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英國的周三剛剛結束,新首相特蕾莎·梅接任了首相一職。而原首相大衛·卡梅倫則度過了他在位的最後一天,並即將離開唐寧街10號。註:加粗下劃線部分為重點表達。The Last Day as PM身為首相的最後一天In a parting speech before heading to Buckingham Palace to tender his resignation, the Prime Minister admitted he had not got everything right.在前往白金漢宮提交辭呈之前的一次臨別講話中,現任首相卡梅倫承認他對自己的政績是抱有遺憾的。 (Tender一詞基本的意思是提供,這裡這樣用是一種委婉的措辭,其實tender his resignation和give his resignation意思相同。)'It's not been easy going and of course we have not got every decision right. But I do believe that today our country is much stronger,' he said.他說:「這並不容易,而且顯現我們的決定並不全是對的。不過,我的確認為我們的國家比以前更強大了。」 (get sth. + adj.這個句型的意思是「使sth.怎麼樣」,是一種比較口語化的表達。)An official communication issued by Buckingham Palace just before 5.25pm said: 'The Right Honourable David Cameron MP had an Audience of The Queen this evening and tendered his resignation as Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury, which Her Majesty was graciously pleased to accept.'白金漢宮在下午5:25之前發表的一份正式照會說:「尊敬的國會議員大衛·卡梅倫今晚受到了女王的接見並提交了他作為首相以及第一財政大臣的辭呈,女王大人和藹而愉快地接受了。」 (MP = Member of Parliment,意思是國會議員。Audience在這的意思不是「觀眾」而是「接見」,這是一種比較正式的用法,日常情況下少見。)The dramatic events in Downing Street tonight proved too much for five-year-old Florence who clung to her mother Samantha as the Prime Minister made his final speech before resigning.唐寧街今晚這戲劇性的一幕對5歲的弗洛倫斯(卡梅倫的女兒)顯得太過沉重,在首先進行卸任前的最後講話之時,她緊緊地抱著媽媽薩曼莎。Downing Street staff and aides looked on as the outgoing Prime Minister delivered his last speech. Many were visibly upset.唐寧街的員工與副官們看著即將離開的首相進行他的最後講話。他們中的很多人表現出了明顯的沮喪。唐寧街10號No. 10 Downing StreetNo. 10 Downing Street, colloquially known in the United Kingdom as "Number 10", is the headquarters of Her Majesty's Government and the official residence and office of the First Lord of the Treasury, a post which, for much of the 18th and 19th centuries and invariably since 1905, has been held by the Prime Minister.唐寧街10號在英國口語中被稱為「10號」,它是女王大人政府的總部,並且也是首席財務大臣的正式居所以及辦公室。首席財務大臣一職在18、19世紀的大部分時間裡以及1905年以後都是由首相擔任的。 (注意這裡的用法:for much of the 18th and 19th centuries。用的是for而不是in,用for會更加強調連續的時間段。)Cameron』s Last PMQs卡梅倫最後的首相質詢 雖然離任的劇情很感傷,但是卡梅倫的最後一次首相質詢卻似乎很愉快。David Cameron kicked off PMQs by joking that the rest of his diary for the day was remarkably light. He also laughingly rejected suggestions that he did not like Downing Street cat Larry, holding up a photo of the two of them.大衛·卡梅倫以一個玩笑為這次首相質詢拉開帷幕,他說今天日記餘下的部分將會十分輕薄。他還笑著反駁「他並不喜歡現在的第一貓咪拉瑞」的謠言,並用一張自己與拉瑞的合照作為證據。 (Suggestion的意思是「暗示」、「意見」,這裡根據語境翻譯成了「謠言」。)"Do I have to go?" Larry sits on the step outside 10 Downing Street.「我也都搬家嗎?」拉瑞坐在唐寧街10號的台階上時不禁深思。 不好意思,流水的首相鐵打的喵,政府人員表示貓咪Larry是唐寧街的公務員,人家這飯碗比誰都鐵,卡梅倫收拾收拾沙揚娜拉了,貓咪要跟著新首相梅姨繼續它的小日子……Mr. Cameron laughed with his successor as Prime Minister Theresa May during the Commons set-piece today在下議院進行預先準備的質詢期間,卡梅倫與他的繼任者特蕾莎·梅·談笑風生。In a reference to his memorable jibe at Tony Blair in his first PMQs appearance in 2005, Mr Cameron said: 『Nothing is really impossible if you put your mind to it. After all – as I once said – I was the future once.』卡梅倫在質詢中提到了他在2005年第一次進行首相質詢時對托尼·布萊爾(前首相)的著名嘲諷。他說:「只要你用心做,沒有什麼是真的不可能的。畢竟,就如我曾經講的,我也曾是英國的未來。」'I came into Downing Street to confront our problems as a country and lead people through difficult decisions so we could reach better times,'「我當初進入唐寧街是為了替這個國家應對問題並領導人民作出艱難的決定,其目的是希望國家的未來會更好。」 (set-piece可以表達的意思很廣,它指的是預先精心計劃好的行動,所以翻譯的時候要根據語境靈活變換。) 最後,讓我們來看看卡梅倫在離開唐寧街之前說了些什麼。

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