3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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BuzzFeed在網站上po出一些gay網友們分享的第一次xing經歷故事,下面是其中一些有故事的boys們的分享。1. 網友– timallender94The double whammy.「Me and a guy I』d been seeing grabbed some condoms, put on a porno, and followed what the actors were doing. But the porno we were watching used spit for lube, so we did too. The pain was nothing like I had ever felt before. As he pulled out, his penis had changed colour to a poop brown. As it went all over the bed, the smell hit us and he was sick all over me.」雙重災難「我和約會對象,拿出TT,打開一個片兒,然後片兒里怎麼做我們就怎麼做。我們打開的那個片兒是用口水潤滑的,然後我們也用口水。然後就是我從沒感受過的痛。當他出來的時候,我看到了他的xx變成了屎黃色,某物弄的滿床都是,然後他被噁心到,吐了我一身。」2. – kyronpThe garden toilet「I slept with a guy I』d been seeing for a month. After the initial pain, I got into it and enjoyed it a lot. The tragedy occurred later on that night, when I realised that I had to do a number two. He said the toilet in his guest house (where we were) wasn』t working. The one in the main house was fine, but he had rented out the main house and I couldn』t go in that late, so I ended up taking a dump in his garden.」花園廁所「我和一個約會了一個月的男生上床。最初的疼痛過去之後,我開始享受其中。深夜的時候有點不對勁,我想上大號。他說我住的客房馬桶壞了,主卧又租出去了,太晚了打擾到別人不好。於是...我就在他的花園裡拉了一泡屎。」3. – zachm28The surprise baby.「When I was a freshman in college, I went out with this guy. We went to a football game, grabbed some food, and proceeded back to his dorm room. I went to the bathroom and when I returned, he was wearing nothing but a diaper and asked me to treat him like a baby. I was so freaked out that I grabbed my things and left as quickly as I could.」意外的寶寶「我大一的時候,和一個男生約會。我們一起去看足球賽,拿了點兒吃的,然後就一起回到他的宿舍了。我去洗手間回來后,發現他一絲不掛,但是穿了一個寶寶紙尿褲,讓我像對待寶寶一樣對他。我嚇壞了,抓了我的東西就跑了。」4. – zacc4f05d3778The log splitter.「After pulling down his pants, I immediately knew that I was in grave danger. His penis was not the six and a half inches that I was promised, it was an eight-and-a-half-inch log splitter. The penetration nearly blinded me from pain. Afterwards, he high-fived me like a true gentleman, told me that he liked my teeth, and drove off into the sunset.」大殺氣「脫掉他的褲子之後,我馬上就發現我完了。他的xx根本就不是之前說好的16.5厘米,足足有21.6厘米。疼的我快要迷糊了。完事兒之後,他還像個紳♂士一樣跟我擊掌,說他喜歡我的牙齒,然後開車消失在夕陽下。」5. – Ryan Wildgoose, FacebookThe non-invasive penis.「This guy had been boasting about how sexually experienced he was, so I figured that he』d make me feel more comfortable. He ended up getting inside me once for about a second, and then thrusted between my cheeks for the rest of it. He expected me to think that he was actually inside me the whole time, as if I wouldn』t feel that he wasn』t.」非入侵性丁丁「這個男的一直跟我吹噓他多有經驗,我就想著那應該會弄得我比較舒服吧。然後呢,他進入我只有一秒鐘,然後就一直在外面蹭啊蹭。他大概是覺得我分辨不出來是在外面蹭和進入裡面的區別吧。」6. – irvingzThe exorcism.「When I got home from getting my cherry popped, my mother』s church friends were there. I started to panic, sincerely believing that they were there on an intervention from God and wanted to exorcise the gay out of me. I kissed my mum on the cheek as I entered the house, and was terrified that she would smell his dick on my breath.」「我啪完回家后,發現我媽帶了一票教堂的朋友。我開始方了,當時真的以為是上帝派他們過來驅邪,要把我身體里的gay驅走。進屋的時候我親了我媽臉一下,很害怕她能聞出來我的呼吸中有他的丁丁味兒。」7. – Kevin, FacebookThe wrong name.「I was working backstage for a play. There was an afterparty where I got too tipsy and lost my group, so I started talking to a guy about how we were wearing matching shirts. We started making out and he led me behind a tree, where I got my first blow job. We then got in his truck and ended up having sex in the parking garage of the theatre. He called me 『Ryan』 twice.」叫錯的名字「我在話劇後台工作,在演出結束后的party上,我喝地有點暈暈的,然後跟一個男的聊著我們穿的T恤是情侶裝誒。然後我們開始接吻,然後他帶我到一顆大樹后,在那裡我第一次體驗被口。然後我們去他的卡車裡,在劇院的停車間啪啪啪了。中途他叫過我兩次『Ryan』。」8. – stefanseslow The confusing pillow talk.「My first boyfriend was going to college in the town where I lived, so we did it in his dorm room. I don』t remember much of it but then after we finished, he turns to me and says, 『You might have to fart afterwards.』 I was so confused.」奇怪的枕邊悄悄話「我的第一任男友要去的大學剛好是我住的小鎮,所以我們都是在他的宿舍辦事兒。第一次的過程我記不得了,結束后他轉過來對我說,『你可能需要放一下屁』。我一頭霧水。」9. – corbmacm The caring boyfriend.「It was my first year at uni and my boyfriend and I decided to give anal a go. It felt like a knife jabbing into my ass. I went to the bathroom to clean up and felt what I thought was lube dripping from between my legs. When I looked down I saw it was actually huge splats of blood. I fainted and the next thing I remember is my boyfriend waking me up in a cold shower and a bag of frozen peas on my ass.」貼心的男票「那是我大學第一年,我和男朋友打算嘗試不可描述之事。那種感覺就像是拿刀捅到我菊花裡面一樣。我去浴室清理的時候感覺到兩腿間有東西流下來,還以為只是潤滑劑。低頭一看發現竟然是血。我當場直接嚇暈了。醒來的時候,男朋友正在用冷水試圖叫醒我,並在我的菊部放了一袋冷凍豌豆。」10. – brendanralphr The aspiring singer.「The first time I had to give oral sex I literally said, 『It looks like a microphone, let me sing into it.』 I』m mortified to this day.」11. – David Eden, FacebookThe down and dirty.「We had nowhere to do it so we ended up fucking in the dirt in the cinema car park. Needless to say the knees of my jeans got covered in dirt. My mother』s face when she picked me up from the train station afterwards was a picture.」很咬,很臟「我們找不到地方幹壞事,後來就在電影院停車場的地上做了。我的牛仔褲膝蓋地方全是土。當我媽來火車站接我的時候,臉上表情簡直美如畫。」12. – Alex Williams, FacebookThe pizza topping.「It was on the hood of a car at night to a guy I met six hours earlier when he delivered a pizza to my house. It wasn』t too great.」披薩配料「第一次是在晚上,在車引擎蓋上,我和一個剛認識6個小時的男的,他是送披薩的小哥。體驗並不怎麼好。」13. – Rex Gregory, FacebookThe long and painful walk home.「He was just over 10 inches and thick. Needless to say I could barely walk the next day, and he lived on the complete opposite side of campus to me.」走過最長最痛的路「他25.4厘米,而且還很粗。我第二天幾乎走不了路。而且,他住的宿舍另一頭,跟我宿舍之間隔了整個校園。」14. – willd4e3180ff8The stubborn quest.「I booked a hotel to spend the night with a well-endowed man I』d met on the internet. I spent the first two minutes hovering after the tip went in debating whether I should carry on or quit while I was ahead. Fifteen minutes later and I had never resented my stubborn nature more. What followed was a mix of awkward exchanges, including the realisation that a soapy finger was not enough to prepare.」艱難的問題「我的第一次是在一個旅館,和一個出了名的大丁丁男共度一晚,他是我在網上認識的。當剛進去個GUI頭的時候,我開始糾結了,我應該現在就叫停呢還是應該繼續。15分鐘后,我開始為我的決定後悔了。此事還讓我學到了,一個塗著肥皂的手指來做開拓是遠遠不夠的。」15. – chopper584717The breakup.「I was so nervous during my first time that while we were doing the deed, I threw up all over his bed. We broke up a week later.」分手「我第一次做的時候特別緊張,直接吐了他一床。一個星期後我們就分手了。」16. – rossr4a3089f81The valiant effort.「My roommate set me up with one of her friends. He came over and we had dinner and a lot of wine. After dinner we made out and moved things to the bedroom. About 10 minutes later we both realised how drunk we were and fell asleep in each other』s arms. It was a valiant effort!」勇敢的嘗試「我的第一次是,我的室友介紹的一個朋友,他過來之後我們一起吃了晚飯,喝了點兒紅酒。晚飯後我們親熱了一會兒就轉戰卧室了。10分鐘后我們才意識到,我們喝的太大了,什麼都沒做就互相倒對方懷裡睡著了。真是個勇敢的嘗試。」17.– timh481d93e55The book bag dash.「I had just finished my gym class and was chilling in the sauna when I noticed this guy giving me the eye. We started talking and he undid his towel so I did the same. Next thing I knew we were all over each other, only taking a break so I could run to my bag and grab a condom. I topped him and lasted less than five minutes.」沖向書包「第一次是體育課後,我正在一邊蒸桑拿一邊休息。然後我就看到一個男生給了我一個眼神,我馬上接上了。然後我們開始聊天,然後他解開了裹在腰間的毛巾,然後我也解開了我的毛巾,然後我們就覆在對方身上了。中途只衝向我的書包拿了一次套套。我在他上面,動了不到5分鐘完事。」本內容來源於網路。▲ 長按指紋識別二維碼,立刻關注調戲小編吧~

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