3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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比爾蓋茨北大演講現場 2017年3月16日尊敬的蓋茨先生,您好!高興地得知您訪問北京並在北京大學做公開演講,對於您的光臨,在此表示衷心的歡迎。非常感謝您和您的基金會邀請我參加這次活動,但由於我的身體狀況所限,我非常抱歉無法回到母校聆聽您的精彩講演。科技創新正在改變世界,然而全球社會的發展並不平衡。您一向倡導創新,並號召有創新能力的機構和個人關注貧困人群的需求,以服務於貧困人群為己任。對此,我十分欽佩與讚賞。我相信,今天在座的聽眾也一定會有同感。人類始終面臨疾病的威脅與健康的挑戰。我和我的研究團隊繼續研究青蒿素的作用機理及其新適應症,致力於中醫藥的發展和應用。我們也相信,在瘧疾防控方面的創新成果和成功經驗可以為其他發展家所用,挽救更多生命。您和您的基金會一直關注全球危害窮人生命健康的重大傳染性疾病,包括瘧疾、結核病等疾病的防控。我非常讚賞您的不懈努力,並相信您在2017年度公開信中所說:"未來的美好將遠超悲觀主義者的想象"。您和您的基金會正在為人類健康的美好未來做出非凡的貢獻。尊敬的蓋茨先生,我們有共同的願望,希望人類的明天更美好,並認為這是可以做到的。我期望年青一代能夠心懷世界,以天下為己任,成長為德才兼備的棟樑,以創新迎戰各種挑戰,為人類的福祉做出更多的奉獻。致以最良好的祝願!屠呦呦教授,主任中醫科學院青蒿素研究中心英文全文:March 16, 2017Dear Mr. Gates,Please accept my warmest welcome ahead of your visit to Beijing. I am very grateful for your and the Gates Foundation's invitation to attend the speech you will be giving at my alma mater. However, I am reluctant to say that I will not be able to attend due to health reasons.In spite of the positive impact of science and technology, global development today is unequal. You have been a strong advocate for the importance of innovation and have called upon pioneering institutions and individuals to use innovative solutions to address the needs of the poor. I greatly admire your devotion to helping the disadvantaged, and I am sure the audience will share my sentiments.Human beings are constantly faced with the threat of disease and other health challenges. My team and I are continuing our research into artemisinin's mechanism of actions and its new indications, as well as promoting the development and application of traditional Chinese medicine. We believe that China's innovation and successful experience in malaria control can be applied to other developing countries to save more lives. You personally, and the Gates Foundation, have been focused on the prevention and control of critical infectious diseases, such as malaria and tuberculosis, that pose huge challenges to the lives and health of the poor. I greatly admire your constant efforts and share the belief you expressed in your 2017 annual letter: the future will surprise the pessimists. You and the Gates Foundation are indeed making an extraordinary contribution to the bright future of human health.Mr. Gates, we share the same hope for a better tomorrow and are convinced that it is within reach. I hope that the younger generation will take up the mantle of caring for the world with ability and integrity, look to the power of innovation when faced with challenges, and contribute to the wellbeing of all humankind.Yours sincerely,TU YouyouProfessor and DirectorArtemisinin Research CenterChinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

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