3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

該怎麼安排這漫長的暑假呢?跟著FM92.3學英語吧,一個夏天就能讓你大變樣呢!沒時間解釋了,快上車!關注暑期英語新聞,英語搜盡天下事高鐵訂餐00:0007:10辭彙提示:1. high-speed trains高速鐵路 2. ticket vending machines售票機新聞背景:Passengers on high-speed trains in China are now able to sample greater food varieties, now that a new online pre-ordering service has taken effect June 17, 2017. The new service is being piloted in 27 provincial and regional capitals for the passengers taking the G or D-bullet trains. Passengers are now able to order meals once their tickets are booked the rail system's 12306.cn, the official ticket-booking website, or its App. They can now choose between the traditional meals offered on the trains, or meals from restaurants in partnership with the railway stations in the 27 cities. For passengers who bought tickets at the railway station or through the phone, ticket agents or ticket vending machines, they can also order meals by logging on to 12306.cn. After successfully ordering the meals, the food will be delivered to the passengers' seats by train station staff.節目簡介:大學生英語在線 Question of the Day想快速通過雅思、托福、四六級等英語考試嗎?就來聽《大學生英語在線》吧!節目邀請英語學習機構、高校知名老師,專門為大學生群體面臨的英語類考試答疑解惑,節目通過對英語考試中聽力、口語、翻譯、寫作等題型進行演練,結合英語趣聞、演講等素材,幫你全面提高英語水平!每天首播23:00-23:30次日重播6:30-7:00

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