3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

「每日學英語」多平台更新,關注后,讓英語學習成為一種習慣!現在的小盆友們,古靈精怪、調皮搗蛋,總會做一些讓人哭笑不得的事。你知道「熊孩紙」挑食都用什麼理由嗎?下面小編就列舉一些外國「熊孩子」挑食的借口,一起來看看吧~1. "I can't eat this because I farted on it and now it's a fart muffin."「我不能吃,因為我在上面放屁了,它現在是「屁」鬆餅了。」2. "I can't eat this carrot because it has legs!"我不能吃這個蘿蔔,它都長腿了!3. "I can't eat it because a mouse already had some!"我不吃,老鼠都吃過了!4. "It looks like a stocking and I want to hang it by the fireplace."它看起來像個襪子,我想把它掛在壁爐上。5. "I can't eat the pizza because it's cut into squares and square pizza is too fancy!"我不能吃披薩,因為它們被切成方形,方形的披薩真的太棒了!6. "I can't eat it because a lion touched it!"我不吃,因為「獅子」已經動過了!7. I can't eat it because it looks like a booty!"我不吃,它看起來像屁股!8. Through tears: "I can't eat it because it's too beautiful!"流著眼淚說:「它太美了,我實在不忍心吃!」9. "I can't eat those carrots because you put lotion on them!"我不吃這些胡蘿蔔,你在上面放了乳液!10. "I can't eat it because it's too grilled!"我不想吃,烤得太過了!11. "I don't want it because there's ice on my popsicle!"我不想吃,我的冰棍兒上有冰!12. "I don't want to eat it because it tastes like nail polish smells!"我不想吃,嘗起來像指甲油!13. "I can't eat the dumpling because — eww! — it has toes!"我不想吃餃子,因為...呃!它還有腳趾!14. "I can't eat those because shells go in the ocean!"我不吃這些,因為貝殼應該回歸海洋的懷抱的!15. "I can't eat that bacon because it looks like shrimp!"我不想吃這塊培根,因為它特像蝦!16. "I can't eat it because the ice cream is melting and the gummy bears are drowning!"我不想吃,因為冰淇淋融化了,小熊糖就淹死了!小夥伴們,你還見過哪些讓你哭笑不得的熊孩子嗎?歡迎留言呦~

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