3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

雙邊往來公告:一、應政府邀請,泰王國帕查拉吉迪雅帕·瑪希敦公主殿下將於9月7日至9日訪華。At the invitation of the Chinese government, Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol of the Kingdom of Thailand will visit China from September 7 to 9. 中泰是親密友好鄰邦,兩國關係長期保持健康穩定發展。中方珍視同泰國王室的傳統友誼,讚賞泰國王室為中泰友好事業作出的積極貢獻。訪問期間,國家領導人將會見帕公主,就中泰關係和雙方共同關心的問題交換意見。我們相信,帕公主此次訪問將有利於增進中泰友誼,推動兩國關係取得更大發展。As close friendly neighbors, China and Thailand have maintained the sound and steady development of the bilateral relations for a long time. China values the traditional friendship with the royal family of Thailand and appreciates its positive contributions to the development of China-Thailand friendship. During the visit, the Chinese leaders will meet with Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol and they will exchange views on the China-Thailand relations and issues of mutual concern. We are convinced that princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol's visit is conducive toThailand. 二、應外交部長王毅邀請,尼泊爾副總理兼外長克里希納·巴哈杜爾·馬哈拉將於9月6日至11日對進行正式訪問。At the invitation of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Nepalese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara will pay an official visit to China from September 6 to 11 中尼是傳統友好鄰邦,兩國關係保持良好發展勢頭。馬哈拉副總理兼外長此訪是今年中尼之間又一次重要互動,將進一步推動落實兩國領導人和政府達成的合作共識,深化中尼在「一帶一路」框架下務實合作。訪問期間,馬哈拉副總理兼外長將同王毅外長舉行會談,並拜會領導人。China and Nepal are traditional friendly neighbors, and the relations between the two countries have maintained the sound momentum of development. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara's visit is another important interaction between China and Nepal this year, which will further advance the implementation of the consensus on cooperation reached between the leaders and the government of the two countries and deepen the practical cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. During the visit, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara will hold talks with Foreign Minister Wang Yi and meet with Chinese leaders.國際會議:問:昨天,習近平主席在金磚國家工商論壇開幕式的主旨演講中強調,金磚國家應推動建設開放型世界經濟,促進貿易和投資自由化便利化。這是否意味著金磚國家要為促進世界經濟發展採取新的舉措?Q: Yesterday, in his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum, President Xi Jinping emphasized that it is important to promote an open world economy and the trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. Does this mean that BRICS countries want to be the leader and spokesperson of globalization? 答:金磚國家作為有代表性的新興市場國家與發展家,這些年能夠迅速發展崛起,得益於一個開放的世界經濟環境。金磚國家在不同場合一直主張要構建開放的世界經濟,擯棄各種形式的保護主義。為維護自身經濟的持續發展,金磚國家理所當然會繼續推動建設開放型世界經濟。A: Firstly, BRICS countries, as the representative emerging markets and developing countries, owe their rapid development and rise to the environment of an open world economy. They have proposed to build an open world economy and discard all forms of protectionism on multiple occasions. In order to uphold the sustained growth of their own economies, BRICS countries will certainly continue advancing the building of an open world economy. 經貿合作一直是金磚合作的壓艙石和推進器。多年來,金磚國家在促進貿易和投資自由化便利化方面開展了大量工作。此次廈門會晤核准了《金磚國家投資便利化綱要》、《金磚國家服務貿易合作路線圖》、《金磚國家經濟技術合作框架》等一系列重要文件。這些實實在在的成果和舉措不僅有利於推進五國間的經貿合作,對帶動金磚國家與其他國家間的經貿合作也有積極的促進作用。Secondly, the economic and trade cooperation has always been the stabilizer and propeller for BRICS cooperation. For many years, BRICS countries have done a lot in advancing trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. The BRICS Summit in Xiamen have examined and approved a series of important documents such as the Outlines for BRICS Investment Facilitation, the BRICS Trade in Services Cooperation Roadmap and the Framework on Strengthening the Economic and Technological Cooperation for BRICS Countries. These tangible outcomes and measures will not only help to move forward the economic cooperation and trade among the five countries but also play a positive role in promoting the economic cooperation and trade between BRICS countries and other countries. 作為新興市場國家與發展家的代表,金磚國家推動建設開放型世界經濟,促進貿易和投資自由化便利化不僅符合自身利益,也符合發展家的整體利益,有助於為推動世界經濟實現強勁、可持續、平衡、包容增長注入「金磚活力」,作出「金磚貢獻」。Thirdly, as the representatives of emerging markets and developing countries, the BRICS countries, by promoting the building of an open world economy and advancing trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, serve not only their own interests but also the interests of the developing countries as a whole and will help inject "BRICS vitality" and make "BRICS contributions" to the pursuit of the robust, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth of the world economy. 問:有人說,金磚五國之間對一些問題有不同看法,這在一定程度上會制約金磚合作的長遠發展。中方對此有何評論?Q: Some people say that the different views on certain issues among BRICS countries have largely held back the long-term development of BRICS cooperation. How do you respond to that? 答:國與國之間在一些問題上有不同看法甚至分歧是正常的。金磚國家雖然國情不同,稟賦各異,但處於相近發展階段,具有相同發展目標,五國之間的共同利益和共同訴求遠遠大於差異和分歧。這是推動金磚合作強勁和持久發展的根本動力和基礎。A: It is only natural that countries may have different views or even divergences regarding certain issues. Despite different national conditions and respective strengths, BRICS countries are in the similar developmental stage and share the same development goals, and their common interests far outweigh differences. All this serves as the fundamental driving force and basis for the robust and sustained development of BRICS cooperation. 過去10年來,在金磚國家的共同努力下,金磚合作取得了舉世矚目的成果。我們為國際社會應對2008年國際金融危機作出重大貢獻。我們建立了新開發銀行和應急儲備安排。我們秉持多邊主義,就國際和地區重大問題一致發出金磚聲音。Second, in the past decade, with the concerted efforts of BRICS countries, BRICS cooperation have attained outcomes that attract worldwide attention. We have made major contributions to coping with the global financial crisis in 2008, moved forward mutually beneficial cooperation, established the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement, and upheld multilateralism and staked out our position on and put forward proposals for major international and regional issues. 金磚國家在合作中始終秉持金磚精神。大家不搞一言堂,凡事商量著來。實踐證明,金磚五國完全能夠超越分歧,金磚合作富有強大的生命力。BRICS countries have upheld the BRICS spirit in our cooperation all along. Decisions are made through consultation among us all, not by one country alone. Practice has proven that BRICS countries can surely rise above differences and BRICS cooperation is full of strong vitality. 我們相信,只要五國繼續堅定合作信念,堅持增信釋疑,相互照顧彼此關切,金磚合作就一定能夠行穩致遠。We believe that as long as we uphold strong faith in cooperation, enhance mutual trust and accommodate each other's concerns, we will surely achieve steady and long-term progress in BRICS cooperation.朝鮮半島問題:問:朝鮮昨天進行了第六次核試驗,中方是否會支持安理會對朝鮮採取更加嚴厲的制裁措施?中方是否會支持限制對朝鮮石油出口?Q: The DPRK conducted its 6th nuclear test yesterday. Will China now support even tougher UN sanctions on the DPRK? Will China support a limitation on oil export to the DRPK? 答:昨天,朝鮮方面進行了第六次核試驗,外交部已經在第一時間發表了聲明,表明了嚴正立場。至於聯合國安理會做出什麼樣的反應、採取什麼樣的行動,這取決於安理會成員討論的結果。A: Yesterday, the DPRK carried out the 6th nuclear test. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has immediately issued a statement to state our solemn position. As to how the UN Security Council will respond and what action it may take, this depends on what comes out of the discussion by its members. 中方始終堅持半島無核化,堅持維護半島和平穩定,堅持推動通過對話協商和平解決有關問題。作為安理會常任理事國,中方將本著這一立場,並以負責任和建設性的態度參與有關討論。China has always stayed committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, upholding peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and promoting the peaceful settlement of the relevant issue through dialogue and negotiation. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China will follow this position and participate in the relevant discussion with an responsible and constructive attitude. 問:第一,朝方是否在核試前通報中方?第二,為阻止朝鮮進行核試驗做出了哪些努力?第三,外交部在朝鮮核試驗后是否召見了朝鮮駐華大使表示抗議?第四,在朝鮮已經進行核試驗的情況下,中方將採取哪些舉措?Q: First, was China informed beforehand of this nuclear test? Second, what China has done to prevent the nuclear test by the DPRK? Third, Has the Foreign Ministry summoned the DPRK's Ambassador to China to protest against this nuclear test? Fourth, what measures will China take given that the DPRK has carried out a nuclear test? 答:關於第一個問題,中方堅持半島無核化,反對朝鮮進行核導開發的立場眾所周知。朝方對此一直非常清楚。A: Regarding your first question, China stays committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and opposition to the DPRK's nuclear and missile development. This position is known to all, and the DPRK has been very clear about this. 關於第二個問題,長期以來,我們為推動各方通過對話協商和平解決半島核問題付出了大量努力,開展了大量工作。我們提出了「雙軌并行」思路和「雙暫停」倡議,也一直就此與各方保持溝通,推動各方相向而行,爭取局勢早日降溫。As to the second question, for a long time, we have made enormous efforts and done a lot to promote the peaceful settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue through dialogue and negotiation. We have put forward the "dual-track" approach and the "suspension-for-suspension" proposal, maintained communication with various parties on this, helped them to work for the shared goal and tried to cool down the situation as soon as possible. 關於第三個問題,政府在第一時間已經通過外交部聲明表達了我們的嚴正立場。外交部已向朝鮮駐華使館的負責人提出了嚴正交涉。On the third question, the Chinese government has immediately expressed its solemn position through the Foreign Ministry's statement. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has lodged stern representations with the principal of the DPRK's Embassy in China. 關於第四個問題,中方一直全面、嚴格執行聯合國安理會通過的有關涉朝決議。我們履行應盡的國際義務,同時將繼續本著有助於實現半島無核化、有助於維護半島和平穩定的原則處理有關問題。As for the fourth question, China has always comprehensively and strictly implemented the relevant UN Security Council's DPRK-related resolutions. We are fulfilling our due international obligations, at the same time, we will continue to approach the relevant issue with the principle of helping realize the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and uphold peace and stability there. 問:朝方此次核試驗正值金磚國家領導人會晤期間,中方是否就核試時機向朝方提出抗議?Q: The DPRK nuclear test coincided with the BRICS Summit. Has China complained to the DPRK about the timing of this test? 答:朝鮮任何時候進行核試驗都是錯誤的,都違反安理會決議,違背國際社會普遍意願,中方對此堅決反對。A: The DPRK's nuclear test at any time is wrong, as it violates the Security Council resolutions and is against the will of the international community. China is firmly opposed to this. 剛才我已經說了,外交部已經向朝鮮駐華使館負責人提出了嚴正交涉。Just as I said, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has lodged stern representations with the principal of the DPRK's Embassy in China. 問:中方是否向朝方或其他國家就此次朝核試驗可能造成核輻射污染表示擔憂?Q: Has China ever expressed concerns to the DPRK or other countries over radioactive contamination from the DPRK's nuclear test spilling potentially into China? 答:關於此次核試驗可能造成的環境影響,環保部已經發布消息,介紹了有關情況。政府高度重視保護公民的人身安全和環境安全。中方主管部門將繼續全面了解此次試驗對產生的影響,並將採取必要措施保障境內公民的人身安全和環境安全。A: As for the possible impact of this nuclear test on the environment, the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection has released the relevant information on the situation. The Chinese government attaches great importance to protecting the Chinese nationals' personal safety and environmental safety. The Chinese competent authority will continue to gather the comprehensive information on the impacts of this nuclear test on China and take necessary measures to safeguard the Chinese nationals' personal safety and environmental safety in its territory. 問:去年9月9日,朝鮮進行了第五次核試驗,外交部當時發表的聲明表示堅持通過六方會談解決有關問題。但外交部昨天發布的聲明裡沒有這一表述,這是否說明中方對重啟六方會談的立場發生了變化?Q: When the DPRK carried out its 5th nuclear test last year on September 9, the Foreign Ministry of China issued a statement stressing the role of the Six-Party Talks in resolving the relevant issue. But these wordings are not in the statement put up by the Foreign Ministry yesterday. Does that signal a change to China's position on resuming the Six-Party Talks? 答:你閱讀得很仔細。我可以告訴你,中方對於六方會談的立場和態度沒有發生變化。事實上,呼籲早日重啟六方會談,不僅是中方一家的希望,還寫到了聯合國安理會有關決議里,這也是國際社會的普遍願望。我們希望有關各方能共同為此做出努力。A: I can tell that you did read the statements very carefully. I want to assure you that there is no change to China's position and attitude with regard to the Six-Party Talks. In fact, an early resumption of the Six-Party Talks is more than merely China's wish. It also features in the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and represents the common aspiration of the international community. We hope that all relevant parties could make joint efforts to that end. 問:美方再次威脅可能對朝鮮進行軍事干預以解決朝核問題。如果美方真這麼做,中方是否也會進行軍事干預?Q: The US once again threated to potentially use military intervention in the DPRK to resolve the nuclear issue. If the US were to do that, would China also get involved militarily? 答:你這是一個假設性問題,我無法回答。A: You posed a hypothetical question, and I am not going to answer that. 中方已經多次強調,武力不是解決朝鮮半島核問題的選項。你也可能注意到了,朝鮮進行第六次核試驗后,國際社會做出了強烈反應,其中有不少國家在有關的聲明和談話中都強調,和平解決半島核問題是唯一正確出路。中方對此持贊成態度。China has reiterated many times that military force cannot be an option for the settlement of the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue. You may also have noticed that after the DPRK's 6th nuclear test and amid the strong responses from the international community, many countries have stressed in their statements and remarks that peaceful solution will be the only correct way out of the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue. China also sides with them on that. -東南亞關係問題:問:據報道,柬埔寨政府9月3日凌晨逮捕了柬反對黨救國黨主席金索卡,稱其與外國勢力串聯勾結,涉嫌犯有陰謀罪、破壞國家安全罪等。中方對此有何評論?Q: According to reports, the Cambodian government arrested Kem Sokha, President of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party, in the early morning of September 3, claiming he has been in collusion with foreign forces and suspicious of conspiracy and undermining state security. How do you comment on that? 答:我們注意到有關情況。作為柬埔寨的好鄰居、好朋友、好夥伴、好兄弟,中方一貫支持柬埔寨走符合本國國情的發展道路,支持柬埔寨政府為維護國家安全和穩定所做努力。A: We have noted the relevant information. As a good neighbor, friend, partner and brother of Cambodia, the Chinese side has always supported Cambodia in following the development path suited to its national conditions and the Cambodian government's effort to uphold national security and stability.-南亞關係問題:問:在解決中印邊界對峙兩周后,印度任命了一位女性國防部長,這在世界各國都是很少見的。中方對此有何評論?Q: Two weeks after the settlement of the stand-off in the border area, India has appointed a woman as a defense minister. This is rare anywhere in the world. How does China respond to that? 答:印度政府內閣的人士變動是印度內政。作為原則,我們對其他國家內部事務不作評論。A: The personnel change in the cabinet of the Indian government falls within the internal affairs of India. As a principle, we will not comment on other countries' internal affairs. 問:關於印度邊防部隊非法越界進入中方境內洞朗地區並滯留,中方是否會在金磚國家領導人會晤期間向印方提及?Q: Regarding the illegal trespassing over the boundary of the Indian border troops and their stay in the Dong Lang area, will the Chinese side raise that issue with the Indian side during the BRICS Summit? 答:我的同事此前已經回答過,在廈門會晤期間,中方領導人作為東道主會與與會的有關國家領導人會面。至於會面的具體情況,我們會及時發布消息。A: As my colleagues have said, during the Xiamen Summit, our leaders will meet with the participating leaders of relevant countries as we are the host. The details of their meetings will be released in due course. 其它問題:問:據報道,近日,美方要求俄羅斯政府於9月2日前關閉俄駐舊金山總領館等3處外交機構,並於2日查封了其中2處外交機構。俄方對此表示非常不滿,要求美立即歸還俄外交設施,否則將承擔雙邊關係惡化的全部罪責。中方對此有何評論?Q: According to reports recently, the US required the Russian government to close its Consulate General in San Francisco and other two diplomatic posts in the US before September 2, and seized two of them on that day. The Russian side expressed strong dissatisfaction with this and demanded the return of the diplomatic facilities immediately, otherwise the US will bear the total blame for the ongoing degradation of the relations between the two countries. What's China's comment on that? 答:根據《維也納外交關係公約》、《維也納領事關係公約》等國際法和國際慣例,各國應為駐在本國的外交和領事機構及其人員正常執行職務提供便利。A: According to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and other international law and practice, countries should assist the diplomatic and consular missions and personnel posted there in performing their normal duties. 美俄都是世界上具有重要影響的大國,在維護世界和平、穩定與安全方面負有重要責任。我們希望美俄在遵循國際法基本原則的基礎上,本著相互尊重的精神,通過平等對話妥善解決有關問題。Both the US and Russia are major countries with important influence which undertake crucial responsibility in upholding world peace, stability and security. We hope that Russia and the US can properly resolve the relevant issue through dialogue on an equal footing on the basis of following the basic principles of international law and in the spirit of mutual respect. 問:據報道,江蘇雅百特科技股份有限公司曾通過偽造巴其斯坦旁遮普省首席部長夏巴茲等巴政要信函,謊稱參與木爾坦市快速公交項目,對業績進行造假。巴其斯坦有關政要也已對該公司所出具的信函予以否認,稱有關信函系偽造。據了解,中方有關部門正在對此案進行查處,你能否證實並介紹有關情況?Q: According to reports, the Jiangsu-based Yabaite Technology Co. Ltd, falsely claimed that it is involved in the metro bus project in the city of Multan and lied about its performance by forging the letters from Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif and other politicians. The relevant Pakistani politicians have denied the letters and said they were forgeries. According to our information, the relevant Chinese authorities are investigating and handing this case. Can you confirm that and give more details? 答:今年5月12日,證監會發布公告稱,江蘇雅百特科技股份有限公司於2015年至2016年9月通過虛構海外工程項目等手段虛增營業收入和利潤。A: On May 12, China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issued a public notice that the Jiangsu Yabaite Technology Co. Ltd inflated its operating incomes and profits by fabricating overseas engineering projects from September 2015 to 2016. 證監會聯合巴方有關部門對涉事公司進行調查,未將該公司所出具的有關巴政要的信函作為證據採信,也尚未發現證據證明該公司同巴境內相關公司和個人有任何經濟關係及資金往來。The CSRC, along with the relevant Pakistani authorities, has probed into the company involved. It did not admit the letters from the prominent Pakistani political figures submitted by this company as evidence and found no evidence of any economic relations or capital flow between this company and other Pakistani company or individual. 證監會將於近日對涉事公司作出正式處罰決定,並依法公開處罰結果。如果你需要進一步了解關於此案的有關具體情況,請向證監會詢問。The CSRC will hand out an official punishment to the company involved and publicize the result of the punishment in accordance with law in days. You may ask the CSRC for more details. 我想強調,中方一貫要求在海外的企業守法經營,並依法查處違法違規問題。中方願同巴方共同努力,推進中巴經濟合作健康發展。I would like to stress that the Chinese side has always requested the overseas Chinese enterprises to operate in a law-abiding manner and investigate and punish the activities violating law and regulations in accordance with law. China stands ready to work with Pakistan to promote the sound development of China-Pakistan economic cooperation. 外交部例行記者會(2017.09.01)註:外交部四月至八月例行記者會以及答記者問的內容,可查看首頁」翻譯學習「里的「翻碩&CATTI」欄目。翻吧

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