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An advert released by drinks giant Pepsi and starring reality TV star and model Kendall Jenner has left a bad taste around the world. 飲料巨頭百事最新廣告由超模肯達爾.詹娜演繹,卻招致差評一片。 Pepsi apologised and pulled the ad after accusations that it trivialised recent street protests across the US. But it wasn』t the only company copping flak for poor creativity this week. 儘管百事申明道歉、撤回廣告,廣大網友卻並不買賬。當然百事絕對不是唯一因廣告缺乏創意而遭到炮轟的公司。 German skincare brand Nivea also said sorry over its "white is purity" deodorant advert that was deemed discriminatory and racially insensitive. 德國護膚品牌妮維雅也曾經為廣告內容(白的純粹)涉及種族歧視而道歉。 Meanwhile, in the UK, the Co-op supermarket was accused of "outrageous sexism" in an advert for chocolate Easter eggs that encouraged parents to "treat your daughter for doing the washing up". 英國著名連鎖超市Co-op曾因廣告涉及性別歧視而被起訴。在一個朱古力蛋的廣告中,Co-op鼓勵父母和孩子用朱古力蛋作為做家務的鼓勵。 But in Thailand, an image of a woman in blackface and bright pink lipstick to promote a new "charcoal donut" wasn』t deemed a big deal. 在泰國,一個塗著亮色口紅的黑人女孩正展示著一款甜甜圈新品—黑炭甜甜圈。 The chief executive of the Thai franchise - whose daughter was the model -reportedly said at the time: "I don』t get it. What』s the big fuss? What if the product was white and I painted someone white, would that be racist?" But a spokesman for Dunkin』 Brands apologised. 海報中的模特是該公司首席執行官的女兒,她說:「我不明白。有什麼大驚小怪的?如果產品是白色的,我會扮成了一個白人,那也會被解讀成種族主義嗎?」但是百多滋的發言人還是進行了道歉。 The use of blackface - which historically was used by non-black performers to represent a black person - is still used in some Asian countries. Last year, a company in China used it to promote a laundry detergent. 通過裝扮非黑人表演者以代表黑人,是一些亞洲國家慣用方法。去年,一個的日化公司也採用了相同的手段來宣傳其產品。 The US carmaker was forced to issue an apology over a poster that featured three gagged and bound women in the boot of a car. 福特汽車廣告在印度引發強烈爭議,被要求公開致歉,廣告中,後備箱里裝著三個被捆綁、封住嘴的女性。 It also showed former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in the driver』s seat grinning and flashing the peace sign. 義大利前總理西爾維奧.貝盧斯科尼坐在Figo駕駛席上奸笑,一臉平靜。 The advert for Ford』s new Fido hatchback was posted online soon after India passed a new law on violence against women following a fatal gang rape. 在印度通過了一項保護婦女免受暴力傷害的法律后不久,福特發布了新的Fido兩廂廣告。 This anti-gambling advert deserves to be ranked in the Hall of Fame (or shame) for the amount of jokes it generated. 新加坡反賭博廣告值得被載入史冊。 It was released to coincide with the 2014 World Cup and featured a boy complaining to friends that his dad had bet his life savings on Germany winning. The trouble is... Germany won. Singapore officials updated the ad but not before it got lampooned around the world. 廣告播放期間適逢2014年世界盃,廣告中一個男孩向朋友抱怨說,他的父親把畢生積蓄都拿去賭球了—押德國隊勝利。諷刺的是,現實生活中,最終德國隊確實捧回了世界盃的冠軍獎座,於是新加坡立即更改了劇情。

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