3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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為了幫助大家高效備考托福,熟悉托福閱讀辭彙,新東方在線托福網為大家帶來托福閱讀辭彙解析(11)一文,希望對大家托福備考有所幫助。更多精彩盡請關注新東方在線托福網!§ Headword§ Synonym§ 漢譯§ Antonym§ stability§ 穩定§ While I certainly do not deny the importance of ensuring server stability, you have to balance the need for adequate testing with the need for adequate security.§ ecosystem§ 生態系統§ Without water, we would not be able to grow the food we eat, to sustain ourselves or the ecosystem.§ assemble§ group§ 集合, 組合§ The company prefabricated sections of houses and moved them to building sites for workers to assemble.§ flexibly§ 靈活地§ Inflexibly§ Be aware this configuration is for educational purposes only, yet it will not limit the features of the flexibly deployable application.§ Succession§ 演替§ I think they were just a succession of dings but I'm hearing it-- my mind wants to hear this organization So there's another organization here of units of three.§ pioneer§ first§ 先鋒§ What if I am a pioneer, or even a genius?§ climax§ top§ 高潮, 頂點§ The enthusiasm of the audience was heightened by the climax of the play.§ cumulative§ 累積的§ Health professionals should consider the cumulative exposures of their patients that come from work, personal habits, and living locations.§ individual§ single§ 個體的, 個別的§ Overall§ The interests of the collective lie before the interests of the individual.§ property§ quality, character§ 性質§ If you find an apartment you like, submit an application to the landlord or property manager immediately. Good apartments go quickly!§ compose§ consist of§ 構成§ If the default member is not explicitly set on the virtual dimension, the default is the dimension from the first cube selected to compose the virtual cube.§ diversity§ variety§ 多樣性§ Unification§ A world of peace and solidarity can only be accomplished by acknowledging and celebrating our diversity.§ apparent§ obvious§ 明顯的§ Yet somehow or another, the marriage keeps on working, in Gabon and Chad, Niger and the Republic of Congo, with no apparent sign of duress.§ complexity§ complicacy§ 複雜性§ Simplicity§ At the top end of the complexity spectrum, you could end up with refinement cycles within refinement cycles, each with different iteration frequencies.§ invasion§ intrusion§ 入侵§ This event is important in the history of Western Civilization because, through the result of this battle, Greece escaped invasion.§ pest§ 害蟲§ And move over bedbugs, there's a new pest in town, at least if you live in the Eastern United States.§ temperate§ 溫帶的§ It orbits close to its star, but since that star is somewhat smaller and cooler than the sun, the planet's climate could be rather temperate.§ tolerate§ bear§ 忍受§ I know it』s easier said than done, especially if you have been there for years, but work takes so much time of ours that I don』t think we should tolerate something unfulfilling.§ complicated§ complex§ 複雜的§ Simple§ November is the season for this commodity in our market, and our Customs formalities are rather complicated.§ definition§ 定義§ There is nothing sacred about any initial definition of the gold dollar, so long as we stick to it once we are on the gold standard.§ alternatively§ or§ 或者§ Alternatively, if no such operation exists, you can perform the create operations on the preferred source, then perform another read on the preferred source using the original criteria.§ disturbance§ interference§ 干擾§ But disturbances in the air can change those measurements, so GPS units have sophisticated algorithms to sense and adjust to that kind of disturbance--so why not the nuclear shockwave?§ resilience§ recovery§ 恢復力§ And I think what we're seeing in the economy now is the inherent resilience of the Americaneconomy and the American people.§ fragile§ frail§ 脆弱的§ Strong§ The implications for today depend on which of these interpretations you believe, which means that consensus about the "lessons" of these conflicts will be elusive and fragile.§ be associated with§ be related to§ 與……相關§ Semantic annotations and other metadata can be associated with these artifacts to offer insight to potential users of the service on how and when it can be used, and what purposes it serves.§ mid-successional§ 連續的§ mature§ ripe§ 成熟§ If so, should we teach entrepreneurs when and how to lie or should we hold startups to the same standards as we now hold the most mature public companies?§ mathematical§ 數學的§ It was very mysterious, but because of its mathematical beauty one felt that there must be some deep connection between the waves and the particles illustrated by this mathematics.§ likewise§ also§ 同樣的, 也§ Likewise, one organization might have that "extra something" in its business process model that gives it an edge over the competition while another organization struggles in this area.§ severely§ badly§ 嚴重地§ There was no increase in the prevalence of obesity in black boys, except in the severely obese category, which peaked in 2007.§ explosion§ eruption§ 爆發§ Yet unless a system stabilizes to an equilibrium point, it is no better than an explosion and just as soon dead.§ pale§ 相形見絀§ However, the lack of blood and iron in the meat gives it a pale appearance nothing like a fillet of beef or pork.§ aspect§ 方面§ This aspect and its parent, Tracing, contain all the tracing implementation logic, but no information about what should be traced.§ resistance§ 抵抗§ If we all recognize that antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest threats to public health that we face today, we have to do something about this.§ recovery§ 恢復§ You could repeat this with all sorts of data and environments, and include database writing and recovery into that process.§ patchiness§ complement§ 互補性§ There are little ones on top of bigger ones, all adding to give the appearance of random patchiness.§ uniform§ unified§ 統一的§ Among projects, it can be between business units and business partners within a value chain in a uniform and conceptually scalable manner.§ extinct§ 滅絕§ The authors argue the version of the disease that caused the medieval plague is likely extinct, but suggest that further study could reveal how it may have evolved into a less virulent strain.§ immigrant§ 移入者§ That such a woman would want more for her daughter than someone who was a failed boxer, a doorman, and an illegal immigrant seemed to him perfectly reasonable.§ adjacent§ nearby§ 鄰近的§ Remote§ This means that, in the default configuration, any queue manager can be administered by any adjacent queue manager.§ approximately§ about§ 大約§ China is the world's most populous country with a population of 1.1 billion, which makes up approximately a quarter of the world population.§ niche§ position§ 位置§ Try and picture this niche group, or even one ideal user of the site – the age, sex and interest of this ideal group can help you design the site better.§ vacate§ 空出§ Even if you don't care about the fish, the oxygen-starved regions they vacate could come to host bacteria that emit nitrous oxide, a powerful greenhouse gas.§ intact§ whole§ 完整的§ The big question is whether they remain mentally alert because they engage in these activities, or whether they are able to engage in these activities because they are cognitively intact.以上就是新東方在線托福網為你帶來的托福閱讀辭彙解析(11),更多精彩敬請關注新東方在線托福網。

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