3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

新東方在線雅思網為大家帶來了雅思口語解析:famous people/celebrity。希望以下內容能夠為同學們的雅思備考提供幫助。新東方在線雅思網將第一時間為大家發布最新、最全、最專業的雅思報名官網消息和雅思考試真題及解析,供大家參考。你心目中的famous people是什麼樣的?他們的隱私就理應被曝光嗎?光鮮亮麗的背後會不會也有很多辛酸一起來圍觀今天的題目↓What do you think motivates people who seek fame?Some people argue that celebrities and famous people have no right to expect privacy because they are in the public eye. What』s your opinion?Many celebrities have begun using their fame to raise awareness of social issues. Do you think this is a good trend or a bad trend?Why do some companies advertise products by using famous people?1.What do you think motivates people who seek fame?對於人們尋求名譽的動力或途徑(pathway)其實按大類歸大概有兩種:一種是為了出名或金錢,另一種是真正的具備某種才能(talent)。有一些人就想著如何出名,並把出名一開始就定位自己的目標。如果這些人真正的有天賦或者其他的才能也就罷了,但是他們僅僅是為了塑造自己的名譽,他們成名的動力是想要被眾多人喜歡,吸引很多人的attention注意力,或者是為了金錢,我認為這些不能算是尋求名譽真正的動力。有些人他們只是在做自己喜歡的事情,由於擅長做的事情而出名,我認為這些才能是真正追尋自己名譽的動力。這道題雖然在問考生自己的觀點,但是需要注意的是,考生一定不要舉特定的個例進行說明。因為作為part 3 的題目我們在答題的時候一定要注意題目所涉及的範圍和群體,本題可以說明自己的觀點,但是需要用群體為單位進行論述及說明。比如:一類有才能的人有真正的動力,但是另一類只為了出名而出名的人不具有真正的動力等等。參考答案:In some ways I think there are two types of motivation, or two pathways, if you like, to fame. There are those who deliberately set out to become famous and that is their goal from the beginning. It doesn』t really matter if they have talent or anything, they just crave fame and I think they are motivated by wanting lots of people to like them, and the attention and perhaps the money also, but I don』t think that is the main motivation. Then there are people who simply do what they love and become famous doing it. They are motivated by their talent, I believe.2.Some people argue that celebrities and famous people have no right to expect privacy because they are in the public eye. What』s your opinion?這道題的論點偏向性可能對於大多數來講會比較一致,大家可能都會認為這個說法並不合理或有效(valid).名人並不是因為出了名就簡單的變成了public property公共財產,我絕對相信他們被給予了與其他人一樣擁有隱私的權利。就拿黛安娜王妃做例子 – 她被媒體和狗仔隊(paparazzi)不斷侵擾最後到了導致她死亡的程度。當然,名人也是人,他們有和我們其他人一樣有對於隱私的基本權利。對於part 3 中表達自己觀點的題目,考生不必多慮自己持有的觀點與考官持有觀點的一致性。因為在很多這樣的題目中並沒有正確的答案,考生只要對於自己持有的觀點能夠有合理的,充分的論述理由就可以,不必擔心或多慮是否與考官觀點一直。只要緊扣題目,能夠自圓其說就不用擔心在正確性方面的分數。參考答案:I don』t think this is a valid argument at all. Famous people do not become public property simply because they are famous and I certainly believe they are entitled to as much privacy as the rest of us. Take Princess Diana as an example—she was hounded by the media and paparazzi to the extent that it killed her in the end. They are human beings and have the basic right to privacy like the rest of us. The only exception to this would be related to politicians and information which the public needs to be aware of in order to keep them honest!3.Many celebrities have begun using their fame to raise awareness of social issues. Do you think this is a good trend or a bad trend?許多名人已經開始用自己的名譽來喚醒社會的意識,這是一個非常好的positive的趨勢。但是名人應該對於自己代言或宣傳的內容做以了解,而並不是只為了提升或豐富自己的經歷而做一些完全不知道具體相關內容的事情。名人不能用這樣的方式來只為他們自己獲得好處,這一點需要他們認真的考慮。用名人效應來喚醒公眾的意識並為一些重要的事情籌集到需要的錢款絕對是有益處的一件事兒,比如說為了汶川地震籌款而舉行的慈善音樂會(the benefit concert)就是一個很好的例子。如果考生想要對於part 3的題舉例,就一定要注意題目中所涉及的範圍。如果題目或考官都沒有提到個人的內容,考生一定不要以自己或自己的經歷作為例子,如果實在要用,必須將人稱或範圍換成與題目一致的範圍。最好給出大範圍的具體事例比較保險,比如這道題中涉及的汶川地震的慈善音樂會就是合適的,但是最好不要給出某一位名人為此而做的貢獻。參考答案:I think this is a positive trend, but I also think celebrities have to be informed and knowledgeable about the issues they claim to believe in rather than just lending their names to causes they know nothing about in order to promote their own profile. They can』t just use it for their own gain, they have to be genuinely concerned. When it』s done well, there』s a real benefit in having celebrity power in raising awareness and money for important issues, such as the benefit concert for the earthquake in Wenchuan for instance.4.Why do some companies advertise products by using famous people?對於使用名人做廣告其實是一個相對容易的題目,許多公司之所以用名人來代言是因為很多人都努力或憧憬(aspire)能夠成名或者至少尊重名人的品味。當然大家也都認可大多數名人都很富有。因此,如果人們看到名人們正在使用某個特定的商品,他們會對於這個商品的impression印象是一個quality product優質的產品。另一個原因是名人總是富有吸引力。找一個有吸引力的人做廣告來吸引人們的注意力(draws in people』s attention)總會比使用那些沒有吸引力的人來代言的效果要好很多。這道題的相關內容還可以用在有關於廣告類的題目當中,比如涉及到名人帶來的廣告效應,為什麼人們更願意購買自己喜歡的明星代言的產品等等。無論回答哪類題目,還是需要注意第三部分中一直在強調的答題範圍,還是需要注意舉例時例子涉及的範圍。如果對於用個性來討論共性的問題,nice 點的考官可能會打斷考生並強調下範圍,如果遇到嚴厲的考官,考生可能因此而丟分。參考答案:Some companies use famous people to advertise their products, because many people aspire to be famous or at least respect famous people』s opinions. It is also a well-known fact that most famous people are very wealthy. So, if people see that someone famous is using a certain product, they get the impression that it is a quality product. Another reason is that famous people are usually attractive. Having an attractive person in you advertisement draws in people』s attention, and will keep people』s attention longer than unattractive person.

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