3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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I don't know if there's anything in the worldI only knowJust one look at the starsI will begin to dream—Vincent VanGhon#我想這就是一種心態#01Nagative: Are afraid of changePositive: Are ready for new experiences負能量的人恐懼改變正能量的人隨時準備迎接嶄新的體驗02Never say sorry even when they know they』re guiltyApologize for any inconvenience caused負能量的人明知錯了卻絕不道歉正能量的人為帶給他人的每一次不便而道歉03Think only of person gain and benefitTry not to hurt others』 feelings負能量的人只在乎個人收穫和利益正能量的人盡量不傷害他人的感情04Start a dialogue like thisYou know, I』m going to How are you doingI hope everything』s great開始一段對話時負能量:告訴你,我要…正能量:你最近過的怎麼樣希望一切都好05Secretly hope to see others failWant others to succeed負能量的人偷偷希望看到他人失敗正能量的人真心希望他人成功06Hate to be criticizedWelcome any constructive discussion負能量的人討厭被批評正能量的人歡迎所有建設性的討論07Thinks: Why should I praise people for doing what they have to負能量的人會這樣想:為什麼我要為他人應該做的事而讚美他Says: Wow! You』re a real professional in your field正能量的人會這樣說:哇哦!你在你的領域可真是個專家08Think they know everythingAlways strive to learn something new負能量的人覺得他們無所不知正能量的人總在努力學習新的東西09Think they』re the center of the universeTake care of others and are always ready to help負能量的人覺得自己是宇宙中心小公舉正能量的人關心他人並隨時準備伸出援手11I can』t do anything about itThis is my destiny負能量的人我對此毫無辦法這就是我的命I need to change somethingI can』t keep living like this正能量的人我必須有所改變我不能如此度日12Deal with it. Let yourself cryThings will get better就這樣了,哭吧事情總會變好的Come on!Stop cryingI』m on my way over alreadyCheer up來,別哭了我馬上就過來振作起來☀☀☀生活本該如此陰晴雨雪輪番上陣正負能量由你控制你的心態決定生活絕望或是希望

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