3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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小夥伴們。從今天開始樂小知將帶大家一起進行英語中常見的同音異意詞的學習,今天介紹的是按首字母排序中的S-W的部分,請大家認真聽哦,筆記做起來!圖來自互聯網S部分sail - salesail -動詞 -> 起航,航行They often sail at weekends. 他們經常在周末航行。sale - 名詞 -> 特賣Let's go to the sale at the supermarket this afternoon. 我們下午去超市的特賣場吧。scene - seenscene - 名詞 -> 場面,場景He described the scene to me. 他向我描述了那個情景。seen - 動詞,see的過去分詞 -> 看I haven't seen him in years! 我好幾年沒見過他了。sea - seesea - 名詞-> 海We took a ferry across the sea. 我們乘船過海。see - 動詞 -> 看Can you see him? 你能看到他嗎?sew - sosew - 動詞-> 縫合,縫紉Most people don't sew their own clothes. 大多數人不自己縫衣服。so - 副詞 -> 非常The test was so difficult I almost failed. 這場考試太難了以至於我差點被當掉了。sole - soulsole - 形容詞 -> 唯一的,單獨的She was the sole person to understand him. 她是唯一一個懂他的人。soul - 名詞 -> 靈魂Many people believe that the soul goes to heaven when we die. 大多數人相信他們死後,靈魂將進入天堂。son - sunson - 名詞-> 兒子Our son goes to Harvard! 我們兒子去哈佛大學了!sun - 名詞 ->太陽The sun shone bright yesterday. 昨天陽光燦爛。stair - starestair - 名詞 -> 樓梯Be careful of that stair - it's broken. 當心那階樓梯,它是壞的。stare - 動詞 -> 凝視Don't stare at that woman! It's rude. 別盯著那位女士看! 這很不禮貌。steal - steelsteal - 動詞 -> 偷竊I think there should be no punishment for people who steal food to survive. 我認為靠偷食物來維持生計的人不該受到懲罰。steel - 名詞 -> 鋼鐵This bridge is made of steel. 這座橋是用鋼材建造的。suite - sweetsuite - 名詞 -> 套房They stayed in the honeymoon suite. 他們住在蜜月套房。sweet - 形容詞 -> 甜的Candy is very sweet. 糖果很甜。T部分their - theretheir - 形容詞 -> 他們的That's their house on the corner. 拐角處的那棟房子是他們的。there - 副詞 -> 在那裡Please sit over there. 請坐在那兒。threw - throughthrew - 動詞,throw的過去式-> 拋,投,擲He threw the ball to his father. 他把球投向了他父親。through - 介詞-> 通過,穿過He went through the tunnel. 他穿過了隧道。to - too - twoto - 介詞 -> 到,向,朝...方向I went to him and offered my congratulations. 我走向他,並獻上了我的祝福。too - 副詞 -> 也Tom visited New York, too. Tom也去過紐約。two - 數詞 -> 數字2She bought two magazines . 她買了兩本雜誌。V部分vary - veryvary - 動詞 -> 變化As they're handmade, each one varies slightly. 由於它們是手工製作的,每一件都會略有不同。very - 副詞 -> 非常She was very happy to see Jim. 她很高興見到Jim.W部分waist - wastewaist - 名詞 -> 腰I need to reduce the fat around my waist. 我要減少我腰部的脂肪。waste - 動詞 -> 浪費Don't waste time! 別浪費時間!wait - weightwait - 動詞 -> 等待Can you wait just a moment? 你能稍微等一下嗎?weight - 名詞 -> 重量I wish my weight were lower. 我希望我瘦了。war - worewar - 名詞 -> 戰爭,鬥爭Do you think this crisis can be settled without going to war? 你認為不發動戰爭就能解決這場危機嗎?wore - wear的過去式 -> 穿He wore a beautiful suit to the interview. 他穿了一套漂亮的西裝去面試。wear - wherewear - 動詞 -> 穿Models generally wear jeans and not the expensive clothes they show on the walkway. 模特通常穿牛仔褲,而不是穿他們在T台上展示的那些昂貴的衣服。where - 疑問詞-> 哪裡Where does he come from? 他來自哪裡?weak - weekweak - 形容詞 -> 疲軟的,虛弱的,無力的My left arm is very weak. I need to do some exercises. 我的左臂很弱。我需要做一些訓練。week - 名詞 -> 周,星期I had a letter from my mother last week. 我上星期收到了母親的一封信。weather - whetherweather - 名詞 -> 天氣The weather has been quite beautiful this week. 這周天氣很不錯。whether - 連詞 -> whether ... or 是否I don't know whether he will come or not. 我不知道他是否會來。which - witchwhich - 疑問詞 -> 哪一個Which do you like best? 你最喜歡哪一個?witch - 名詞 -> 巫婆,女巫Sarah was burned as a witch . Sarah ,作為一個女巫,被燒死了。wood - wouldwood - 名詞-> 木材The desk is made out of wood. 這張桌子是木製的。would - 動詞 -> 將,願意Everyone would sympathize with you. 每個人都會同情你的。————————喜歡樂小知的文章就快訂閱微信公眾號吧:樂知英語(ID:hiknow)每天免費旁聽課程,大量私存的英語乾貨,更有各種歐美趣談。請記住:沒有什麼英語問題是樂小知解決不了的。

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