3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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從太陽能或電池充電的雙模式USB移動電源設計 有時候,智能手機、平板電腦和其他移動設備是否真的知道,當你移動到一個方便的牆上插頭的時候,卻恰恰選擇了那一刻用完了果汁?我最近使用一款嶄新的Android智能手機的經驗,它迅速成為我職業和個人生活中不可或缺的一部分,我發現自己在忙碌的一天中幾乎沒有精力了。而不是回到我的舊翻蓋手機,我決定解決這個問題,使用絕對綠色解決方案在一個曬手機USB充電站的形式。我們的目標是建立一個緊湊的電源包,它正好放在我隨身攜帶的一個小的實用袋的底部,它裝有一個穩壓USB電源和一個容量足夠的電池,可以裝幾個智能手機或中型平板電腦。為了確保最大的靈活性,我希望電池的充電電路能夠從任何可用的USB埠或一個小型光伏陣列中提取它的汁液。 Component selecTIon For simplicity』s sake, I decided to base the power pack on one of the new crop of single-chip maximum power point tracking (MPPT) solar charge controllers, such as STMicroelectronics』 SPV1040 and Texas Instruments』 BQ24650. In the end, I decided on ST』s SPV 1040 because of the flexibility it offers in terms of input voltage (0.3 to 5.5 V) and its high levels of integraTIon and efficiency (Figure 1)。 The part integrates a high-efficiency, PWM-based step-up converter with a MPPT controller that opTImizes its input impedance to match the solar panel』s characterisTIcs, which vary according to how much solar input it is receiving. Besides being able to extract the most power from whatever solar panel I find for the project, a charger based on the SPV1040 can be easily adapted to accept power inputs from an alternate USB source. It also has protection circuits that disable the PWM converter if either a selectable current threshold (up to 1.8 A) is reached or a programmed temperature limit (up to155°C) is exceeded.

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