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John Lee Dumas has interviewed more than 1,500 inspiring entrepreneurs as the host of the EOFire podcast, and has successfully launched two action-oriented books on productivity; "The Freedom Journal," which walks you through accomplishing a single goal in 100 days, and now "The Mastery Journal," a "step-by-step guide to mastering productivity, discipline & focus in 100 days."John Lee Dumas曾作為EOFire播客網站的主持人採訪了1500餘位傑出的創業家,並已整編出兩本以實踐為基礎的關於提高生產力的書籍:《自由手記》,告訴你如何在一百天內打成一個目標,和最新的《主宰手記》,一步一步指導你如何在這一百天內將生產力最大化,有條不紊。I asked JLD to share his top five tips, tricks and habits for being your most productive self each and every day.以下是JLD告訴我的五條核心建議,讓你每日都是最高效的自己。1.Plan Ahead1.提前計劃"I like to call this 'Win Tomorrow Today'," Dumas says, "All it takes it setting aside five minutes every evening before you end your work to establish the ONE goal you will accomplish tomorrow."「我喜歡稱這條為『明天贏在今日』,」Dumas說,「你需要做的僅僅是頭天晚上工作結束前抽出五分鐘來建立明天要完成的一個目標。」Sometimes, the hardest part of getting things done is deciding which thing to work on first. If this decision making has to happen first thing in the morning, it can create a roadblock to progress, which is no way to start your day.有時,最難的部分是決定要做的事項孰重孰輕。所以如果把計劃工作放在早上一切工作開始前來做,那麼可能會滯后工作進程,以這個方式開始新的一天肯定是不行的。"By giving yourself a head start the night before, you're allowing your most productive work hours--in the morning--to be leveraged to the fullest by not having to wonder about or choose what you'll work on first."「通過頭一個晚上的準備,得到的保證是第二天效率最高的時間段---早晨---可以被充分利用,因為不用去想先做什麼后做什麼。」2.Fine-Tune Your Morning Routine2.晨間工作做做好"Having a morning routine is one of the best things I've done for myself," Dumas says. "It not only helps me set my day up for success by gaining powerful momentum first thing in the morning, but it also allows me to guarantee that I'm going to get a set number of things done right away. This way, no matter what my day brings, I've already accomplished a number of things that are most important to my health and nutrition."「晨間安排是我做過的對自己最有裨益的事情,」Dumas說,「這不僅能讓我通過獲得足夠的動力給一天開個好頭,而且可以保證不耽誤我滯后要做的一系列事情。這樣,不管我的一天如何安排,我都完成了一系列有助於我身體健康的大事。」 Dumas says his morning routine includes a workout, hydration, meditation, and ensuring he gets the nutrients he needs to perform at a high level all day.Dumas說他的晨間安排包括鍛煉,補水,冥想以及保證充足的營養獲得,以保證高質量的一天。"It's a huge plus to use your "Win Tomorrow Today" mentality to set your morning routine the night before so you know exactly what to do when you wake up in the morning," he says.「在計劃晨間安排時用上『明天贏在今日』的精神是極好的,頭天晚上你就能準確知道第二天早上幾點起床,起來后要做什麼。」3.Break Work Into Sessions3.把工作分次完成One of the common mistakes people make is to focus entirely on whatever task is next on their list and promise not to move or pause until it's done.人們普遍容易犯的一個錯誤是完全集中於清單上的下一個任務,並且保證不到做完就不會停下來或者做別的事."Tasks will expand to the time allotted," Dumas cautions. Instead, he advises taking inspiration from the Pomodoro technique and setting up timed periods for both focused work and breaks.「任務很可能不能在規定時間裡做完,」Dumas警告說.相反,他建議可以從波摩多洛技巧中汲取靈感,為工作和休息設定周期,到什麼時間做什麼事."Establishing sessions where you have a set amount of Focus Time followed by a set amount of Refresh Time helps you avoid distractions and make massive progress on the tasks and projects you're working on," Dumas says.「建立分階段保證專註時間和小憩時間交叉安排可以使你避免分心,並且在完成任務和事項時更加高效.」Dumas說.4.Make Time For 10-Day Recaps4.安排『十日煥新』時間Being extremely future-focused and ambitious is great, but if you're always moving from one task to another, you could be missing out on a big growth opportunity.完全專註於未來,一直野心勃勃是個好事,但是如果你永遠周轉與一個接一個的任務中,可能會使你錯過巨大的成長機遇。"In order to learn what's working and what's not working, you need to allow reflection time," Dumas says. He recommends setting aside some time at least every 10 days to reflect on the good, the bad, and everything in between.「為了了解什麼是運作正常的,什麼又是出了問題的,安排時間給反省回顧是你需要的,」Dumas說。他建議至少每十天抽出特定時間來回顧工作中的佳績和壞事,以及中性事件。"When you can identify what's working, you'll know what to double down on," Dumas says. "You'll also be able to identify the things that are holding you back from getting where you want to go, and to brainstorm solutions for those struggles in order to eliminate them in the future."「當你發現了自己做得好的地方時,你就明白了之後加倍努力的方向。」Dumas說「同實際也可以鑒別出你的阻礙在哪裡,並且頭腦風暴出解決這些疑難的辦法,並且在未來的道路上將其消除。」5.Gratitude5.懂得感恩If you really want to get more done, you have to stop focusing on what you can't do, and start focusing on everything that's going right. 如果你真的想更加有效率的話,就不能繼續盯著自己不能做的事情不放,而是應該去注意那些你能勝任的事情。"Practicing gratitude will not only increase your happiness factor, it will also increase your productivity," Dumas says. "When you have a positive attitude and take time out to recognize everything you have to be grateful for, you're able to focus on the many things you have accomplished, versus focusing on things you haven't accomplished, and therefore, you're more likely to gain momentum and get more done."「履行感恩的原則不僅能提高你的幸福指數,而且能提高你的生產力,」Dumas說。「當你積極向上地花時間去尋找讓你感恩的事情時,你便可以關注到那些你成功完成的事情,而不是注重自己失敗的案例。懷著這樣的心態,你會更有可能取得進步,做好更多的事情。

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