3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Are you aware of the realities and factors of life? Life is hard!你完全清楚生活的種種現實么?生活不易!Storms will come, people will disappoint you and people will hate you for nothing, in fact your knowledge will be tested, your strength will be tested at all times.暴風雨會來,人們會對你失望,甚至會無故討厭你,還有你的知識能力會被一天到晚測試。Most times even those you think are your friends will be against you. So have a positive mind and a positive plan. Never stand down!!! Don』t quit.那些一度你當成朋友的人也會與你為敵。所以你需要一顆積極樂觀的心,制定一個不斷進步的計劃,不言敗,不放棄。「You are a soldier!!! Don』t stand down until you accomplish your mission」「你是一名戰士!!!除非任務完成否則你不能倒下。」For every phase to your destiny, you will face challenges to make you a champion. Keep pushing until you CRACK.生命的每個階段,你都會面對挑戰忍受煎熬。你要勇往直前直到粉身碎骨。What you are passing through is to stop you from achieving your goal but you can turn it for your own good, as a motivation to build you stronger only if you hold on till the end.化阻礙為動力,堅持到最後,讓你痛苦的事情,終究會讓你變得強大。Don』t be a victim of circumstances, let your passion, vision and mission take the lead!!! Apply this method to keep you focused, SAY IT DAILY.不畏困難,不做弱者,讓動力、願景、使命引領你前進。每日誦讀以下良言金句,它們讓你保持定力。Today is a gift!今天是上天給我的饋贈!I can & will surmount!我可以並將超越!I will never forgo my goal in life!不忘初心!I can see the picture of futurity!我能看到未來之景!Today is the day to be primo!一切從今天開始I'm on the finish line!我在終點線上!「Your achievement and greatness in life is not for you but for the world」你生命中的成就與偉大,不光為你自己也為這個世界。手機上也能學英語?還有機會和外教互動?搜索微信訂閱號 英語教室 或 aayyjs關注即可預約外教+免費試聽

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