3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

1.My plane leaves at 7:00 tonight.我乘坐今晚7點的飛機。2.The bus arrives tomorrow at 3:00 in the afteroon.汽車明天下午3點到。arrive:到達3.My destination is Beijing,China.我的目的地是北京。4.I often go to the airport.我經常去機場。5.The train station is a dangerous place.火車站是個危險的地方。6.Don't forget your passport.不要忘了你的護照。7.It's difficult to get an American visa.美國簽證很難拿到。passport:護照visa:簽證8.I don't have a driver's license.我沒有駕照。driver's license:駕照9.Though international flights are longer than domestic ones,the service is usually much better.雖然國際航班比國內航班時間長,飛機上提供的服務通常要比國內航班好得多。domestic:國內的10.If you can ,try to get a layover in Hawaii,you won't be sorry.如果可能的haul,中途在夏威夷layover:臨時滯留,中途下車11.I'm supposed to meet my friend at exit A at the bus termianl.我要在汽車終點站的A出口接我的朋友。bus termianl:公共汽車總站12.I wish I had enough money to rent a private car.我希望有足夠的錢租輛汽車。private car:私家 汽車13.I hope that I don't forget to bring my ticket with me tomorrow.希望我明天不要忘了帶票。14.I'd like to purchase a one-way ticket to Shanghai ,Please.我想買一張去上海的單程票。15.I thought this was supposed to be a round-trip ticket.我還以為這是一張往返票。one-way ticket:單程票round-trip ticke:往返票16.Most airlines only allow two pieces of baggage per person now.大多數機場都只允許每位乘客帶兩件行李。baggage:行李17.The worst part of flying is when the plane taks off.乘飛機最難受的時刻是飛機起飛時。take off:起飛18.It's only when the plane lands,that I can finally relax.只有當飛機著陸時,我才能完全放鬆。land:著陸19.If customs hadn't searched my beg,I would have arrived two hours ago.要不是海關檢查行李,我兩小時就到了。customs:海關20.If it wren't for the duty-free shops in the airports,there wouldn't be anything to look forward to when flying.要不是機場有免稅商店可逛,乘飛機時就沒什麼可盼的了。duty-free:免稅Extra Phrases:to purchase a ticket 買票to pick a suitcase 收拾箱子to take a plane/taxi/bus乘坐飛機、計程車、公共汽車to go on a vacation 去度假to check your passport 檢查護照to drop someone off 把某人放下to pick someone up 接某人business trip 出差all expenses paid 一切費用已付關註:漢普森英語(hampsonQD) 回復「流量」送免費手機流量+免費外教課程一節+英語水平測試一次。

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