3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

完整文章:I』m sure by now, many of you have heard about the United Airlines incident. This incident happened when a flight from Chicago to Louisville was overbooked, meaning they had sold too many tickets and didn』t have enough seats for everyone. What really happened is that some crewmembers, people who work for the airline, needed to get to Louisville for another flight. After an older man wouldn』t give up his seat, security came and dragged him off of the plane. It was really quite violent and in the video you can see him bleeding. 截止到目前,我相信很多人都已經聽過美聯航毆打乘客事件。事發航班是由芝加哥飛往路易斯維爾,當時航班乘客總數超載。而真正的原因是美聯航的工作人員需要搭乘這趟航班飛往路易斯維爾執勤。當時,一位年老的乘客堅持不讓座,安保人員便出現並將他拖下飛機。當時他們的行為十分暴力,視屏中可以看到老人一直在流血。 The other customers seemed shocked that this was happening. I think we can all agree that no one should be treated like this, especially when they are paying money for a service. Obviously, it』s important that the crew workers can be at work and do their jobs, but many feel this is an example of more and more companies putting profits before people. United Airlines showed they would rather inconvenience their customers, and actually hurt them, than find another solution to the problem. 另一位被驅逐的乘客似乎被嚇到了。任何人都不應受到這樣的對待,尤其是在他們在花了錢購買服務的情況下,我想這是大家都認可的道理。機組工作人員按時到崗工作固然重要,但這起事件恰恰反映了越來越多的公司將利益置於顧客之前。美聯航這次事件顯示了他們寧願給乘客來帶不便,甚至傷害乘客,也不願意需找其他的問題解決途徑。 Well, this has become a very expensive problem for them as their stock prices have fallen sharply. Many have suggested boycotting United Airlines, not buying from their company anymore. But because many companies have merged together and become one company, that will make a boycott very difficult. With fewer choices, customer concerns are becoming less and less important. 這次事件給美聯航帶來了沉重的代價,公司股價暴跌。許多人表示要對美聯航進行抗議,不再買該公司的產品。但由於美聯航由多家公司合併形成,這樣的抗議活動恐怕並非易事。隨著消費者的選擇越來越少,公司將越來越忽視他們的利益。 1 SummaryMany of you have already heard about the United Airlines incident. This incident happened when a flight from Chicago to Louisville was overbooked. What really happened is that some crewmembers needed to get to Louisville for another flight. After an older man wouldn』t give up his seat, security came and dragged him off of the plane. It was really quite violent and in the video you can see him bleeding. 很多人都已經聽過了美聯航毆打顧客事件。事發航班是由芝加哥飛往路易斯維爾,當時航班乘客總數超載。而真正的原因是美聯航的工作人員需要搭乘這趟航班飛往路易斯維爾執勤。當時,一位年老的乘客堅持不讓座,安保人員便出現並將他拖下飛機。當時他們的行為十分暴力,視屏中可以看到老人一直在流血。 In this passage, I discuss the recent event on a United Airlines flight. I will talk about what happened and how many people are reacting. I will talk about the opinions of the company, the passengers and people who have heard this story. 在今天的文章中,我將就美聯航事件進行討論,講述事件經過以及群眾的反應,並從公司、乘客以及圍觀群眾三個角度分析各方觀點。2Reading Material I think we can all agree that no one should be treated like this, especially when they are paying money for a service. 任何人都不應受到這樣的對待,尤其是在他們花了錢購買服務的情況下,我想這是大家都認可的道理。 With fewer choices, customer concerns are becoming less and less important. 隨著消費者的選擇越來越少,公司將越來越忽視他們的利益。3Vocabulary profit: n. 利潤;利益 In the United States, most companies make their biggest profits during Christmas.在美國,大多數公司在聖誕節期間贏取最高利潤。 inconvenience: n. 不便;麻煩 vt. 麻煩;打擾 Road construction inconveniences drivers because it slows down traffic.道路建設造成司機不便,因為它使交通緩慢不便。 fall sharply: 暴跌;迅速下降 The number of people who smoke has fallen sharply over the past few years.在過去的幾年中,煙民的數量急劇下降。 boycott: n. 聯合抵制 vt. 聯合抵制;拒絕參加 Many people are boycotting South Korean products because of their government』s decisions.許多人因為政府的決策而抵制韓國貨。 merge: v. 合併;吞沒 The company needed to save money so it merged the marketing department with the sales department.該公司需要節省開支,所以將市場部和銷售部合併了。由於平台向限制,更多文本音頻請前往微信公眾號「隨時隨課」。

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