3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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石雷鵬寫譯一哥/點題王學院派寫譯經典名師,英語四六級及考研閱卷人。被學生親切地稱為「石麻麻」,沉穩幹練,獨創「功能段落」寫作模式,一招斃敵,以不變應萬變。每天用10分鐘碎片時間學習長難句動筆抄寫效果更佳日積月累,滴水穿石玩命學,不相信你過不了雖素未蒙面但真的愛你么么噠【今日長難句:細讀】In most of the homeless gardens of New York City the actual cultivation of plants is unfeasible, yet even so the compositions often seem to represent attempts to call arrangement of materials, an institution of colors, small pool of water, and a frequent presence of petals or leaves as well as of stuffed animals.今天這句話,比較難,錄音的過程也磕磕巴巴將近半小時,湊活聽一下今日長難句音頻解析 | 0628【結構解析】1. 本句主幹為 the actual cultivation of plants/ is /unfeasible, yet even so/ the compositions/ often seem to represent/ attempts,是由yet連接的兩個並列句。2. to call arrangement of materials, an institution of colors, small pool of water, and a frequent presence of petals or leaves as well as of stuffed animals是不定式短語作後置定語修飾attempts, to call 表使用……(參考譯文省譯了to call);其中…of petals or leaves和…of stuffed animals又是由as well as連接的兩個並列介詞短語,修飾presence.【辭彙】cultivation n. 培養,種植unfeasible adj. 不可行的composition n. 藝術作品,此句中指花園represent vt. 代表attempt n. 嘗試call 調用,使用arrangement n. 安排institution n. 建立,設立petal n. 花瓣stuffed 吃飽的,填滿的【參考譯文】In most of the homeless gardens of New York City the actual cultivation of plants is unfeasible, yet even so the compositions often seem to represent attempts to call arrangement of materials, an institution of colors, small pool of water, and a frequent presence of petals or leaves as well as of stuffed animals.在紐約的大部分無家可歸者的花園中,真正栽培植物是不可行的,但是即便如此,這些花園也經常看起來體現了人們的嘗試——對於材料的布置,色彩的運用,一小池水,經常出現的花瓣、樹葉以及吃的飽飽的動物。更多長難句翻譯以及四六級應試技巧都在考蟲四六級暑假班石麻麻主導寫作翻譯連續多年命中作文真題帶你過級帶你飛~這個暑假,來考蟲四六級暑假班今年12月,一定不後悔!7月開課,一路陪伴直到考前更有口語考試專項課程哦|立即加入考蟲四級暑假(二)班|立即加入考蟲六級暑假(二)班聯繫考蟲考蟲官方微博@考蟲四六級@考蟲專四專八 @考蟲口語@考蟲考研萌醬@考蟲雅思@考蟲托福考蟲官方微信四六級考蟲 | 考蟲考研 | 考蟲專四專八考蟲口語每日跟讀 | 考蟲烤鴨 | 考蟲托福 考蟲官方網站

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