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Richard Branson is one of the most recognizable and accomplished entrepreneurs in the world. The Virgin Group founder has managed multiple companies and built a fortune of $5 billion, according to Forbes. What's even more remarkable is that the 66-year-old magnate was a high school dropout.Although there is no one secret to business success, following the strategies of the world's most successful people can help you get ahead. Here are 15 of the best Richard Branson tips to build a great business and life.1. Dare to be braveIn his book, "Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won't Teach You at Business School," Richard Branson wrote, "The brave may not live forever — But the cautious do not live at all."It takes bravery to reach for your dreams, as doing so involves a certain degree of risk. However, Branson reminds entrepreneurs that a bumpy journey is worthwhile if you're headed to a desirable destination. He suggests that aspiring business professionals demonstrate courage in pursuit of their goals.2. Be an individualThe Virgin Group founder wrote on his blog, "No two successful entrepreneurs are the same. In fact, it's their individuality and different ways of thinking that make them successful."Study the habits of billionaires like Branson, and you'll quickly see that these successful people approach business and problem solving in numerous ways — never afraid to go against the grain. Still, you can learn from the traits of those who came before.Branson says that successful entrepreneurs take deliberate risks, learn from their missteps, see the big picture, know when to delegate and communicate well with those around them.3. Be punctualIf you've seen the occasional photo of Branson jumping out of a car or running to get to his next appointment, it's probably because the billionaire hates being late. He think it's rude and disrespectful, no matter your station in life.As Branson wrote on his blog, "Whether it is a meeting, a flight, an appointment or a date, it's important to ensure you are there when you say you will be there. This may feel like an old-fashioned tip to give, but it has served me well for five decades in business. All you have in business is your reputation — so it's very important that you keep your word."Show up to meetings on time and show your co-workers and clients they can trust you with matters both small and large.4. Be a hustlerTop business leaders know that few things in life come free. Whether you want to start your own company or take your business to the next level, it's important not to rely on handouts. Instead of sitting idly by waiting for their big breaks, savvy entrepreneurs are proactive and seize opportunities.In his book "Losing My Virginity: How I've Survived, Had Fun and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way," Branson said, "To be successful, you have to be out there, you have to hit the ground running."5. Don't try to be something you're notYou shouldn't have to sacrifice your beliefs and lose who you are to achieve success in life.Said Branson, "To me, business isn't about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It's about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials."After all, it doesn't matter how successful you are in business if you don't have the life that you want. By focusing on your goals and staying true to your core beliefs, you can accomplish what you desire without losing yourself along the way.6. Don't fall victim to "necessary evils"As an aspiring entrepreneur, you might assume that succeeding in business means doing things you're not proud of on occasion. However, Branson doesn't believe in necessary evils."Most 'necessary evils' are far more evil than necessary," said Branson in his book, "Losing My Virginity."While an action might seem to benefit your business in the short term, in the long run it could affect your company's reputation and your relationships with peers and customers. For best results, think long term and avoid doing something today that you'll be ashamed of tomorrow.7. Dream bigAchieving greatness means focusing on change and innovation. To that end, Branson encourages entrepreneurs to follow their dreams, no matter how crazy they might seem to others.Branson wrote in his blog, "Don't be self-conscious about dreaming, or about people thinking you're too idealistic and not serious enough. Don't allow your self talk to be judgmental. Look at the world with wide-eyed enthusiasm, believe you are more powerful than the problems that confront you and dream big."Naysayers might criticize you for dreaming large, but you'll be the one laughing when your dreams become realities.8. Give backIt can be difficult to sustain success if your sole concern is cash.Said Branson in a Virgin.com article, "The brands that will thrive in the coming years are the ones that have a purpose beyond profit."Think about how you and your company can make a difference in the lives of customers and co-workers. You don't have to be worth billions to give back, either. A simple act of kindness can boost your reputation while bringing rewards beyond the financial.9. Be a good listenerYou can't be a good problem solver without being a good listener.Said Branson, "To launch a business means successfully solving problems. Solving problems means listening."A recent Harvard Business Review study confirms that listening well means being active in the conversation. In fact, the best listeners are those who ask follow-up questions that offer insight or promote discovery. Be curious and open-minded, and you might just find your next adventure.10. Be willing to fallLearn from your failures, and you'll gain the aptitude to succeed.As Branson wrote in his book, "Business Stripped Bare: Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur," "You learn by doing and by falling over, and it's because you fall over that you learn to save yourself from falling over."Branson and his colleagues were newcomers to the business world when they created Virgin — hence the name. They did things their way rather than following a rulebook. And like any new business, there were a few stumbles along the way. According to Branson, those mistakes helped the company grow into what it is today.11. Share the spotlightIn the business world, achieving success often means finding individuals who are just as passionate as you about achieving your goals."I've never been the best person at doing every job," Branson said in a blog post. "Finding the spotlight isn't about standing in it. There's so much to be gained from working with people who support each other to achieve great things."Don't be afraid to share your vision with others or ask for help when you need it. The right people can help you achieve more than you would have alone.12. Learn to say yesBranson's staff gave him the nickname "Dr. Yes" for his openness to new ideas.In his book, "Screw It, Let's Do It," he wrote, "If something is a good idea, my way is to say 'Yes, I'll consider it' — and then to work out how to make it happen. Of course, I don't say yes to everything. But what is worse: making the occasional mistake or having a closed mind and missing opportunities?"Be an opportunist rather than a naysayer and boost your odds of bringing great ideas to fruition.13. Be happySuccess means different things to different people. While some entrepreneurs focus only on building their fortunes, Branson recommends focusing on happiness as well."It's a common misconception that money is every entrepreneur's metric for success," he wrote on his LinkedIn blog. "It's not, and nor should it be."The real key to success is happiness. Rather than his monetary success bringing him happiness in life, Branson says that his happiness has enabled him to achieve great success and wealth.Stop and ask yourself if you're happy. If not, find that happiness.14. Take care of yourselfTaking care of yourself could save you from career burnout, says Branson.The Virgin Group entrepreneur wrote on his LinkedIn blog, "When I'm asked: 'What's the key to success in business?' my answer can differ depending on the subject at hand — delegation, people, learning from failure, etc. — but when it comes down to it, the key is you. The simple fact is, if you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of business."Branson exercises every day, no matter where he is or what he's doing."A healthy body equals a healthy mind, and a healthy mind takes care of business," he said.15. Find what excites youBusiness leaders often stress the need to achieve a positive work-life balance. However, for Branson, work and play don't have to be at odds with each other.He wrote on his LinkedIn blog, "If a new business opportunity or project doesn't excite me, and if it's not something with which I can have a lot of seriously creative fun, then I'd rather pass on it and move right along. Life's too short to waste your time doing things that don't light your fire."If you don't have passion for what you're doing, consider directing your attention and energy elsewhere.This article originally appeared on GoBankingRates.com理查德·布蘭森是全世界最有個性也最成就非凡的企業家之一。他是維珍集團創始人,旗下掌管多家企業,據《福布斯》雜誌統計身家達50億美元。更難以置信的是,這位66歲的商界大亨竟然高中就輟學了。雖說事業成功沒有一試百靈的秘訣,但追隨成功大佬的步伐總有裨益。以下小結了15條理查德·布蘭森打造成功事業和生活的經驗之談。1. 要勇敢他在《維珍創業經——理查德•布蘭森如何顛覆傳統行業》一書中寫道,「勇者是無法永生,但畏畏縮縮等於白來世上一遭。」追隨夢想需要勇氣,因為過程中肯定要冒些險。不過布蘭森提醒企業家,只要目標明確,旅途坎坷也值得。他認為但凡有抱負的商業人士都應該在追尋夢想的道路上展現勇氣。2. 要獨立布蘭森在博客上寫道,「天下成功企業家不會一模一樣。實際上,正因每個人具有獨特的個性和不同的思考方式,才會獲得成功。」如果研究過布蘭森之類億萬富翁的習慣,你會發現成功人士會採用不同的方式解決問題,不要害怕另闢蹊徑。不過,學習前人的經驗也是有必要的。布蘭森表示成功企業家往往會主動承擔風險,從錯誤中學習,注重把握大局,清楚何時授權他人,而且擅長與周圍的人溝通。3. 守時人們有時會看到布蘭森從車裡衝出來,跑著趕去赴約,主要就是因為他很討厭遲到。他認為遲到非常粗魯,缺乏尊重,不管什麼身份。布蘭森在博客中提到,「不管是開會、趕飛機、見面還是約會,很重要一點是說幾點到就幾點到。說起來有點老套,但入行50年來我都遵守這個原則,效果很好。商業世界里最重要的就是聲譽,所以說到做到非常重要。」不管事情大小,都要準時赴會,向同事和客戶顯示你值得信任。4.努力爭取優秀的商業領袖都明白生活中沒什麼是免費的。不管是白手起家還是拓展事業,一定不能靠救濟。精明的企業家不會傻坐著等重大機遇降臨,而是積極行動抓住每次機會。在《理查德·布蘭森自傳》一書中,他表示「要成功就得豁出去,得腳踏實地拚命干。」5.不要勉強不要為了成功犧牲了個人信仰,喪失自我。布蘭森說,「對我來說,做生意可不只是西裝革履,或是伺候股東。而是誠實面對自己,了解內心的想法,然後專註最重要的部分。」畢竟,如果過不了想要的生活,商業上再成功也沒意義。目標明確,堅守信念,就可以通過奮鬥實現夢想同時保持自我。6.不要不擇手段胸懷大志的企業家往往以為,要成功有時就得使些不光彩的手段。但布蘭森並不鼓勵。「很多手段難免卑劣,絕非必要,」布蘭森在自傳中說。或許有些手段短期內對事業有幫助,但長期來看可能會影響公司聲譽,與同行和顧客的關係等等。所以上策還是眼光放長遠,別做明天想起來不齒之事。7.敢於夢想成就偉業意味著敢於變革和創新。為了實現目標,布蘭森鼓勵企業家追隨夢想,不管在別人眼裡多麼瘋狂。布蘭森在博客中寫道,「不要懷疑自己的夢想,也不用擔心別人認為你太理想主義,或是不夠認真。自我暗示時不要帶批判眼光。要帶著天真的樂觀主義看待世界,相信自己可以克服萬難,敢於夢想。」8.回饋社會如果眼裡只盯著錢,很難保持成功。布蘭森在Virgin.com網站上一篇文章中表示,「未來的成功品牌追求的願景不只利潤。」多想想企業能如何改善客戶和同事的生活。行善不必身家數十億。只要經常表現善意就能提升自己的名聲,最後的收益一定不只體現在財務上。9.多多傾聽如果學不會傾聽,就不可能變成解決問題的高手布蘭森表示,「開創事業其實就是解決問題,而解決問題需要傾聽。」最近《哈佛商業評論》刊發了一篇研究,也證實了認真傾聽才是積极參与對話。實際上,優秀的傾聽者往往擅長追問,啟發思考並推動進一步探索。要滿懷好奇心,思路放開,機會可能不經意間到來。10.不懼失敗從失敗中學習,才能獲得成功的能力在《商界裸奔——理查德·布蘭森與他的維珍之旅》一書中他寫道,「在實踐和失敗中學習,只有從失敗中才能學到如何不失敗。」創建維珍集團時,布蘭森和同事並不熟悉商業世界,所以才取了這麼個名字(Virgin直譯為無經驗之人——譯者注)。他們按照自己的方式做事,並未墨守成規。正如所有的新生行業,過程中他們也遇到不少挫折。布蘭森表示,正因從犯過的錯中學習,維珍才會有今日的成就。11.共享榮耀商業世界里,成功經常意味著找到跟你同樣滿懷激情為目標努力的同伴。「具體業務上,我從來不是最優秀的,」布蘭森在博客中說。「即便成功也不必搶風頭。跟同伴互相鼓勵支持實現目標,成就感強烈得多。」也不必擔心跟別人分享看法,或是請求幫助。如果能找到合適的人幫忙,結果會比單打獨鬥好。12.學會同意布蘭森公司的員工給他起了個昵稱,「同意博士」,因為他非常願意接受新觀念。他在《管他呢,開始干吧》一書中寫道,「如果某個主意聽起來不錯,我會說『同意,我會考慮』,然後努力實現。我當然不會事事同意。關鍵是想清楚:偶爾犯錯危害大,還是思想僵化錯過機會危害大?」見機行事,不要故步自封,才有更多機會將好點子付諸實踐。13.保持幸福不同人眼裡成功有不同含義。有些企業家只想著積攢財富,但布蘭森建議不要放忽略好心情。「所有企業家衡量成功時都用金錢當標準,這是個誤區,」他在領英的博客中寫道。「金錢並非唯一標準,也當不了標準。」成功的關鍵是幸福。布蘭森表示,並不是有錢之後才生活幸福,而是幸福生活確保了事業成功賺錢順利。停下來問問自己是否幸福。如果感覺不開心,先找到屬於自己的幸福。14.照顧好自己布蘭森表示,照顧好自己才能不被工作耗盡精力。這位維珍集團老闆在領英博客中寫道,「每當有人問我:『事業成功的關鍵是什麼》』,我會根據當時的情況回答,有時會談授權,有時談人才,有時強調從失敗中學習等等。但說到底,自己身心健康才是最重要的。很簡單的道理,如果你連自己都照顧不好,如何照管好生意呢。」布蘭森堅持每天鍛煉,不管在哪,也不管在忙什麼。「健康的身體等於健康的頭腦,而只有健康的頭腦才能成就事業,」他表示。15.找到讓自己興奮的事商業領袖經常會強調保持工作-生活平衡。不過對布蘭森來說,工作和玩耍並不一定矛盾。他在領英博客中表示,「如果某個新的商業機會或項目讓我覺得沒意思,或是覺得做起來不是特別有創造性而且有樂趣,我寧願不做,再找下個項目。生命短暫,何必浪費時間做無聊的事。」如果你對手上的事毫無熱情,不妨將注意力和精力轉個方向。(財富中文網)本文原載於GoBankingRates.com譯者:Charlie審稿:夏林

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