted the 2nd meeting of the China-Canada High-level National Security and Rule of Law Dialogue. During the dialogue, the two sides discussed a wide range of issues in the field of national security and rule of law, including the issue of cyber security that you asked, and achieved positive results. The two sides issued afterwards the Joint Communiqué of the 2nd China-Canada High-level National Security and Rule of Law Dialogue. The Chinese side has released detailed information on the outcomes of the dialogue. You can find on line both the news release and the joint communiqué, if interested. 問:海軍航空母艦遼寧艦編隊昨天出海執行跨區機動訓練任務。據報道,遼寧艦將經過台灣海峽南下到香港對公眾展示,作為慶祝香港回歸20周年的一部分。你能否介紹相關情況?Q: A flotilla with aircraft carrier Liaoning set out for a training mission yesterday. The aircraft carrier is expected to travel all the way south through the Taiwan Straits to Hong Kong for public display, as part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong. Can you tell us more about that? 答:關於遼寧艦的情況,建議你向軍方了解。A: I suggest that you ask the Chinese military for more about the aircraft carrier. 問:澳大利亞皇冠度假酒店涉賭業務高管在上海被判刑。中方對此有何回應?Q: A Crown Resorts head of international high-roller operation was sentenced to jail in Shanghai recently. Do you have any comment on this case? 答:你提到的澳大利亞皇冠度假酒店員工涉嫌賭博的案件,中方辦案機關正在依法處理。我們此前介紹過,涉案人員中有3名澳籍公民。據我了解,澳大利亞駐華使館也行使了領事探視權。如果你想要了解此案進展情況,可以向有關部門詢問。A: Competent Chinese authorities are handling the case you mentioned in accordance with the law. As for the three Australian citizens involved in the case, as we have said before, the Australian Embassy in China has paid them consular visits. If you want to learn more about the case, I would point you to the relevant department. 外交部例行記者會(2017.06.19)翻吧

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