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廣州愛莎國際學校將會來參加TIE2017國際學校擇校巡展,廣州站將在4月8日開啟,對廣州愛莎國際學校感興趣的家長歡迎前來諮詢,此外,還有上海站4月15日,北京站5月6日相繼進行。廣州愛莎國際學校招 生 簡 章廣州愛莎國際學校融合了和國際教育實踐和傳統中的精髓,在創造了一種高質量的雙語教育新模式。廣州愛莎國際學校的使命是提供富有學術挑戰和自我挑戰的全人教育,幫助學生為終身學習做好準備,同時塑造堅強性格。廣州愛莎國際學校的價值觀體現在學校名字中: 誠信(Inspiring) 成功(Success) 行動(Action)誠信:每個學生將會了解道德原則和明智決定。了解誠信有助於學習堅守自己原則,尊重和關心他人。成功:每個學生將會學習設定個人目標,追求卓越。了解成功有助於取得學術成果和成為雙語溝通者。行動:每個學生將會學習成為積極好學、勤奮努力的學習者。了解行動有助於立志實現個人目標、創造更美好世界。廣州愛莎國際學校的歷史廣州愛莎國際學校的成立始於一個滿足在建立國際教育新模式需求的想法。的父母們希望孩子能實現「夢」。他們希望自己的孩子能夠實現真正意義上的國際化,能夠在任何國家學習和工作,但也要了解自己的國家遺產和價值觀,即中文和中華文化。國外的父母則意識到對世界其他國家的重要性。他們希望自己的孩子能夠了解文化,說一口流利的中文。廣州愛莎國際學校提供的國際教育新模式將會滿足國內外家庭的不同教育需要。課程概述廣州愛莎國際學校擁有全世界認可的教學實踐經驗,讓學生們在一個富有創意,活力和快樂的環境下學習。廣州愛莎國際學校是一所具備三大IB項目資格的准授權學校,其項目包括:幼稚園國小PYP項目、中學MYP項目和大學預科DP項目(於大校區開設)。在學校課程各方面(包括學術、運動及藝術)的培養下,學生會成為自信、具有創造力、獨立思考能力和全面發展的優秀人才。出色的中英雙語項目是學校的特色。強大的中文教學覆蓋了幼稚園至國中。此外,學校也重視每個學生的語言和文化傳統,除了中文課以外,我們還提供5種母語課程(義大利語、阿拉伯語、韓語、法語和西班牙語)的學習機會。MissionISA International School blends the best of Chinese and international educational practices and traditions, creating a new model of high quality, multilingual education in China。 ISA International School』s mission is encapsulated in the words: Inspiring Success through Action。 We aim to provide holistic education with academic, creative and personal challenges that prepare students for a life of success。 ISA students will attain much more than academic success。 They learn to take meaningful action, to be leaders and to give service to their communities。History of ISA SchoolISA International School of Guangzhou was founded in 2014 by the ISA Education Consultancy Company Ltd。 in cooperation with the International School of London (ISL), a leading group of four IB World Schools in London, Surrey, and Doha。 ISA began as an idea to fulfill the need for a new style of international education in China。 Parents from China want their families to live the 『Chinese Dream』。 They want their children to be truly international, able to study and work in any country in the world, but also to know their heritage and value Chinese language and culture。 Parents from foreign countries realize how important China is to the rest of the world。 They want their children to fully understand Chinese culture and to be fluent in the language。 ISA International School provides a new style of international education that meets the needs of both Chinese and foreign families。CurriculumISA students learn in an environment where recognized educational practices from around the world provide a creative, stimulating and enjoyable learning atmosphere。ISA is a Candidate School for the three International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes: PYP, MYP and IB Diploma。Students are encouraged to be independent thinkers and creativity is fostered in all areas of the curriculum, including academic, sporting or artistic。Through this challenging curriculum, we give students the confidence to thrive in a globalised world。A strong Chinese programme is delivered from Early Years to Middle School。In addition, five Mother Tongue languages are taught (Italian, Arabic, Korean, French and Spanish), because at ISA we value highly each student』s linguistic and cultural heritag.請輸入標題 abcdefg「」歡迎加入【TIE2017廣州站家長群】與更多家長一起暢聊,廣州國際學校的那些事兒~(入群)【廣州場】時間:4月8日8:30-16:00 地點:廣州富力君悅大酒店3F(廣州市天河區珠江新城珠江西路12號)聯繫電話:010-58983664(尹老師)010-62898790/13810888501(畢先生) 【上海場】時間:4月15日8:30-16:00 地點:名仕街時尚創意園 星尚秀1F(上海市閘北區洛川中路1158號A3棟號)聯繫電話:010-58983975(彭老師)010-62898790/13810888501(畢先生) 【北京場】時間:5月6日8:30-16:00 地點:北京飯店國際會展中心1F(北京市東城區王府井大街301號)聯繫電話:010-58983664(尹老師)010-62898790/13810888501(畢先生)三場展會等您來聽!屆時會有相關專家對不同類型的國際課程,和國際教育趨勢進行講解,還等什麼,快來報名吧!

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