3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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人力葵花kuihuahr國內最大的人力資源學習型標杆組織,幫助HR成長,助力企業發展。一段名為「TOP 10 HR Challenges」的英文在HR圈子裡轉的火熱,不少HR表示這段文字真實反映了他們的現狀,道出了他們的心聲。轉給每一個勤勤懇懇兢兢業業的HRer。1. Everybody knows something about HR. Nobody knows everything. Most people think they know more than others.每個人都覺得自己懂一些人力資源,但大家懂的都不多。可是大多數人都認為自己懂得比別人多。2. There is no perfect HR solution. It all depends. Just choose the current best.沒有什麼最好的HR解決方案,都是就事論事,目前最好的,就是最好的。3.Yesterday's solution is today's problem. Find a solution in a way that will not become a problem tomorrow.昨日的方案往往成為今日的麻煩。我們要做的就是別再讓今日的方案變成明日的麻煩。4. HR work is 30% science, 30% experience, and 30% preference. We need more science. What about 10%? We don't know, since it is yet to come.人力資源的工作30%是科學,30%是經驗,還有30%是偏好。我們需要更多的科學,再加10%?5. Everybody says people are the most important assets. And they put people agenda at the very end (and fail to discuss it because of lack of time). Are we saving the best for the last?每個人都口口聲聲說人是最重要的資產,然後卻往往把人事議程安排到最後(以至於根本沒時間討論),難道就充當個片尾曲的作用嗎?6. HR professional should know business. HR needs to understand business well enough to work effectively with business people. If HR know business more and better than business people, why do we need the latter?HR專業人士要懂業務,HR只有懂業務才能有效配合業務部門工作,沒錯!但是我就想問問,如果HR全都懂業務了,還要業務部門幹嘛?7. HR provides HR solutions to business problems. Not all business problems require HR solutions, though.HR要給業務問題提供解決方案,是的,但並不是所有業務問題都要跑來找我們HR啊!8. HR provides coaching, feedback, and even friendship to the lonely business leader at the top. Who takes care of HR? HR leader at the top should be mentally and emotionally strong, autonomous, and independent.HR要無私地給孤單寂寞空虛的業務領導提供技能上的輔導,業務上的反饋,甚至情感上的安慰! 但是誰來體貼我們HR啊?HR就活該所有問題自己扛,一個人流淚到天亮?9. Most leaders love their HR manager, not HR as a Function. Every HR manager works hard to satisfy his or her business leader in a uniquely different way that gradually kills the Function.大部分業務領導喜歡的是HR經理,而不是HR職能,每一位HR經理都有自己獨特的方法努力工作最終贏得業務領導的歡心,但最終迷失了HR職能的方向。10. Nevertheless, I continue to do HR work because I love it. I drive tomorrow's agenda that nobody wants to discuss today. I make the difference that nobody appreciates today. I am happy to see this organization surviving today and standing firm and strong there tomorrow (hopefully with smiles on their face. Remember you cannot smile if you cannot survive).然而,HR虐我千百遍,我待HR如初戀。我依然默默安排那些沒人討論的議程,依然默默做出那些沒人感激的貢獻,默默堅持,默默改變。因為我希望看見這個組織能夠生存下去並日漸強大,到那時我會和其他人一樣面帶微笑,因為我也是其中的一員。版權聲明:來源網路,人力葵花整理編輯。「人力葵花」所推送文章非商業用途,著作權歸作者所有。文章僅代表作者觀點,不代表「人力葵花」立場。若涉及版權,煩請原作者聯繫我們,我們會在24小時內處理,謝謝!回復「2」查閱:一個員工的離職成本真的很恐怖回復「3」查閱:績效不好的員工辭退技巧,全!回復「4」查閱:45歲之後,外企精英都去哪裡了?回復「5」查閱:什麼性格的人最適合做HR?回復「7」查閱:總經理及部門經理每天、每周、每月應該做的,超級實用!回復「9」查閱:工資薪金中22項不需要繳個稅(太詳細了)回復「11」查閱:2016年各行業薪酬水平報告火熱出爐!回復「12」查閱:社保斷交的後果,你知道多少?

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