3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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[Kennedy] I wonder which edge of the Earth Kyrie Irving is watching the solar eclipse from.今日出現了百年來第一個橫跨美國全境的日全食,許多人以此嘲諷地平說信徒,記者肯尼迪就是一個:「我好奇歐文是從地球邊緣的哪端看日全食的。」[–]TheRealTofuey 419 指標 4小時前 The one thing I never understand about flat earthers is why don't you go to the edge you fucking moron. Prove it by going and taking a picture.這幫地平說信徒讓我不解的一件事就是,你們這幫TM智障為什麼不去地球邊緣看看啊?這樣你們就能眼見為實、拍幾張照片證明地球是平的。[–]swinging_ship 218 指標 3小時前 All these people making "fake" pictures of the round earth, yet we have no consistent pictures of the flat earth.地平說信徒都說地球的照片是假的,是偽造的,但是你們倒是弄出一套官方的平地球的照片啊,結果一個個千奇百怪百花齊放。[–]icon0clasm 159 指標 3小時前 They believe that NASA has a giant armed military force guarding the edges of the Earth so nobody falls off.那幫智障相信美國航天局有一隊巨大的武裝力量,在地球邊緣駐紮著,保護人們不掉下去。[–]I_Am_Hank_Hill_AMA 221 指標 2小時前 And here I am wishing NASA would get that kind of funding.哎,我倒是希望美國航天局有那麼多的資金呢。[–]Spursthelastdeskontheleft 38 指標 3小時前 Ice wall bruh他們還說地球邊緣被冰長城圍著呢。[–][SEA] Gary Paytony1651y584c 2363 指標 6小時前 Kyrie got his legs off the edge of the earth staring at the sun with no eclipse glasses on歐文就坐在地球邊緣上,兩隻小腿晃呀晃,不帶日食鏡就直勾勾的看著日食。[–]Rockets Bandwagonbuddha_abusa 63 指標 4小時前 Looks like he's taking a shit in the ocean.主樓的這張圖裡好像歐文坐在海洋上拉屎。[–]SpursWhatSheOrder 25 指標 3小時前 Splaaaaaaaashhhhh水花兄弟來新人了![–]Warriors Bandwagonsop1232 145 指標 6小時前He's watching from the reflection of Richard Jefferson's head他是通過傑弗森鋥亮的腦門的反射看到日全食的。[–]WarriorsChampeen17 2044 指標 6小時前 There are even people replying to that comment acting like the Earth is flat and throwing shade at all us idiots who believe the million pieces of evidence that the Earth is a sphere.We truly live in the "your opinion is as important as empirical facts" age and it is terrible.肯尼迪這條推特底下竟然還真有不少人回復說地球是平的,瞧不起我們這幫相信幾百萬條證明地球是球體的實在證據的蠢B。我們現在生活在一個人們鼓吹「你的觀點跟鐵板釘釘的事實一樣重要」的時代里,簡直糟透了。[–][LAL] Lamar OdomCD338 956 指標 5小時前 The moon is throwing the ultimate shade on this blessed day.在這美妙的一天,月亮也在瞧不起太陽。譯者註:Throw shade on意為瞧不起、暗中貶低,但字面意思也有將XX用陰影遮蓋的意思。在這裡是雙關。[–][DAL] Steve NashComeOnAndSlang 401 指標 5小時前 This exchange is great lol這底下你來我往的回復簡直太好玩了。譯者註:截圖中的這位女用戶說「你有本事不用美國航天局或者其他的政府/航天部門的證據來證明地球是球體呀。」,另外一個人回復說:「呵呵,就是不讓我用能證明地球是球體的證據來證明地球是球體唄?」[–]Lakerssickeye3 51 指標 5小時前 scientist here. Kyrie and the rest of the 'know-nothings' can suck my balls.我就是人們口中的科學家,歐文還有其他的自以為是的蠢蛋都可以舔我的蛋蛋了。[–][NYK] Eddy Curryripghostofwadeboggs 483 指標 6小時前 If the the earth is flat, but circular, then we wouldn't be able to differentiate between separate edges because there would just be one round edge that goes 360 degrees around the flat circle planet.如果地球是平的,但同時也是圓形的話,我們就無法區分地球邊緣了,因為這樣的話地球邊緣就是一個大圓,將地球360°包圍起來。[–]_enebea 142 指標 5小時前 I met a flat earther the other day. "the sun and moon are only about 75 miles above us and they're the exact same size." "We are stationary, if the earth was really traveling through space at thousands of miles per hour airplanes would just fly off the planet." And "Antarctica is the center of the earth." Then he went to say it's the government starting race wars to get us ready for world war 3 which is around the corner. There was more stupid shit he said but I don't remember.我那天遇見一個地平說信徒,他跟我說:「太陽和月亮的海拔高度只有75英里,而且他們的大小是完完全全一樣的;我們是靜止的,如果地球真的以每小時幾千英里的速度在宇宙飛行的話,飛機就會從地球上掉下去的;南極洲是地球中心。」他還說什麼政府挑頭開啟種族戰爭以讓我們準備好迎接馬上要到來的 第 三 次 世 界 大 戰。他還說了一些別的蠢事,我記不太清了。

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