3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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陽光下的精彩—— 荷蘭畫家 Ben Rikken 漂亮風景 · 靜物繪畫作品欣賞About Ben RikkenBen Rikken (1951) After graduating from Minerva Academy in Groningen, Rikken made several study trips through Europe. During these trips he learned how to portray the various European landscapes on canvas. Rikken paints according to 19th-century principles. Entirely in the tradition of the first Impressionists, he works outdoors as much as possible. He creates small preliminary studies 『en plein air』 and works them out into the final painting in his studio. This method of working enables Rikken to capture the light, atmosphere and scenery in its purest form. The unusual perspective and the often intense colours demonstrate that Rikken is a child of his times, despite his admiration for the Old Masters. Light and colour are perhaps the most important elements in the work of artist Ben Rikken. These visual resources play an essential role in his landscapes as well as in his still lifes. In Latte – Bloeiende Cypres (Latte – Flowering Cypress), Rikken manages to capture the sweep of the sea in a remarkable way by means of loose brushstrokes. The addition of colour gives an extra dimension to what seems to be a figurative painting at first sight. The Mediterranean light is of the utmost importance in this work. Education:Minerva Scool of Arts,Groningen ( the Netherlands ) Master Fine Arts, Painting and Drawing,1972-1979.

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