3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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在昆明這座充滿滇味的城市裡,甜品美食也不在少數,小編現在帶大家一同去一飽眼福,在來昆明旅行時記得去一飽口福。 Kunming has quite many desserts. Now we will go to know them. Don』t forget to treat yourself with these desserts when you are travelling in Kunming.讓昆明特色傳統甜品,甜進你的心坎間,甜蜜你的生活。Traditional feature desserts of Kunming will deliver you sweet feelings......玫瑰鮮花餅Rose Flower Cake昆明素有「花卉之都」的美譽,鮮花四季有,而且遍布春城的每一個角落。Kunming, known as the 「Capital of Flowers」, has flowers full of blossom throughout the year in every corner.鮮花除了具有觀賞價值外,美食價值也在昆明發揮得淋漓盡致。鮮花餅是鮮花食物中備受遊客喜愛的一種食物。鮮花餅是以「花味、雲南味」為特色的雲南經典糕點代表。鮮花餅具有花香沁心、甜而不膩、養顏美容等特點。In addition to ornamental value, flowers also can be eaten, and its food value is made best use of. Among food made of flowers, flower cake is the favorite of many tourists. Flower cake, featured in 「taste of flowers and Yunnan」, is a classical pastry of Yunnan. It has characteristics like intense flower fragrance, agreeable sweetness, skin care, etc.鮮花餅的製作緣起300多年前的清代,當時因為深得乾隆皇帝喜愛,故被奉為宮廷御點。Flower cake was originated from the Qing Dynasty dated back to over 300 years ago. It was favored by the Emperor Qianlong, and therefore designated as the royal pastry.雲南的玫瑰鮮花餅,選用與本地特有的純凈高原玫瑰,優質高原小麥粉,加以高原蔗糖、野生蜂蜜等精選配料焙烤而成,新鮮出爐的鮮花餅酥軟爽口、花香濃郁、沁人心脾。 Rose Flower Cake of Yunnan is made of local pure alpine rose, quality alpine wheatmeal, alpine cane sugar, wild honey, etc. and then baked. The flower cake right from the oven is crispy, soft, tasty and refreshing with intense flower aroma.茉莉鮮花餅Jasmine Flower Cake每年的5-8月,那一襲香氣總是令人難以忘懷。雲南的茉莉花,極香!The fragrance that appears from May to August every year is unforgettable. Jasmine of Yunnan is amazingly fragrant.因氣候環境的差異,使得雲南的茉莉花花瓣大、花枝濃郁,採摘來做鮮花餅,恰到好處。Thanks for the climate and environmental differences, jasmine in Yunnan has large petals and intense aroma, so it is perfect to make flower cakes.茉莉鮮花餅,咬一口在嘴裡,花香順著口腔慢慢進入喉道,口齒留香,美食填胃,真讓人回味無窮。If you have a bite of jasmine flower cake, the aroma will flow into your throat from your mouth, and you can completely get the intense fragrance of jasmine, which has endless aftertastes.昆明哪裡吃鮮花餅?Where to eat flower cakes in Kunming ?昆明街頭有多家鮮花餅專賣店,如嘉華鮮花餅、潘祥記鮮花餅,專賣店和超市都可以買到正宗、美味的鮮花餅。There are many flower cake specialty stores in streets of Kunming, such as Wah Flower Cake and Panxiangji Flower Cake. You can buy authentic and tasty flower cakes in specialty stores and supermarkets. 火腿月餅Ham Mooncake月餅是中秋佳節的必備食餚。火腿月餅在雲南也稱為雲腿月餅,集甜咸於一體。其主料是三大名腿之一的宣威火腿,配上白糖漿、鹼水、生油、麵粉按照一定比例做成金色外殼烘焙出來的,皮酥餡美,色澤澄黃,油而不膩,吃起來甜中帶咸,咸中有甜,唇齒之間有著濃濃的雲南味兒。 Mooncake is must-eat in Mid-Autumn Festival. Ham mooncake is also known as Yunnan ham mooncake, and it has sweet and salty categories. The main materials to make mooncake are Xuanwei ham, which is top 3 hams in China, white sugar, alkaline water, oil and flour, all materials are mixed in a certain proportion and made into golden crust and then baked, and we will have the mooncake with crisp crust, tasty stuffing, golden color, agreeable sweetness, and sweet and salty taste. 也只有在雲南,才能吃到正宗的火腿月餅。每逢中秋佳節,火腿月餅就成為家庭必選,送禮必備的美味佳品。 You can have the authentic ham mooncake only in Yunnan. Ham mooncake is the must-eat of households in Mid-Autumn Festival, and it is also the best present. 在昆明的糕點店鋪、專賣店、超市都可以買到正宗的火腿月餅,冠生園、嘉華、潘祥記都是本土比較知名的月餅品牌。You can buy authentic ham mooncake in pastry stores, specialty stores and supermarkets in Kunming, such as Guanshengyuan, Wah, and Panxiangji, which are all quite famous local mooncake brands.溫馨建議(Warm tips)吃月餅時若佐以清茶,一則可解油膩、助消化,二則可細嚼慢咽,增味助興。一般來說,吃咸月餅佐以喝普洱茶為好,吃甜月餅以飲花茶為佳。 Tea is the best mate of mooncake. Firstly tea can neutralize the greasy taste and helps digestion; secondly tea can help you to take your time in eating mooncakes, guaranteeing a more joyful experience. Generally speaking, Pu』er tea is recommended for salty mooncake, and scented tea is preferred for sweet mooncake.豆麵湯圓Bean Flour Rice Dumpling豆麵湯圓是雲南人民所喜愛的小吃,雲南的湯圓是以吊漿面為皮,這樣製成的皮兒更薄。手工製作的豆麵湯圓,有的包餡,有的不包餡,但以外面要滾粘上一層熟黃豆面為其共同特點,研磨得很細的黃豆面包裹在豆麵湯圓上,像咖啡中加了糖一樣,味道瞬間讓人回味。Bean Flour Rice Dumpling is a snack very popular among Yunnan people. It has glutinous rice flour as one of its materials, and the wrapper is quite thin. Hand-made glutinous rice dumplings have stuffing or don』t have stuffing, but they are all rolled in the cooked soybean flour. The well grinded soybean flour wraps on the glutinous rice dumpling, like adding sugar to coffee, and the taste becomes amazing instantly.豆麵湯圓在昆明的街頭小吃店、餐廳都有,一般以2—4個為一盤,建新園、橋香園、伊天園、得勝橋豆花米線店、老滇過橋米線、一顆印等味道最佳。Bean Flour Rice Dumpling is available in snack bars and restaurants of Kunming, and generally a dish includes 2-4 pieces. Recommended eating places are Jianxinyuan, Qiaoxiangyuan, Yitianyuan, Deshengqiao Tofu Pudding and Rice Noodles Store, Laodian Rice Noodles and One-Seal Restaurant.重油八寶飯Eight-Treasure-Rice 在昆明,重油八寶飯算是一道應景的主食,中秋、春節等團圓節慶,這道甜品可不能少。Eight-Treasure-Rice in Kunming is the staple food for festivals like Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival, and the dessert is the must-eat on these occasions.重油八寶飯是以糯米、葡萄乾等為主要食材的菜品,味道香糯可口,老少皆宜。八寶飯注重色、香、味俱全。能夠製作八寶飯的人都是有設計天賦的,八寶飯上顏色的深淺搭配,綠色的葡萄乾,白色、黃色、粉紅色的各種蜜餞,還有紅色的櫻桃小丸子,通過精湛的廚藝組合,養眼且還美味。Eight-Treasure-Rice has glutinous rice, raisin, etc. as main materials, and it is sweet, glutinous, and tasty, so it is suitable for all including senior people and children. Color, aroma and taste are all important for Eight-Treasure-Rice. People making Eight-Treasure-Rice have gifts in design, as green raisin, white, yellow and pink preserved fruits and red cherry are well mixed to make the food eye-pleasing and tasty.想要吃重油八寶飯,可以到昆明的各大超市、農貿市場選購,回家動手蒸一下就可以吃了,口味絕佳。You can buy Eight-Treasure-Rice in supermarkets and farmers』 markets in Kunming, and then steam it at home to eat. The taste is superb. 玫瑰木瓜水Rose and Papaya Drink 木瓜水,在雲南算是獨有特色的一種飲品,特別是夏天來臨,逛街的女孩兒都喜歡手捧一杯玫瑰木瓜水,藉以消暑降溫。Papaya drink is a local specialty of Yunnan especially in summer. Girls on the street always have a cup of Rose and Papaya Drink to relieve summer heat.玫瑰木瓜水值得到昆明來玩兒的遊客一嘗,普通的木瓜水加上雲南特製的玫瑰糖,你會發現,甘甜之中多了一份清香,你會愛上這種味道。Tourists in Kunming are recommended to have the Rose and Papaya Drink, which is made of Papaya and rose sugar of Yunnan. You will find some faint scent in the sweetness, and you will love the taste.在昆明的大街小巷裡,很多地方都有賣木瓜水的地兒,到建新園、橋香園,吃過橋米線的同時喝上一杯玫瑰木瓜水是不錯的選擇。There are many places to buy papaya drinks in Kunming. It is a great choice to eat rice noodles while having a cup of Rose and Papaya Drink in Jianxinyuan or Qiaoxiangyuan. 調糕藕粉Lotus Root Starch Cake調糕藕粉是雲南的特色名小吃,雲南的調糕藕粉不同於其他地方的藕粉製法,在味道上自然也與眾不同。Lotus Root Starch Cake is a very famous snack of Yunnan. With different production ways from other places, of course this snack in Yunnan has different tastes. 調糕藕粉食用時應用瓷羹將藕粉上的米糕攪碎,與糖稀、玫瑰醬以及果仁充分混合,讓菜色的外觀美與味覺美更好的展現出來。When eating it, you are expected to smash the rice cake on the lotus root starch, mix it with syrup, rose sauce and nutlets, so as to better display the appearance and taste.潤滑的藕粉與雪白的米糕混合在一起,各式顏色的果仁夾雜其間,紅糖透著粘稠,玫瑰醬散出芬芳,食客唇齒舌尖縈繞著香酥,沁著甜潤,是來雲南旅遊的食客十分嚮往的甜品小吃。The smooth lotus root starch and white rice cake are mixed with assorted nutlets as well as brown sugar and rose sauce, and those who eat it will have a mouthful of sweetness. Therefore, it is a dessert very popular among tourists in Yunnan.在昆明,想要吃到好吃的調糕藕粉,可以到文廟老街調糕藕粉,護國路雲平風味園、環城西路留老爺不準走店等處均可吃到。If you want to have tasty Lotus Root Starch Cake in Kunming, you are recommended to go to old streets Near Confucious' Temple, Yunping Fengweiyuan in Huguo Road, Liulaoye Buzhunzou Restaurant in the Western Ring Road. 昆明特色傳統甜品美食,縈繞在唇齒間的馨香與甜蜜,只有細細品味過的人才知道。Kunming has many traditional desserts, and only those who have tasted them know the fragrance and sweetness. 昆明人說「甜蜜蜜」(mi字請用一聲部),說的是吃的東西實在是太甜,太美味了,也寓意著人美心美生活美,希望每位來昆明旅行的遊客也能在這些特色傳統甜品里感受到昆明的這份甜蜜。When Kunming people say it』s sweet, indicating that the food is too sweet and tasty, and the life is sweet. Every tourist in Kunming is expected to have sweet feelings when eating these traditional local desserts. 徵稿雲南旅遊投稿郵箱開通啦!歡迎讀者來稿分享你的雲南趣事投稿郵箱:xy.huang@1trip.com文章來源於昆明范兒已獲得原作者授權更多精彩請猛戳右邊二維碼微游雲南WeiYouYunNan

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