3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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英語六級閱讀理解是英語六級考試中的重點部分,而隨著時代的發展,英語六級中的閱讀題型也在不斷更替改變,下面是新東方網考研頻道英語六級頻道為大家整理的英語六級閱讀寒假練習題,希望可以為大家帶來幫助。 2017年大學英語六級閱讀寒假練習題匯總 Sleeping Position Reveals Personality Traits Whether it's curled up in the fetal position, flat onthe stomach or stretched out across the bed, theway people sleep reveals their personality, a Britishsleep expert said. The expert has identified sixcommon sleeping positions and what they mean. "We are all aware of our body language when we areawake but this is the first time we have been able tosee what our subconscious says about us," he said. Crouched in the fetal position is the mostpopular sleep pattern and favored by 51 percent of women, according to the results of thestudy he conducted for a large hotel group. Fetal sleepers tend to be shy and sensitive whilepeople who assume the soldier position, flat on their back with arms at their sides, are quietand reserved. Sleeping on one's side with legs outstretched and arms down in what he refersto as the log, indicates a social, easygoing personality. But if the arms are outstretched in theyearning position, the person tends to be more suspicious. The free fall, flat on the tummywith the hands at the sides of the head, is the most unusual position. Only 6. 5 percent ofpeople prefer it and they are usually brash and gregarious. Unassuming, good listeners usuallyadopt the starfish position — on the back with outstretched arms and legs. The expert, whoidentified the positions by comparing personality traits of people. 閱讀自測 Ⅰ. There a re some adjectives describing people's persona lity in the a rticle and please matchthem with phrases :( brash, unassuming, reserved, easygoing, suspicious, gregarious) 1. relaxed in manner and easy to deal with——— 2. preferring to be with others rather than alone——— 3. thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest, withoutbeing sure ——— 4. confident in a rude or aggressive way——— 5. showing no desire to be noticed or given special treatment——— 6. quiet and unwilling to express your emotions or talk about your problems——— Ⅱ. Answer the following question: How many sleeping positions have the expert identified and what are they? 參考答案 Ⅰ. 1. easygoing 2. gregarious 3. suspicious 4.brash 5. unassuming 6. reserved Ⅱ. There are six positions, they are fetal position,soldier position, log position, yearning position, freefall position and starfish position. 參考譯文睡姿揭示人的性格 一 位英國睡眠專家曾說過: 無論你是像胎兒一樣蜷縮著睡覺, 或是趴在床上睡, 還是四肢伸開平躺著睡, 睡覺的姿勢揭示了你的性格。該專家歸納了六種常見睡覺姿勢, 以及這些姿勢的含義。「 醒著的時候, 我們都知道自己的肢體語言, 但這是我們第一次知道自己的潛意識在說些什麼, 」他說。他對一家大型酒店集團所做的研究結果表明: 像胎兒一樣蜷縮著睡覺是最流行的睡覺姿勢, 有51% 的婦女喜歡這種姿勢。採用胎兒式睡姿的人往往比較害羞, 也很敏感; 而採用仰卧、雙臂放在身體兩側的士兵式睡姿的人則比較安靜, 也不願說話。側卧、兩腿伸直、雙臂自然下垂的睡姿稱為原木式睡姿。採用這種睡姿的人喜歡社交活動, 容易相處。但是如果雙臂伸出, 呈渴望狀, 這種人往往比較多疑。自由式, 即俯卧, 雙手放在頭的兩側, 這是最特別的睡姿。只有6 . 5% 的人喜歡這樣睡, 他們通常性情急躁, 愛社交。謙虛忠實的聽眾通常選擇仰卧且四肢伸展的海星式睡姿。該專家通過比較人物性格特徵、他們喜歡的睡姿和最常見的睡姿歸納出以上這些睡姿。他說人們一旦採用了某種睡姿就很難再改變。 2017年大學英語六級閱讀寒假練習題匯總

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