3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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本文為燈塔大數據原創內容,歡迎個人轉載至朋友圈,其他機構轉載請在文章開頭標註:「轉自:燈塔大數據;」目前,大數據被很多人詆毀、濫用,很多人甚至都沒有真正了解什麼是大數據。但是這並不是說大數據就要完蛋了,這個行業仍有很大希望。Facebook的立場是非常明確的,他們承諾保護數十億用戶的信息安全。但是我們還是會有很多疑惑,哪些人在處理關於我們喜好的數據?我們的這些數據會被傳送到哪裡?我們採訪了幾位大數據行業的重要人物,聽聽他們對這些問題是怎麼說的。新工具,新視角維珍傳媒(Virgin Media)洞察分析部負責人馬克·查普曼(Mark Chapman)(維珍傳媒:英國第一家通信、電視全業務運營商,歐洲最大的移動虛擬網路運營商,也是英國第二大付費電視公司)很多公司都已經快速克服了早期發展障礙,接下來個性化服務將在全網達到前所未有的高度。大數據相關技術在不斷改進,現在我們可以通過大數據對我們的行業進行深度分析和發掘,而不是像之前一樣收集「便宜又大包的黃頁式」資料庫。新的數據和智能工具幫助企業對顧客喜好進行準確分析,使顧客對公司產品和服務的反饋速度更快,方便企業增加有針對性的投資。 準備好進入「美妙的混亂時期」JD Williams網站客戶數據分析部負責人加雷斯·鮑威爾(Gareth Powell)未來三年,大數據領域將進入一段「美妙的混亂時期」。我認為企業利用的數據類型將發生重大變化,不論是內部數據的開源數據集,還是社交媒體等產生的非結構性數據集,這些數據類型都將發生巨變。《通用數據保護條例》讓你重新審視數據戰略英國桑斯博里公司(Sainsbury』s)首席數據官安德魯·戴(Andrew Day)越來越多渠道獲得的大量數據為開發數據應用提供了廣泛的市場。《通用數據保護條例》(GDPR)的推出將很大程度上改變我們管理和使用客戶數據的方式。作為數據負責人,我們應該遵守《通用數據保護條例》,並且設身處地為客戶考慮,再三反思我們能用這些數據為客戶謀得哪些好處。 刪繁就簡Deliveroo公司副總裁文斯·達利(Vince Darley)我在過去20年見過的最成功的企業都是從最簡單的商業解決方案開始做起的,從最簡單的想法開始發展。大數據和機器學習的泡沫消失之後,我們更應該好好反思自己是否真的理解我們的客戶、行業和產品,反思我們是否將精力放在了正確的地方。我們不應該再花費巨大的人力物力財力去打造複雜又沒什麼用的系統。 防止非數據人才流失戴森公司(Dyson)首席分析師瑞安(Ryan Quirjin den Rooijen)現在我們最重要的任務是找到既能看懂數據又能利用數據的人才。現在人才市場競爭激烈,所以公司應該不斷加大人力資源方面投入,留住人才。 數據整合是成功關鍵聯合利華信息分析副總裁柯爾斯頓·穆迪(Kjersten Moody)(聯合利華:跨國消費品公司,總部設在荷蘭鹿特丹和英國倫敦,世界第三大消費品公司,世界上最大的塗抹食品生產商,最古老的跨國公司之一,其產品約銷售於190個國家。)聯合利華目前專註於整合不同渠道數據,對客戶數據體驗進行重新定義,建立互動性更高的數據聯繫。這樣一來,我們就能讓客戶深度發掘數據信息,並做出正確的行動決策。英文原文How Big Data Is Going To Change Over The Next Three Years Big data is much maligned, misused and misunderstood or at least this is what a raft of the industry's best and brightest from the DataIQ100 index believes. There is hope though. While Facebook's position is clear not everyone has the luxury of billions of users (or dollars) to interrogate. What are businesses that deal with the likes of you and me doing with the data we give them and where is it all heading? Here are what the leaders of the industry are saying: NEW TOOLS, DEEPER INSIGHTS (HOPEFULLY):Mark Chapman, Director of Insight and Analytics, Virgin Media; "Many organisations have fast-tracked through...early stumbling blocks. [We're going to see]...unparalleled personalisation with their consumers across all media. Technology has continuously improved and is now built with deep insight discovery in mind rather than a 『cheap big yellow』 storage. New data and new intelligent tools are enabling forensic analysis of customer signals (in data such as digital, network, or payments), leading to speedy payback and opening the door to exponential investment." PREPARE FOR 'BEAUTIFUL CHAOS':Gareth Powell, Head of Customer Data and Analytics, JD Williams: "The next three years will be a period of beautiful chaos in the data space. I anticipate a significant step-change in the types of data that organisations will harness whether this be open-source datasets that can compliment internal data or expansive and unstructured datasets from things like Social Media." GDPR WILL MAKE YOU RETHINK YOUR STRATEGY:Andrew Day, Chief Data Officer, Sainsbury』s; "...bigger volumes of data from increasingly disparate sources, leads to even more opportunity to create applications from these data. The introduction of GDPR will have significant impacts on the way we manage and use customer data. Importantly, as data leaders we need to make sure we fulfil the obligations of GDPR and, as importantly, put ourselves in our customer shoes when we think about how we use data for their benefit." (James de Souza, Head of Customer Analytics, Post Office, Helen Mannion, Head of BI, giffgaff, Telefónica Digital and also echoed this sentiment) FOCUS ON THE SIMPLE: Vince Darley, VP growth, Deliveroo:"Almost all of the biggest business impacts I』ve seen over the last 20 years have come from really quite simple solutions and simple ideas. So, precisely because of all the puff out there about data and machine learning, it』s more important than ever to make sure you have a fantastic understanding of the customer, the business, the product to make sure you focus on the right stuff, and avoid diverting huge effort into complex systems with limited benefit." (Joe Nathan, Director of Information Management, News UK also echoed this sentiment) WATCH OUT FOR NON-DATA BRAIN DRAIN & TALENT RAIDS:Ryan Quirjin den Rooijen, Head of Analytics, Dyson (prev. Google): "Finding people who do not only understand the data but can use it to make an impact is critical. Simultaneously increased competition for talent means companies need to keep investing in their employees to foster improved retention." (Catherine Brien, Data Science Director, The Co-Operative also echoed this sentiment) JOINING UP DATA WILL BE KEY TO WINNING BIG:Kjersten Moody, VP Information and Analytics, Unilever: "[Unilever] is focussing much more on blending or joining up disparate data sources and redefining the user experience of data to create a much more interactive connection with data. In turn, this helps our users drive information to insights and actions." (Mike Bugembe, Chief Analytics Officer, JustGiving echoed this sentiment).翻譯:燈塔大數據閱讀原文了解更多詳情

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