3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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圍裙,野餐布,寵物的雨衣---你能想到這些日用品的原材料是宜家的藍色購物袋?An apron, a picnic mat, a pet raincoat—who knew all you needed was an IKEA blue bag?網上有許多極具創意但非官方的宜家產品改造,但是今天,小編推薦來自宜家官方對產品的創意改良---藍色購物袋,告訴消費者如何將其裁剪成其他實用的物品。The internet is full of unofficial IKEA hacks—tricks to upgrade products from Swedish retailer, but this one is coming straight from the source. IKEA issued packaging instructions with its iconic blue bag on how to cut it into other useful stuff.審核中,視頻暫時無法播放:轉碼進行中宜家為喜歡DIY的朋友開創了改造產品的無限可能性---自它出現的那天起,宜家為hacker們就提供著源源不斷的「原材料」。比如近期的一次活動:傳遞「可持續」的理念給消費者以及如何讓這個過程更加有趣。在迪拜,零售商會在一開始把玩轉購物袋的說明書放進藍色的袋子,告訴人們如何創意改造購物袋。Ikea is not only a paradise of democratic design— being resource-efficient has been at the company』s core since the start. Their recent campaign is an example, how customer-oriented applied sustainability can be about fun too. In Dubai, the retailer started including instructions to its blue bags, showing people how to repurpose it to something else.一塊嬰兒圍兜,一條圍裙,一張野餐布或者是桌下的吊床等等,除此之外,還有其他的無限可能,正因如此,宜家標誌性的藍色購物袋一周之內一售而空。A baby bib, an apron, a picnic mat, a small desk hammock—the possibilities of this one product are endless and promotional Frakta bags were sold within a week.宜家的這一舉動把「可持續」的理念發揮地淋漓盡致---無論多麼微小的改變也能產生巨大的影響,行動遠比空談企業社會責任來的更踏實、可靠。That』s applied sustainability in action—small changes can make a bigger impact, than simply talking about CSR initiatives.註:本文內容來自PLTFRM品牌管理團隊內部周會分享,圖片來自網路關注官方微信號:PLTFRM 官方網站:第一時間關注品牌營銷與設計資訊 共創有影響力的品牌Co-Create Powerful IdeasPLTFRM創意設計以創意設計為核心的品牌策劃與數字營銷推廣公司。PLTFRM - branding and digital marketing agency,with creative design at its core.•品牌策劃 • branding• 創意設計 • creativedesign•數字通信 • digitalcommunication• 營銷策略 • marketingstrategy

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