3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Asia.Insight.2017.The.Newly.Wealthy.Only.Children.of.China執行了37年的獨生子女政策在2016年結束。第一代獨生子女已屆中年,生活達到小康的他們渴望組建多子女大家庭,但面臨育兒方式的挑戰China's one-child policy, created as an effort to prevent overpopulation, was ended in 2016 after 37 years. Now, those born during the first generation of the policy are reaching middle age, and are raising their own families. Although hard work among economic prosperity has granted many of them wealthy lifestyles, their wishes for large families are accompanied by the challenge of parenting siblings with different needs than they had as only children. In this episode, we catch up with families from the one-child policy generation who take careful steps into a new era of parenthood.請在公眾號回復以下任一關鍵字 獲取本期相關信息推送和部分紀錄片下載地址回復 keyword 獲得紀錄片關鍵字列表 (請勿在本文留言關鍵字) 黎民偉生為富人獨生子女中產

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