3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

你喜歡旅遊嗎?你去過哪些地方旅遊呢?有去過國外旅遊嗎?或是在國內旅遊的時候碰到外國人,你會用英語口語交流嗎?下面我們就來學習三小段脫口說旅遊英語口語情景對話。Conversation 1A:We will go to Luoyang for a vacation next month.我們下個月要去洛陽旅遊。B:How long will you stay there?你們將在那兒待多久?A: About one week.大約一個星期。B:Where will you live during the vacation.旅行期間你們住哪兒呢?A:In the hotel.住旅店。B:Have you make a reservation?你們預訂房間了嗎?A:Yes,we have.是的,預訂了。B: That's OK. 那就好。Conversation 2A:Can I help you?能為您效勞嗎?B: My wife and I want to go to Beijing for a tour.Can you arrange it?我和我妻子想去北京旅遊。你們能安排嗎?A:Yes,we can arrange that.可以,我們可以安排。B:I'd like to know what kind of tour your travel agency has.我想問一下你們旅行社都有一些什麼樣的旅遊項目。A:Our travel agency provides all kinds of tours,ranging from individual tour to group package tour.我們旅行社提供各種旅遊項目,從散客旅遊到團隊包價旅遊都有。B:Excellent.太好了。A:When do you expect to come?你們打算什麼時候來?B:September 28th.9月28日A:What specific places do you wish to visit?你們具體想參觀哪些地方?B:We would like to visit the Great Wall,the Ming Tombs and the Imperial Palace.我們想參觀長城,十三陵和故宮。A: OK.好的。Conversation 3A:We will have a vacation next month. Why not have a tour?我們下個月有假期。為什麼不去旅遊呢?B:Good idea. Where shall we go?好主意。去哪兒呢?A:What about going to Xi'an?去西安怎麼樣?B:Don't you think it is too far?你不覺得太遠了嗎?A:So what's your plan?那你有什麼計劃呢?B:What about going to Beijing?我們去北京怎麼樣?A:So we'll compromise. We'll hit the Huangshan Anhui.那我們折中一下,去安徽的黃山。B:OK!好吧!

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