3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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昆明其實是一個豐富多彩的城市,不論是吃喝玩樂,還是少數民族的艷麗服裝又或者是頭頂的藍天白雲都是五顏六色,色彩斑斕,這樣一個昆明讓人怎能不愛呢?每個季節,每個城市都會有她獨有的色彩,作為春城,昆明的顏色頗為獨特,春天是五彩斑斕的,感覺空氣中瀰漫著各種花的味道,夏天荷花綻放,讓人在夏日中找到更多樂趣,秋天銀杏葉會和天空形成鮮明的對比,這座城市總是這樣的迷人。As a matter of fact, Kunming is a colorful city. No matter food, drinks or entertainment, or gorgeous costumes, blue sky or white clouds, they are all colorful. How cannot people love Kunming? Every city has its unique colors in every season. As a spring city, colors of Kunming are quiet special. They are colorful in spring with aroma of various flowers pervading in the air. The lotuses are full of blossom in summer, so people can have more fun in summer. Leaves of gingko in autumn are in bright contrast to the sky. Kunming is always enchanting. 昆明是一個豐富多彩的城市有人說昆明是綠色的People say Kunming is green有人說昆明是粉色的People say Kunming is pink有人說昆明是黃色的People say Kunming is yellow 有人說昆明是紅色的People say Kunming is red有人說昆明是紫色的People say Kunming is purple 有人說昆明是藍色的People say Kunming is blue當然也有人說昆明是彩色的People also say Kunming is colorful其實,昆明不論你什麼時候來都有不一樣的色彩As a matter of fact, you will see different colors of Kunming in different seasons.春天的粉Pink in spring 郊野公園桃花節Peach Flower Festival in Country Park春天的郊野公園上萬株桃花盛開,粉色、白色、紅色多種顏色的桃花,將公園裝點得五彩繽紛,遠遠便能嗅到桃花醉人的清香。Tens of thousands of peace trees are full of blossom in Country Park in spring. The pink, white and red peach flowers make the park colorful and flowing with intoxicating faint scent of peach flowers. 除桃花外,從公園東門進入,3000余株雲南櫻花,花團錦簇,美不勝收。公園內不光有百花爭艷,還有滇味十足的歌舞表演、戶外交友會、迷你花市等活動。In addition to peach flowers, over 3,000 Yunnan oriental cherry trees are seen full of blossom if visitors enter into the park from the eastern gate. The park not only has blooming flowers, but also Yunnan local songs & dance performance, outdoor dating, mini flower market, etc. 昆明森林公園Kunming Forest Park玉蘭花開Magnolia Flower in Full Blossom昆明西山太華寺旁的玉蘭園是全國最大的玉蘭花栽培園區,每年春季這裡種植的上千株的數萬朵白玉蘭,紫玉蘭,硃砂玉蘭競相綻放,枝頭花朵燦爛如霞、樹下花瓣繽紛如雪,與滿山的杜鵑、櫻花形成百花迎春的壯觀景緻。Magnolia Park near Taihua Temple on Xishan Mountain of Kunming is the largest magnolia flower cultivation park in China. Thousands of white, purple and red magnolia trees are planted here every spring, they are blooming as beautiful as sunset glow, and petals under the trees on the ground are as white as snow, which pay a tribute to spring together with rhododendra and oriental cherry all over the mountain. 紅Red東川紅土地Dongchuan Red Land每年的秋季是東川紅土地攝影的最佳時期,其次就是春季。東川紅土地位於雲南省昆明市東川區西南40多公里的紅土地鎮,主要景點在海拔1800米至2600米之間,因獨特的地貌和氣候發育而成的紅色土壤而聞名。It』s the best season to take photos in Dongchuan Red land in every autumn, followed by spring. Dongchuan Red Land is located in Hongtudi Township, over 40km in the southwest of Dongchuan District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, the main scenic spots are in the altitude ranged from 1800m to 2600m, and the place is famous for the red oil developed due to the special landform and climate. 這片氣勢磅礴、色彩斑斕的紅土地,在藍天、白雲和變幻莫測的光線下,形成了神奇壯美的景色。雲南東川紅土地被專家認為是全世界除巴西里約熱內盧外最有氣勢的紅土地,而其景象比巴西紅土地更為壯美。The Red Land of great momentum and colors forms stunning and magnificent scenes under the blue sky, white clouds and changing lights. Red Land of Yunnan is considered as the 2nd most magnificent red land in the world following Rio de Janeiro of Brazil, and the scene is more stunning than that in Brazil. 白White呈貢春風喚醒萬畝梨花Peach Flowers in Spring in Chenggong萬溪沖Wanxichong3月,呈貢萬溪沖的萬畝梨花盛開,遒遒花枝迎風搖曳,瓣瓣芳蕊傲立枝頭,朵朵馨香吐露芬芳,片片潔白隨風飄曳,花葉追逐著風情,在晴空飛舞,人們徜徉於花海之間,宛若置身於童話之中。Tens of thousands of hectares of peach flowers are flourishing in March in Wanxichong, Chenggong, flowers are swaying in the air, fragment petals are on the branch, and every flower smells fragment. People have strolls in the sea of flowers, and they seem immersed in a fairy tale. 世博園後山The Mountain at the back of Kunming Expo Garden梨花如雪紛紛落Peach flowers are coming down like snow 在世博園後山,大片梨花如落雪紛紛,幾株粉桃點綴其間,更添清新與浪漫。春色如昆明,處處美景醉人。Quite many peach flowers are coming down like snow in the mountain at the back of Kunming Expo Garden, and what』s more, several peach trees are dotted, making it more fresh and romantic. Kunming has amazing and intoxicating scenery everywhere in spring. 轎子雪山Jiaozi Snow Mountain霧凇 冰凌Rime and Ice 轎子雪山的霧凇、冰凌,是屬於雪山的獨特美景讓人驚艷、驚嘆,在雪山上,還有一群「雪山衛士」,他們在險處為遊客悉心服務,只為讓遊客更舒心地感受雪山之美。Rime and ice in Jiaozi Snow Mountain are unique scenery of the snow mountain, which is stunning and incredible. Some 「Snow Mountain Guards」 are also here to deliver thoughtful services to visitors, and make sure visitors can experience the beauty of the Snow Mountain in a more pleasant way. 宜良馬蹄河畔油菜花美如畫Rape flowers are picturesque在宜良「馬蹄灣」風景旅遊區,金黃的油菜花伴著碧藍清澈的馬蹄河,與怒江「三江併流」景觀極為相似。順延宜九(宜良至九鄉)公路到尖山村委會,就能看到山路下蜿蜒的馬蹄河。這裡河谷中種下的油菜花也透著金黃,與碧藍清澈的河水相伴,景色甚美。可以露營、燒烤、拍照,還有兒童遊樂場等,雖然玩場很多,但門票10元/人,而且還附贈山泉水一瓶。In 「Matiwan」 scenic spot in Yiliang, golden rape flowers are at the riverside of clear Mati River, making it quite similar to the 「Tree Parallel Rivers」 of Nujiang River. Following the YiJiu (Yiliang-Jiuxiang) Road to Jianshan Villagers Committee, visitors will see the zigzag Mati River under the road. Visitors may have camping, barbecue or take photos. Besides, there is also a children』s playground. Although there is a lot of fun, the admission ticket is only RMB 10/person, and a bottle of water is provided free of charge with every ticket. 昆明,給不了你多麼奢侈的生活方式給不了你大東北的冰雪奇緣給不了你大西北的蒼茫壯闊卻能給你獨一無二的顏色而這樣豐富多彩的昆明在全國僅有一個!Kunming cannot show you a luxurious lifestyle,Or snow world like that in Northeast China,Or the vast land in Northwest China,But it can offer you unique colors.The colorful KunmingIs unique in China!

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