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五一小長假回來,各位小主玩的可好? 不過,這個五一,聽說美國總統川普又被媒體給懟了...缺席白宮記者宴、執政100天被低分、懷念過去不當總統的日子...Oh my God!這個小長假究竟發生了什麼?! 川普缺席白宮記者宴,與脫口秀主持人哈桑·米納隔空互懟 話說4.29日是美國總統川普執政滿100天的日子,按理應該參加白宮記者協會年度晚宴,不料卻與賓夕法尼亞州的支持者集會日相撞... 無奈之下,川普選擇出席支持者集會,這也是美國有史以來第一位缺席白宮記者宴的總統...難怪會被媒體懟。 這不,在白宮記者宴上,穆斯林脫口秀主持人哈桑就好好地懟了一回川普: 不過,川普總統也不是吃素噠,知道自己會被媒體懟,人家也美滋滋的懟了回去: 懟歸懟,不過川普執政100天,媒體還是談正經事為主:就職100天總統的功與過... 川普就職100天都幹了啥?! ACHIEVEMENTS:1.Supreme Court nomination The Senate confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court may turn out to be the longest lasting and most important success of Mr Trump』s early presidency. And it could even offer a guide to getting things done in Washington.The appointment came at the end of a process in which Mr Trump offered his shortlist for public approval, consulted widely (including among Democrats) and carefully vetted his candidate. The preparation paid off. 1.最高法院的提名對最高法院參議院的提名可能是川普早期執政最持久和最重要的功勞。它甚至可以提供一個指南,使事情變得簡單。提案得到了廣泛的公眾支持。 2. Withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific PartnershipAnother campaign pledge has been met by formally leaving the TPP, a huge trade deal between the US and 11 Pacific Rim countries. However, it was already all but dead after an election in which both candidates said they would withdraw from a deal that had not yet been ratified by Congress.2.退出跨太平洋夥伴關係另一項競選承諾已經通過正式離開TPP,美國和11個環太平洋國家達成了一項巨大的貿易協議。然而,在選舉中,兩位候選人都表示將退出國會尚未批准的一項協議。 3. Illegal border crossingsThe number of undocumented immigrants caught crossing the border into the US dropped significantly in the month after Mr Trump took power. The fall of 36 per cent, compared with a year earlier, was taken by the Trump administration to indicate that its hard line on illegal immigration was having an impact.3.非法越境在川普掌權后的一個月里,非法移民越境進入美國的數量大幅下降。川普政府與去年同期相比下降了36%,表明其對非法移民的強硬態度產生了影響。 4. National securityWith Mr Trump struggling to get his bigger plans through Congress, he has increasingly immersed himself in foreign policy and national security.His decision to launch cruise missiles against Syria in the wake of a chemical attack was widely applauded for setting firm red lines, with minimal risk to US personnel or of being sucked into to a Middle East conflict. North Korea marked its founder Kim Il-sung』s birthday with a botched missile launch and without testing a nuclear device – interpreted as a win for Mr Trump』s aggressive stance and friendship with China. 4.國家安全由於川普在國會努力爭取更大的計劃,他越來越沉浸在外交政策和國家安全上。他決定在化學襲擊後向敘利亞發射巡航導彈,這一舉動受到廣泛的關注。因為它設置了強硬的紅線,對美國人員的風險最小,或捲入了一場由美國捲入的衝突中。 FAILURES1. Travel BanPerhaps no other failure illustrates Mr Trump』s early missteps. The travel ban – directed at Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria and Yemen - was signed into force apparently without the knowledge of the president』s Secretary of Homeland Security and without any warning to airlines or airports.The result was chaos as travellers with valid visas or green cards were detained and deported. Protests erupted around the country before the order was suspended by the courts. The roll-out of a revised, second ban was better managed but still fell foul of judges who said they believed it to be unconstitutional and suspected it still amounted to discrimination against Muslims.1.旅行禁令也許沒有其他的失敗能夠說明川普先生的早期失誤。旅行禁令-在伊朗、伊拉克、索馬利亞、蘇丹、利比亞、敘利亞和葉門簽署生效。結果是混亂的,因為持有效簽證或綠卡的旅客被拘留並驅逐出境。法庭命令暫停之前,全國各地爆發了抗議活動。修訂后的第二次禁令的出台得到了更好的管理,但仍然對法官說他們認為這是違憲的法官,並懷疑它仍然是歧視穆斯林。 2. Health careRepealing and replacing Obamacare became one of Mr Trump』s signature campaign promises. But with what? Lacking a clear alternative, the president added his support to a Republican bill that made concessions to hardline conservatives but worried moderates who feared a voter revolt among the millions forecast to lose coverage. The result was a fiasco, as both sides dug in their heals. First Mr Trump tried brinkmanship, promising to force the bill to a vote, before his Congressional leadership withdrew it at the eleventh hour. The failure exposed Mr Trump』s lack of political experience in negotiating support. And (barring a last-minute reversal) it means he reaches the 100-day mark without a major legislative success, other than bills that overturn elements of Mr Obama』s agenda. 2.衛生保健廢除和取代Obamacare成為川普的一個競選承諾。但是用什麼?由於缺乏明確的選擇,歐巴馬總統對共和黨的一項法案給予了支持,他對強硬的保守派做出了讓步,但他擔心溫和派人士擔心數百萬選民中的選民將失去覆蓋率。結果是一場慘敗。首先川普先生嘗試冒險,在國會領導撤回它在第十一小時,有力的法案進行表決。這次失敗暴露了川普在談判支持方面缺乏政治經驗。(除非最後一分鐘逆轉),這意味著他在沒有取得重大立法成功的情況下,達到了100天的關鍵,而不是推翻歐巴馬議程內容的法案。3. Mike Flynn』s resignationGeneral Mike Flynn was forced to resign as National Security Adviser after only 24 days when it emerged he had misled the vice president about meetings he held with the Russian ambassador to Washington. To those who opposed the appointment of a such a fiery, quixotic military man with hardline views against Muslims, his departure confirmed their suspicions that some appointees to Mr Trump』s administration were not subject to sufficient vetting. 3.米克費恩辭職米克費恩將軍作為國家安全顧問被迫辭職,僅僅24天就出現了,他誤導了副總統,他會見了俄羅斯駐華盛頓大使。對那些反對這樣一個火熱的約會,與強硬的反對穆斯林不切實際的軍人,他的離開,證實了他們的懷疑,一些官員在川普政府並沒有受到足夠的審核。 4. Build the wallMr Trump』s 100-day plan included legislation to pay for a wall with Mexico, all to be reimbursed by the Mexican government. That part of the proposal has been quietly shelved and, although the Department of Homeland Security says construction will begin in the summer, it is still no clearer how funding will be found. 4.修建隔離牆川普的100天計劃包括立法支付與墨西哥的牆,全部由墨西哥政府償還。該計劃的一部分已經悄悄擱置,雖然國土安全部說,建設將在今年夏天開始,它仍然沒有明確的資金將如何啟動。 雖然做了這麼多事情,不過媒體還是給出了川普「執政低分」以回應,川普在接受媒體採訪時,表示還是懷念自己不當總統的那些日子... 川普最不想當總統的事就是開車。啊,過去的好時光...可以隨便開開車。 總統懷念的那些日子,到底多精彩? 下面是三分鐘小短片,看完美國總統川普的一生↓↓↓

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