3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Everyone knows great employees are dependable, reliable, proactive, great team players, have strong work ethics… all the standard (yet often uncommon) qualities. So what traits take a great employee to the next level and make them a truly outstanding employee?眾所周知,好的員工必須是可信可靠、具有前瞻性、擁有團隊協作精神並富有職業道德的——擁有所有這些優秀(而又通常不平凡)的品質。那麼怎樣的特質才能使一位好員工更上一層樓,成為一位真正的傑出員工呢?The extra 1%: The qualities that often go unnoticed (and unremarked in performance evaluations) yet make a major impact on performance.Here is my list of qualities that make an already great employee outstanding:額外的1%就這裡:那些在評價中經常被忽略的品質,往往會對個人的表現有很重要的影響。以下是使一位優秀員工出類拔萃的一系列特質:• A little bit 「off.」 The best employees are a little different: Quirky, sometimes irreverent, happy to be unusual… they seem slightly 「off,」 but in a really good way. Unusual personalities shake things up, make work more fun, and turn a vanilla group into a team with flavor and flair. People who aren』t afraid to be different stretch boundaries, challenge the status quo, and often come up with the best ideas. But for this to be a great quality, the people who are a little 「off」 also need to…有一點「不合群」最佳員工總是特別的:有一些古怪,有時甚至是不太禮貌的,他們喜歡讓自己與眾不同。他們看上去有些稍稍的「不合群」,當然是在好的一面。這種不尋常的性格會讓事情變得很不一樣,使工作更有趣,讓一個普通的團隊變得有聲有色。那些不擔心成為特殊的群體邊界的人們勇於挑戰現狀,並經常能想出精彩的主意。但要想使之成為一個優秀品質,這些個「不合群」的人還要能做到……• Know when to reel it in. A non-standard personality is a lot of fun until it isn』t. When times get tough, major challenges pop up, or situations become stressful, even the most eccentric should know when to set aside their desire to express their individuality and fit seamlessly into the team. Outstanding employees know when to play and when to be serious, when to be irreverent and when to conform, and when to challenge and when to back off. Tough balance to strike, but outstanding employees walk that fine line with ease.知道何時該回歸團體。而不適宜的性格就是:非常能放得開,但放到最後樂極生悲了。當困難來臨、挑戰突降、或是情況變得使人壓力重重,即便是再古怪的人也應該知道是時候該表達他們自己並完全地融入這個團隊了。傑出的員工知道何時該玩何時認真,何時任性何時順從,何時勇於挑戰何時安分守己。要把握好這樣一種平衡很難,而傑出員工卻能做到遊刃有餘。• Ignore job descriptions. The smaller the company the more important it is that employees think on their feet, adapt quickly to shifting priorities, and do whatever it takes, regardless of role or position, to get things done. When a key customer』s order is in danger of shipping late, outstanding employees know without being told there』s a problem — and jump in without being asked, even if it』s not 「their job.」無視工作說明。公司越是小,就越是需要員工迅速反應並適應靈活地調整事情的輕重急緩。需要什麼就做什麼,不要顧慮自己的角色、職位,一心做好工作。比如一個重要顧客的訂單存在航運晚點的可能性,這時,傑出的員工能夠做到,不知會便能洞悉問題所在,沒有指示也能投入「非本職工作」。• Eager to prove others wrong. Self-motivation often springs from a desire to show that doubters are wrong. The kid without a college degree or the woman who was told she didn』t have leadership potential could have a burning desire to prove themselves. Education, intelligence, talent, skill — all are important, but drive is critical. 渴望證明他人的錯誤。自我鼓勵常常始於對證明質疑者是錯的這樣一種渴望。一個沒有大學文憑的孩子亦或是一位被告知沒有領導潛力的女士,往往會有強烈的願望想去證明自己的能力。教育、智力、天分、技巧——這些都非常重要,但內心的驅動力更為關鍵。• Praise in public. Few things can boost morale more than praise from a peer, especially a peer you look up to. Outstanding employees recognize the contributions of others, especially in group settings where the impact of their words is even greater. But they also know when to…在公共場合稱讚。沒有什麼能比得到夥伴的讚揚來得更振奮人心了,尤其是從你一直敬仰的夥伴口中得到的。傑出的員工能夠賞識他人的貢獻,尤其是在工作環境中,這類話語的作用更加顯著。但是他們也同樣知道什麼時候該……• Complain in private. We all want employees to raise issues, but some problems are better handled one-on-one. Great employees often get more latitude to bring up controversial subjects because their performance allows greater freedom. The employee who comes to you after a meeting to discuss a sensitive issue that if brought up in a group setting would have set off a firestorm does you and the business a favor. And speaking of favors…在私下抱怨。我們都希望員工能提出問題,但有些問題呢最好是能一對一的進行處理。好的員工往往擁有更大的自由權利去提出爭議性話題,這是他們的出色表現使然。那些在會議之後前來與你討論某個敏感話題的員工,著實幫了你一個大忙——因為倘若在團隊中公然提出此類問題,必然會引起一場唇槍舌戰。• Ask questions for others. Some employees are hesitant to speak up in meetings. Some are even hesitant to speak up privately. For example, an employee once asked me a question about potential layoffs. After the meeting I said, 「Why did you ask? You already know what』s going on.」 He said, 「Yeah, I did, but a lot of other people don』t — and they needed to hear the answer from you.」 Outstanding employees have a feel for the issues and concerns of those around them and step up to ask questions others are hesitant. 敢於提問。一些員工對在會議中大聲說出疑問總是有所保留,有些甚至連私下說都要考慮甚久。比如說,一位員工曾問我一個有關潛在裁員的問題。在會議后我說:「你問這個做什麼?你已經知道來龍去脈了阿。」他說,「是,我的確知道。但還有許多其他人不知道,他們想從你口中聽到答案。」傑出員工往往能了解周圍人的話題和擔憂,並代他們提出心中的疑惑。• Start work on time. What does 「on time」 mean? Walking in the front door on time? Getting to your desk on time? Outstanding employees start working when the workday starts; they don』t get their coffee, hang around and chat, take care of personal stuff… they hit the ground running, on time. Granted, this might just be a pet peeve, but if your start time is 8 a.m. shouldn』t you be working at 8 a.m.?準時開始工作。「準時」意味著什麼呢?準時踏入前門?準時坐在桌前?傑出員工在工作日開始工作,他們不會走進辦公室,而是在周圍閒蕩、聊天,處理好私人事務。儘管,這也許是一件令人氣惱的事,但如果你的工作時間是8點開始,難道你8點不應該去工作嗎?• Tinker. Some people are rarely satisfied — in a good way — and are constantly playing around with something: Reworking a report, tweaking a process, experimenting with a different workflow. Great employees follow processes. Outstanding employees go a step farther and find ways to make those processes even better, not just because they are expected to but because they can』t just help themselves.不斷修改。有些人從不僅僅滿足於自己的成就,因而不停地對自己的事業精益求精:重寫工作報告,調整並且實踐新的工作流程。好的員工跟隨前人的腳步,而卓越的員工則更進一步,他們總是試圖做到比前人的規範更好,不僅僅是由於別人期望他們這麼做,而是他們難以自制得想讓企業變得更好。

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