3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

當你在寫新功能時,你是不是總想在關鍵地方加幾句註釋,以便後續修改?但是! 事實真的如你所願么? 看看下面這些註釋,我想你能找到自己的影子。// Magic. Do not touch.神奇的代碼,請勿改動// drunk, fix later喝醉啦,遲些再弄/** You may think you know what the following code does.* But you dont Trust me.* Fiddle with it, and you』ll spend many a sleepless night* cursing the moment you thought youd be clever enough* to 「optimize」 the code below.* Now close this file and go play with something else*/你以為你了解下面這些代碼,但是你不相信我,你將會在無盡的通宵中不斷地咒罵自己為什麼會認為自己聰明,聰明到可以優化這段代碼。好了,現在請關閉這個文件去玩點別的吧。double penetration; // ouch狂插兩下; //痛啊// I am not sure why this works but it fixes the problem.反正這個辦法就修復了問題,我也不知道為什麼會這樣// Dear future me. Please forgive me.// I can』t even begin to express how sorry I am.親愛的未來的我自己,請原諒我。我有著難以表達的歉意。// no comments for you// it was hard to write// so it should be hard to read沒有註釋留給你,難寫的代碼必定難讀options.BatchSize = 300; //Madness? This is SPARTA!瘋了嗎?歡迎來到斯巴達。// I am not responsible of this code.// They made me write it.我不對以下代碼負責。是他們逼我寫的。你寫過哪些奇葩的註釋呢? 在評論區分享一下吧!

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