3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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【影片介紹】 《金剛狼3:殊死一戰》是《金剛狼》系列電影第三部,故事背景設定在2029年,講述了邁入暮年的金剛狼漸漸失去了體內的自愈因子,當一個與他能力相似的變種人勞拉出現,金剛狼決定出山保護勞拉的故事。影片借鑒了漫威漫畫《暮狼尋鄉》的一些劇情,不過休·傑克曼出演該片的靈感更多來自電影《不可饒恕》。【選詞片段】 Charles: How long have I been here? What are these? Logan: You remember what they are. The shots mellow the seizures. The pill keep them from happening. How about you blow on them to make them safe? Charles:Fuck off. Logan. Logan: So you remember who am I now? Charles: I always know who you are. It』s just sometimes I don』t recognize you. Logan: Take the pills. Charles: You leave me alone with that fucking albino. He doesn』t listen to me. I know a damn speciation when I see one. Logan: A what? Charles: Speciation. New mutant, a young one. There are forces trying to kill them. Logan: Forces? Charles: They need help. Logan: Forces, forces. It』s too bad you』re not in that business anyone. Charles: They don』t want me, they want you. Oh, yes, that』s how fucking stupid they are. They』re waiting for you at the statue of Liberty. Logan: The statue of Liberty was a long time ago. Charles, a long time. There are no new mutants, Understand? Hasn』t been a new one born in 25 years. Not anywhere. You always thought we were part of God』s plan. But maybe. Maybe we were God』s mistake.知識點見下頁~【知識點】 1. Blow on 已經老了的查爾斯痙攣再一次發作,他安靜下來后,問道,我在這待了多久。羅根沒說話,把葯遞給他,說,打針可以緩解痙攣,按時吃藥就不會發作了。開玩笑說,不如吹口仙氣,願上帝保佑把!Blow on的意思是吹涼,使使受損的意思,在這指吹口氣。 2. Take the pill 羅根說,你終於想起我是誰了。查爾斯說,我一直知道你是誰,只是有時候沒認出來而已。羅根叮囑他快吃藥。查爾斯抱怨道,你把我丟給一個有白化病的傢伙,他根本不聽我的話。然後說,我一看就知道他們是新物種,新的變種人,很年輕。Take the pill在這是吃藥的意思,羅根一直讓查爾斯吃藥。 3. The statue of Liberty 查爾斯說有勢力要屠殺新的變種人,他們需要幫助。羅根回答說,那實在太可惜了,你已經退出歷史舞台了。查爾斯說,他們需要的是你,而不是我。他們在自由女神像那裡等你。羅根說,自由女神像早沒了。其實,勞拉是在自由汽車旅館那裡。The statue of Liberty全名為「自由女神銅像國家紀念碑」,正式名稱是「自由照耀世界」,位於美國紐約海港內自由島的哈德遜河口附近。是法國於1876年為紀念美國獨立戰爭勝利一百周年而建造的。

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