3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

別人告訴你,人生是這樣的:You come to this world.你來到這個世上Toil hard and get educated.努力學習,好好工作邁入婚姻的殿堂Get settled.生活因此穩定下來Then you've kids.然後你有了孩子You become a machine to handle stress & responsibilities.你背負著工作的壓力和家庭的責任彷彿成了一個不知疲倦的機器By the time your kids become self-sufficient,you start getting old.隨著孩子慢慢長大你也逐漸變老Your kisd leave you for higher studies, work, leaving you two alone.你的孩子會離開你去上學、工作剩下你們相依為命You leave this world.直至死亡The end ?就這樣完了?What's the meaning of life, you may ask if every single one of us has to follow this pattern of slipping into oblivion?如果每個人都遁入平淡如水的生活模式,你不禁要問,那人生還有什麼意義?This is the story no one's going to tell you,but you will experience for sure:下面的故事沒人會告訴你,卻是你一定會經歷的:▼Life is when you came as a bundle of joy to your parent's life.人生就是當你闖入父母的生活,變成他們的開心果。Life is the excitement of carrying the school bag for the first time.人生就是你第一次背起書包的興奮勁兒。Life is standing outside the classroom with your friends as pubishment.人生就是和好朋友在教室外面一起罰站。Life is crushing on that giel from college while your friend gives you company.人生就是在大學里邂逅心儀的女孩子,好朋友一秒變軍師。Life is getting rejected in a job interview & celebrating failure with a momo party with friends.人生就是面試杯具后照樣回去,與哥們兒們開趴體一起啤酒炸雞。人生就是去嘗試那些你曾經不敢做的事Life is getting over that scratch on your new car.人生就是新車剛開就被颳了一塊漆,你還只能坦然接受。Life is decorating your new home.人生就是和心愛的人一起裝修新房子。Life is cleaning pads of your little kids. And going to office tired the next day.人生就是半夜給熊孩子換好幾次尿布,第二天帶著熊貓眼去上班。Life is shedding a tear of joy watching your kid dancing at annuall function.人生就是每年學校的彙報演出孩子在上面跳舞,你在下面情不自禁竟能高興到掉眼淚。Life is taking that weekend trip with your wife, while your kids are away.人生就是終於孩子有個周末不在家,趕緊和妻子度個假。Life is stealing a kiss from your 40 years old partner when your kids are home.人生就是40歲的時候,還能趁孩子不注意偷偷和愛人親個吻。Life is farting unapologetically and then spraying the deodorant while your wife screams.人生就是毫無歉意地大聲放屁,老婆尖叫的時候你才不緊不慢開始噴空氣清新劑。Life is completing that marathon at the age of 60.人生就是60歲的時候,還有力氣去跑一場馬拉松。Life is telling stories to your grandchildren.人生就是七老八十的時候給你的孫子孫女們講故事。Life is being successful when you watch your kids prosper in life.人生就是看孩子過的好,覺得倍兒有成就感。Life is learning to operate that new gadget from your grandkids.人生就是跟孫子學慣用最新的電子產品。Life is in the little things.人生的意義就在於一件件小事。。。。And only little things matter because one day you'll look back and realize that those were the big things.那一件件小事回過頭看原來,都是大事。世上沒有白費的努力,也沒有碰巧的成功。所有的爆發都是一點點小事堆積而成的。李宗盛曾說:「時過境遷后終於明白,人生中每一個經歷過的城市都是相通的,每一個努力過的腳印都是相連的,它一步一步帶我們到今天,成就今天的我們。」人生沒有什麼事情是輕而易舉的,也沒有那一步是毫無用處的。你現在所走的每一步,將可能是給未來最好的禮物。✲✲申請外教/中教一對一英語水平提高體驗課!

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