3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

留學以後才知道,想象中的風光都是騙人的,扎心了,老鐵! 1、上大學的第一天VS最後一天 Meon the first day of univ, me in the last semester 2、跟爸媽吃飯VS自己吃飯 Mealwith parents VS meal alone 3、當前經濟狀況 Current financial situation: 4、當講師問你有沒有什麼問題的時候 Whenyour lecturer asks if you have any questions 5、拼盡全力但並沒有卵用 Whenyou are trying your best but nothing is going right 6、你離退學還有多遠? 這麼遠? Howclose are you to quitting school 7、作業你做一半,我做一半,然後和在一起 Youdo one half of the assignment I』ll do theother half and then we』ll jointhem together 8、被大學錄取時VS真正上大學時 Gettingaccepted to college VS actually being in college 9、當講師說小做作業分數佔40%的時候 Whenyour lecturer announces you have a group assignment that's worth 40% 10、別擔心,大家都是同一條船上的人 Don』t worry, everyone is in the same boat. 11、凌晨三點鐘完成作業的時候 Whenyou finally finish your homework at 3 am 12、年初的我VS現在的我 Meat the beginning of the year VS me right now 13、當你上課睡著了突然想起學費有多貴的時候 Whenyou falling asleep in class then you remember how much college tuition is 14、當你發現老師沒有用,只能自學某科的時候 Whenyou have to teach yourself a subject because your teacher is useless 15、當你還有15個論文、4個作業、6個考試需要學習的時候,你這樣冷靜的躺在床上思考自己的整個人生 Whenu got like 15 essays 4 assignments and 6 exams to study for and u just chill inbed contemplating your whole life 16、只想睡覺,但出席率分佔成績15%的時候 When all you want to do is sleep but attendance counts for 15% of yourfinal grade 17、上學第一周VS幾周后 First week of school Few weeks later... 18、你們今晚的作業是看57-112頁 ...... 真好!沒留作業 Your homework tonight is to read pages 57-112 ...... Nice! No homework. 19、明天不是due day, 那今晚就不用寫! If tomorrow isn't the due date, today isn't the do date 20、老師:同學們被擔心,今天不是due day, 明天才是 我:oh... Teacher: Never mind guys, it's not due today you can bring it tomorrow. Me: Oh... 21、才寫作業五分鐘 過度疲勞會導致死亡,還是歇一會兒吧 5 minutes into starting an assignment like 22、在12頁論文上寫上名字和指定日期后的我應該得到的放鬆 Me gettiing the relaxation I deserve after putting my name and the dateon what's supposed to be a 12 page paper: 23、交論文時的我 Submitting an essay like 24、你這學期成績咋樣 How are your grades looking this semester? 看得出留學課業的繁重了吧,希望大家在閱讀娛樂的同時,做好努力學習充實自己的心理準備。 要知道:苦海無涯...哦不,書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟

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