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《財富》雜誌最新公布了2017年全球最偉大領袖榜單。為什麼帶有污點的名字總是容易被記住?就像遭解僱的美國國家安全顧問Michael Flynn、被捕入獄的三星掌門李在鎔、兩月任期內創下歷史最低支持率的總統川普......有什麼是好消息呢?我們一直在廣撒網,在全球範圍內尋找著那些最傑出的領導者代表。於是,我們找到了他們和她們——在全球的各個地方,這些男人和女人們正用你未曾想象的方式改變世界,並且,還激勵著其他人來做同樣的事情。我們評估了他們各自在屬於自己的領域中的不菲功績,這份榜單上的所有人選都懂得,並擅長在當今環境中卓越施展自己的領導力。這份榜單的關鍵並不在於位列高低,它所想要表達的是:真正偉大的領導者,可以在任何一個大企業掌舵,也可以在任何一間狹小的辦公室搏力。不論身處何地,他們總能通過純粹的個人能量施展影響。雖然加速變化的趨勢表明,企業壽命正在下降、高管任期正在縮短,但可賀的是,這些傑出的人們並未消失。他們會振奮你的精神,提升你對世界格局的認知。以下是本年度「全球最偉大50位領袖」榜單中,最值得關注的商界領導者:Jack Ma馬雲Executive Chairman, Alibaba Group阿里巴巴集團董事局主席浙江省嘉興市烏鎮,阿里巴巴集團創始人兼董事局主席出席第三屆年度世界互聯網大會開幕儀式。 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)從電子商務起家,如今已經成長為一家蔓延擴張、令人捉摸不透的綜合數字企業,而馬雲也因此成為首富,個人財富接近300億美元。阿里巴巴的成功讓馬雲異軍突起,無可爭議地成為第一位具有極高國際知名度的高管。此外,馬雲正在用一種出人意料的、令人振奮的方式,利用他的新平台。他將自己定位為自由貿易和慈善事業的擁護者——他認為,阿里巴巴這樣一個開放的數字交易平台,能夠為小企業帶來更多客戶,因此能為全球經濟發展提供動力。正是基於這種設想,才使馬雲在一月份與當時的當選總統唐納德•川普座談時,有底氣承諾將在五年內,在美國創造100萬個就業崗位。 為了實現自己的願景,馬雲一直在呼籲降低貿易壁壘,而且事實證明,熱情、樂觀的馬雲出人意料地成為了一名卓有成效的「資本外交官」 ——他經常穿著涼鞋,帶著佛珠,去迎接賓客,消除對方的敵意。Founder and Executive Chairman of Alibaba Group Jack Ma attends the opening ceremony of the third annual World Internet Conference in Wuzhen town of Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, China.Alibaba, a sprawling and murkily understood digital conglomerate built around e-commerce, has made Jack Ma one of the richest men in China, with a fortune valued at nearly $30 billion. And that success has rocketed him to prominence as arguably the first Chinese executive who』s an easily recognizable figure on the global stage.What』s more, Ma is using his new platform in unexpected, invigorating ways, positioning himself as a champion of both free trade and philanthropy—and arguing that open digital marketplaces like Alibaba』s can power the world』s economy by enabling small businesses to reach an ever-expanding pool of customers. That』s the premise that emboldened Ma to promise then-President-elect Donald Trump during a sit-down in January that Alibaba would help create 1 million jobs in the U.S. over five years.To realize his vision, Ma has urged the lowering of trade barriers while proving to be a surprisingly warm, optimistic, and effective diplomat on behalf of capitalism—one known to disarm visitors by greeting them wearing sandals and Buddhist prayer beads. Melinda Gates梅琳達•蓋茨Cochair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation比爾及梅琳達•蓋茨基金會聯合主席2016年10月5日星期三,美國加州舊金山,比爾及梅琳達•蓋茨基金會聯合主席梅琳達•蓋茨在夢想的力量大會上講話。2月,梅琳達•蓋茨在一篇激情洋溢的個人隨筆中,重申了其基金會的承諾——到2020年,為全球1.2億女性提供避孕藥具,並提醒讀者生育權與經濟增長之間的聯繫。她的話引發了支持者和反對者的激烈討論;它們所引起的反響,證明了蓋茨夫婦作為她與丈夫比爾•蓋茨創辦的基金會的代言人,所贏得的尊敬。這種影響力是他們帶來實際影響的結果: 到2015年,該基金會的撥款總額接近370億美元,對提高發展家女性的權利和減少傳染病,產生了巨大的影響。In February, Melinda Gates reiterated her foundation』s pledge to make birth control available to 120 million women globally by 2020, doing so in a passionate personal essay that reminded readers of the link between reproductive rights and economic growth. Her words sparked conversation among allies and foes alike; the fact that they carried so far shows the respect Gates has earned as the public face of the foundation she and her husband, Bill Gates, started. That clout is the fruit of real results: The nearly $37 billion worth of grants the foundation had paid out through 2015 has had an enormous impact in empowering women and reducing infectious disease in the developing world.Jeff Bezos傑夫•貝佐斯Founder and CEO, Amazon亞馬遜創始人兼CEO韋斯利•曼恩為《財富》雜誌提供毫不誇張地說,貝佐斯引發了兩個行業的革命。去年,亞馬遜網站(Amazon.com)佔到美國在線銷售額的43%,令零售商紛紛感到恐懼,不得不降低商品價格,加快配送速度。而他的雲計算部門Amazon Web Services,則徹底顛覆了信息技術的經濟意義。娛樂業可能會成為貝佐斯的下一個目標: 今年,亞馬遜工作室(Amazon Studios)收穫了三項奧斯卡獎,展現出在內容交付方面日益強大的實力。It』s no exaggeration to say that Bezos has revolutionized not one but two industries. Amazon.com, which accounted for 43% of online sales in the U.S. last year, put the fear of God into retailers, pushing them to sell more cheaply and deliver more quickly. And Amazon Web Services, his cloud-computing arm, has upended the economics of information tech¬nology. Entertainment could be the next industry to be Bezos』d: This year Amazon Studios scored three Academy Awards, showing its growing muscle in content delivery.Brian Chesky布萊恩•切斯基CEO and Head of Community, AirbnbAirbnb CEO兼社區總監2017年3月17日,南非開普敦,Airbnb聯合創始人兼CEO布萊恩•切斯基坐在蘭加一家住宿加早餐旅館的床上。9年前,切斯基與聯合創始人喬•傑比亞和內森•布萊卡斯亞克正忙著發展一家令多數投資者嗤之以鼻的公司。如今,這個破壞性的「民宿共享」平台,已經吸引了1.6億「訪客」 ——僅去年新年前夜,就有200萬人通過Airbnb解決了住宿——其私人市場估值達到310億美元。作為CEO的切斯基,是三人中唯一沒有商業經驗的創始人。而正是他一直伴隨著公司的成長,幫助公司度過了監管反對、沸沸揚揚的安全事故以及圍繞其平台歧視性行為引發的存在危機等。他也帶領公司不斷攀升新的高度,雄心勃勃地向「體驗」、活動和其他服務(我們得知,公司很快將推出航班服務)擴張,使Airbnb即將實現很少有獨角獸公司能夠達到的目標: 盈利。上個月,切斯基增加了一個新的頭銜——社區總監,此舉是為了安撫那些控制和提供公司出售的產品的人: Airbnb的業主們。這種感性的策略與另外一家分享經濟企業Uber形成了鮮明對比。Uber因為侵略性的性別歧視文化指控而備受抨擊,而公司CEO特拉維斯•卡蘭尼克訓斥一位Uber司機的視頻被曝光之後,更是讓其陷入風口浪尖。卡蘭尼克表示他需要領導力方面的幫助。或許,他可以向另一位破壞者取經。Nine years ago, Chesky and fellow cofounders Joe Gebbia and Nathan Blecharczyk were hustling to get a business off the ground that most investors scoffed at. Today the disruptive 「home-sharing」 platform claims some 160 million 「guest arrivals」—2 million people slept in Airbnb accommodations this past New Year』s Eve alone—and a private-market valuation of $31 billion.As CEO, Chesky—the only one of the three founders with no prior business experience—has scaled with the company and then some, steering Airbnb through regulatory opposition, headline-¬generating safety incidents and an existential crisis around discriminatory behavior on its platform. He has led the business to new heights too, overseeing an ambitious expansion into 「experiences,」 events, and other services (coming soon, we』re told: flights) and leading Airbnb to something few unicorns can claim: profitability.Last month Chesky ¬added head of community to his title, a shift to cozy up to the people who control and deliver the product he sells: Airbnb』s hosts. The touchy-feely tactics set up a stark contrast to Airbnb』s sharing-economy alter-ego, Uber, under attack for an allegedly aggressive and sexist culture and for a leaked video showing CEO Travis Kalanick berating an Uber driver. Kalanick has said he needs leadership help. He might take a page from his fellow disrupter』s playbook.Paul Polman保羅•波爾曼CEO, Unilever聯合利華CEO吉莉安•埃德爾斯坦為《財富》雜誌提供聯合利華(Unilever)並沒有像多數公司一樣,設立企業社會責任部,把行善活動交給它來處理。相反,該消費品巨頭把解決社會問題融入到了公司的每個角落,從食品垃圾到氣候變化乃至貧困等。這個策略是波爾曼的創意。波爾曼從2009年起擔任聯合利華CEO,他當初的目標是使公司收入翻一番,將環境足跡減少一半。現在,聯合利華推出了各種活動,如全球洗手日活動,以及提高產品營養價值這一雄心勃勃的計劃。Unilever doesn』t have a corporate social responsibility department—that place where most companies relegate their do-gooding activities. Instead the consumer goods giant has integrated solving social issues, from food waste to climate change to poverty, into every part of its business. The strategy is the brainchild of Polman, Unilever』s CEO since 2009, who had a vision of doubling its revenue and cutting its environmental footprint in half. Now Unilever has everything from a global handwashing campaign to an ambitious plan to improve the nutritional profile of its products.Zhang Ruimin張瑞敏CEO, Haier Group海爾集團CEO2016年6月27日星期一,天津,海爾集團董事局主席兼首席執行官張瑞敏,在世界經濟論壇新領軍者年會上發表演講。許多CEO稱員工是夥伴; 也有人稱呼他們是合伙人。張瑞敏把73,000名員工叫作創業者——並且鼓勵他們創業。這是張瑞敏改革公司的一個信號。海爾集團(Haier Group)是世界排名第一的家電製造商。張瑞敏正在重新構思這家規模龐大的企業,改革的力度前所未有。他的成功一方面來自於通過收購擴大規模; 2016年,他以54億美元收購了通用電氣(General Electric)的家電業務。然而更重要的是,張瑞敏看到了多數CEO無法預見的未來。他對《財富》雜誌表示:「互聯網時代的競爭並非公司之間的競爭,而是平台與平台的競爭。」在海爾,可能有人並不是海爾的員工,但他們聚在一起共同參與項目,然後又各奔東西。對於許多公司而言,一款產品可能也是一個平台。例如: 在一個聯網「智能」微波爐項目中,有些公司可以通過設備銷售食物,因此他們會向合伙人付費,使海爾可以降低家電價格。海爾有約3,000個公司投資的微型創業企業,他們的生存或滅亡,完全取決於自身能否成功,另外還有數百個團隊獲得了部分外部投資。張瑞敏解釋說:「如果創業團隊吸引不到任何風險投資,他們可以考慮如何繼續發展和加倍努力,或者他們可以解散。」如何把數千名企業員工轉變為創業者?這是個錯誤的問題。張瑞敏表示:「我們的任務並不是把海爾員工轉變為創業者,而是吸引全社會的創業者加入我們的平台。」Many CEOs call their employees associates; others call them partners. Zhang calls all 73,000 of them ¬entrepreneurs—and actually means it. It』s one sign of how Zhang is changing his company, the world』s No. 1 appliance maker, and in the process reconceiving the large business organization more profoundly than anyone else on the planet.He』s winning in part by expanding through acquisition; in 2016 he bought General Electric』s appliance business for $5.4 billion. More fundamentally, Zhang sees a future that most CEOs don』t. 「Competitions in the Internet era are not between companies but between platforms,」 he tells Fortune. At Haier, teams of people who may not be Haier employees come together for projects and then disperse. A product can also be a platform for multiple companies. One example: For a networked 「smart」 oven project, companies that might sell food via the device could pay to be partners, enabling Haier to reduce appliance prices.Haier consists of some 3,000 company-funded entrepreneurial micro-enterprises that live or die by their individual success, plus a few hundred teams funded partly by outside investment. 「If a startup team cannot attract any venture capital, they can either consider how to progress and strive harder or they will be dismissed,」 Zhang explains.So how do you turn thousands of corporate employees into entrepreneurs? Wrong question. 「The task is not to turn Haier』s internal staff into entrepreneurs, but rather to attract all the entrepreneurs in society onto our platform,」 Zhang says.Arundhati Bhattacharya阿蘭達蒂•巴塔查麗亞Chairman, State Bank of India印度國家銀行董事長2016年12月29日,印度孟買,印度國家銀行董事長阿蘭達蒂•巴塔查麗亞在辦公室。巴塔查麗亞是印度最大銀行印度國家銀行(State Bank of India,SBI。世界500強第232位)的第一位女性領導者。她出色地帶領銀行度過了各種困難(與不良貸款的持續鬥爭)和危機(印度突然停止貨幣流通)。她同樣具有改革能力,領導這家有著211年歷史、規模龐大的金融機構,進入了數字時代,並對超過200,000員工進行了人力資源改革。她在去年促成的一筆複雜的、六家銀行的合併交易,將使印度國家銀行進入世界50大銀行之列。她的效率和直言不諱的坦率作風,吸引了人們的關註: 印度國家銀行最近延長了巴塔查麗亞的三年任期,這是極為罕見的。而且她在去年被認為是領導印度儲備銀行(Reserve Bank of India)最合適的人選,還曾獲得世界銀行(World Bank)第二把交椅的提名。Bhattacharya, the first-ever woman to helm India』s largest bank, has expertly steered SBI—No. 232 on the Global 500—through rough waters (an ongoing battle with bad loans) and sudden storms (India』s surprise demonetization scheme). She』s been transformative, too—dragging the sprawling, 211-year old institution into the digital era and overhauling HR for her 200,000+ employees. The complex, six-bank merger she orchestrated last year will catapult SBI into the ranks of the world』s 50 largest banks. That effectiveness, and her frank, outspoken style has been noticed: Bhattacharya, who was recently granted a rare extension to her three-year term at SBI, was, last year, considered a favorite to lead the Reserve Bank of India, and nominated for the No. 2 job at the World Bank.Raj Panjabi拉傑•潘賈比CEO, Last Mile Health最後一程醫療CEO2016年12月2日,義大利羅馬,《財富》雜誌副主編克里夫頓•利夫(左)與最後一程醫療聯合創始人兼CEO拉傑•潘賈比,在2016年「財富-時代全球論壇」上發言。如何解決「最後一英里」的問題,是許多企業面臨的難題,而在醫療行業,最後一英里問題對貧困地區的影響尤為嚴重。最後一英里問題是指向消費者交付產品或服務的最終關鍵步驟。潘賈比的非盈利組織最後一程醫療(Last Mile Health),正在努力解決這個問題。該組織致力於為發展家的本地人提供救生措施培訓,例如爆發流行病時如何自我保護,如何安全埋葬因傳染病死去的遇難者等。最後一程醫療已經證明了它們的能力: 2014年埃博拉病毒爆發期間,該組織在賴比瑞亞的工作幫助阻止了疫情的蔓延。Tackling the 「last mile」—the final, critical step of delivering products or services to consumers—is a conundrum for businesses, and in health care, last-mile problems hit poor regions especially hard. Panjabi』s nonprofit, Last Mile Health, is striving to change that by training locals in developing countries in lifesaving ¬measures, such as protecting themselves against pandemics and safely burying victims killed by infectious diseases. Last Mile has already proved its mettle; its work in Liberia helped stanch the spread of Ebola during the 2014 outbreak.Elon Musk伊隆•馬斯克CEO, Tesla and SpaceX特斯拉和SpaceX首席執行官2017年1月29日,加州霍桑市,Space X首席執行官伊隆•馬斯克(中),在SpaceX超級高鐵Hyperloop競賽期間前往加州歐文分校考察。伊隆•馬斯克是個夢想家?理論家?冒險家?好像都不太準確。這位億萬富豪企業家目前掌管著兩家自己聯合創立的企業,員工共35000人。他的目標十分遠大。汽車生產商和可持續能源公司特斯拉於2016年收購了SolarCity,終極目標是無碳排放的世界。(馬斯克最近在內華達州設立的特斯拉超級電池工廠「Gigafactory」也是為終極目標服務的。)SpaceX是一家航天領域的創業公司,目標是低成本空間旅行,最終實現移民火星。馬斯克承認有個睡袋放在加州弗里蒙特的特斯拉工廠組裝線附近,最近他要解決的問題又多了一個——讓人難以忍受的交通堵塞。新成立的公司Boring Co目標是迅速又低成本地建造隧道交通網路,供各種交通工具以及超級高鐵Hyperloop通行。2013年他提出設想后,很多大學和創業公司正加緊開發。過去幾年裡,馬斯克科技大佬形象也偶有挫折。特斯拉出現過交貨延遲和達不到目標等,而且實際產品有時會讓分析師和一幫熱情冬粉失望。特斯拉/SolarCity合併案后,也有反對者質疑合併能否讓股東獲利。但很多人還是認為他是科技界最有公德的企業家之一。目前馬斯克在戰略和政策論壇擔任川普的顧問。Visionary, ideologue, risk-taker: None of these shorthand labels quite capture who Elon Musk is. The billionaire entrepreneur is running two companies he cofounded that together employ 35,000 people. His aims are stratospheric. Tesla, the automaker and sustainable-energy company that acquired SolarCity in 2016, is Musk』s pathway to a carbon--emissions-free world. (The batteries he』s beginning to crank out at Tesla』s 「Gigafactory」 in Nevada are another element of that strategy.) SpaceX, an aerospace startup, was founded to lower the cost of space transportation and ultimately enable the colonization of Mars.Musk, who has admitted to keeping a sleeping bag near a production line at Tesla』s factory in Fremont, Calif., has added another problem to his to-do list—soul-crushing traffic. His new business, the Boring Co., aims to find a way to quickly and cost-effectively dig networks of tunnels for vehicles and high-speed trains such as the Hyperloop, an idea he floated in 2013 that universities and startups are actively trying to develop.Musk』s aura as a technocratic seer has taken some lumps over the past couple of years. Tesla—experiencing production delays and falling short of delivery goals—hasn』t always lived up to the bullish expectations of analysts and its legion of passionate fans. And the Tesla/SolarCity merger drew fire from critics who question whether the acquisition will benefit shareholders. But many still look to him as one of the tech world』s foremost civic-minded voices. Musk advises President Trump as part of the Strategic and Policy Forum.Strive Masiyiwa斯特拉夫•馬希伊瓦Chairman, Econet Wireless Group辛巴威Econet Wireless集團總裁加州貝弗利山莊,Econet Wireless全球集團創始人兼總裁斯特拉夫•馬希伊瓦在米爾肯研究院全球年會上發表演講。論起對現代非洲的貢獻,可能沒人比得上馬希伊瓦。1998年,與辛巴威政府打了多年官司后,馬希伊瓦終於成立了電信公司Econet。他成功地打破了政府壟斷電信業的局面,推動整個非洲大陸私營電信企業發展。後來馬希伊瓦搬到倫敦,但他一直很活躍,而且熱心慈善,所以在非洲仍然很有影響力。他在多家企業董事會任職,因長期支持孤兒救助,提供獎學金,以及抗擊飢餓、貧窮和埃博拉病毒為人稱道。「斯特利夫•馬希伊瓦的生活的商業公司都很令人敬佩,最難能可貴的是他一直在努力幫助別人……他是個勇敢的戰士,通過可持續投資和領導環境政策改變很多商業領域和很多人的生活,同時儘力保護非洲最重要的資源……我很佩服他的見識,他的堅持,以及無畏的精神。」——吉恩•凱斯,凱斯基金會首席執行官兼美國國家地理協會理事會主席。Few people have shaped modern Africa as much as Masiyiwa, whose telecommunications firm, Econet, came into being in 1998 after a long legal battle with the Zimbabwe government. His victory busted up a state monopoly and helped spur the development of private telecoms across the continent. Masiyiwa has since relocated to London, but his energetic and well-rounded philanthropy still makes an impact in Africa; he chairs numerous boards and has been lauded for supporting orphans, funding scholarships, and fighting hunger, poverty, and Ebola.「Strive Masiyiwa』s life and his business story is impressive, but it is his lifelong commitment to helping others that set him apart…He is a crusader who has transformed countless sectors and lives while also seeking to preserve Africa』s vital resources through his own sustainable investments and environmental policy leadership…I am inspired by his vision, his persistence, and his fearless spirit.」 —Jean Case, CEO of the Case Foundation and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Geographic SocietyFazle Abed法茲勒•阿拜德CEO, BRAC孟加拉國BRAC銀行首席執行官BRAC銀行創始人兼主席法茲勒•阿拜德在孟加拉國首都達卡調查Karail貧民窟和BRAC學校。1971年,孟加拉國經過艱苦戰爭獲得獨立,1000萬流落在外的難民回到祖國,迫切需要重建家園。阿拜德趁機創業,此前擔任企業高管的他成立了孟加拉國農村促進委員會(BRAC),如今是全世界最大的非政府組織。BRAC的業務包括小微金融,已經向超過500萬孟加拉國人發放16億美元貸款。還提供教育機會,已有超過1100萬學生畢業。In 1971, Bangladesh won a brutal war for independence, and some 10 million refugees returned to a country in urgent need of rebuilding. In stepped Abed, a former corporate executive who established the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, now the world』s largest nongovernmental organization. BRAC』s fingerprint includes microfinance; its program has given out $1.6 billion in loans to more than 5 million ¬Bangladeshis—and education, where it has graduated over 11 million students.Jamie Dimon傑米•戴蒙CEO, JPMorgan Chase摩根大通首席執行官2017年3月9日,法國巴黎,摩根大通首席執行官傑米•戴蒙接受彭博電視訪問后拍照。現在的摩根大通跟傑米•戴蒙上任前的摩根大通彷彿兩家公司,以前與現在不可同日而語。2006年戴蒙接任首席執行官以來,摩根大通的資產增長了近110%,收益是當時的近三倍。金融危機期間戴蒙的處理手段堪稱危機管理的典範,如今摩根大通毫無疑問是美國最大銀行,而且看來能穩坐寶座相當一段時間。川普剛當選,手下的交接團隊就想去勸說戴蒙接任財政部長,他也是兩黨都願意接受的人選。不過戴蒙拒絕了,他的貢獻方式是,在自由主義政府當政時管好一家規模巨大但井井有條的銀行。There was a JPMorgan Chase before Jamie Dimon, but it was a shadow of its current self. Since he took over as CEO in 2006, the bank』s assets have risen nearly 110%, while earnings have nearly tripled. Dimon』s actions during the financial crisis were a master class in risk management, and his firm is now the undisputed biggest bank in the nation, with no sign of giving up that title. Just days after the President was elected, his transition team zeroed in on Dimon as the best choice for Treasury Secretary—an idea with support on both sides of the aisle. Dimon said no, however, and he now looks poised to lead by showing what a huge, well-managed bank can accomplish under a laissez-faire government.Yuri Milner尤里•米爾納Founder, DST GlobalDST國際投資公司創始人2016年4月12日,紐約,投資人尤里•米爾納在Breakthrough Starshot initiative的聲明會上拿著一塊小晶元。尤里•米爾納的父母給他取名「尤里」,是因為他出生那年世界上第一名宇航員,也是第一位進入太空的尤里•加加林。他先是物理學家,後來改行做投資,因為早期投過Facebook和Airbnb揚名。如今他也在支持一些大型科學項目,例如尋找宇宙中智慧生物跡象。他還勸說其他企業家,Facebook的馬克•扎克伯格和阿里巴巴的馬雲出資成立獎項,鼓勵優秀的物理學家、生物學家和數學家。如今Breakthrough獎項已經發放獎金近2億美元。Named for the cosmonaut and first person to reach outer space, the Russian physicist-turned-investor made his billions placing early bets on technology names such as Facebook and Airbnb. Now he』s backing bigger scientific gambles, such as a project to find signs of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. He has also persuaded his pals, Facebook』s Mark Zuckerberg and Alibaba』s Jack Ma among them, to fund major awards for physicists, biologists, and mathematicians; the Breakthrough Prizes have given away nearly $200 million to date.Randall Stephenson蘭德爾•斯蒂芬森Chairman and CEO, AT&T美國電話電報公司總裁兼首席執行官AT&T首席執行官蘭德爾•斯蒂芬森在達拉斯的公司總部。美國電話電報公司是美國最大的僱主之一(去年收入1638億美元, 也是全球最大企業之一),史蒂芬森完成了一項非常有挑戰的任務:幫超過10萬員工保住工作。隨著科技行業變化迅速,很多首席執行官都被迫裁員。但AT&T斥資近10億美元啟動橫掃2020項目,培訓員工新技能。目前已經初獲成效:去年AT&T超過40%的職位通過內部招聘完成。The head of one of the nation』s largest employers (and, with $163.8 billion in revenue last year, one of the world』s largest companies), Stephenson has taken on a challenge befitting AT&T』s stature: retraining more than 100,000 workers. In the face of rapid technological change, many CEOs have cut their people loose. But AT&T is launching a roughly billion-dollar push to teach them new skills through its sweeping 2020 initiative. The drive is already paying off: Last year AT&T filled more than 40% of open positions with internal candidates.Marc Benioff馬克•貝尼奧夫CEO and Chairman, SalesforceSalesforce公司首席執行官兼總裁

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