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石化新聞網訊 據道瓊斯6月19日消息,油價周一走低,未能守住先前的漲幅,主要是因為原油庫存持續過剩繼續打壓市場。紐約商業交易所的美國原油期貨結算價下跌54美分,至每桶44.20美元,跌幅1.21%。ICE歐洲期貨交易所的布倫特原油期貨下跌46美分,至每桶46.91美元,跌幅0.97%。一些交易員在等待周三公布美國原油庫存數據。庫存數據幾周以來一直令人失望,儘管歐佩克和其它主要產油國已實行減產,但美國庫存仍然很高。龐曉華 摘譯自 道瓊斯 原文如下:Oil Turns Lower as Glut Continues to Pressure MarketBy Christopher Alessi and Alison SiderOil prices turned lower Monday, failing to hold on to earlier gains as the stubborn glut of oil in storage continued to weigh on the market.U.S. crude futures settled down 54 cents, or 1.21%, at $44.20 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Brent, the global benchmark, fell 46 cents, or 0.97%, to $46.91 a barrel on ICE Futures Europe.Some traders are looking ahead to data scheduled for release Wednesday on the amount of oil and fuel in U.S. storage tanks. Those figures have disappointed investors for weeks, showing that stockpiles in the U.S. have remained high despite production cuts by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and other major producers.

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