3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

朝鮮半島問題:問:據路透社報道,13日,美國官員稱,川普政府正對失去耐心,可能會在未來幾周內宣布對小型銀行和與朝鮮有生意往來的公司實施新制裁。中方對此有何評論?Q: According to Reuters, an US official said on July 13 that the Trump administration is losing patience with China and likely to announce new sanctions on China's small banks and companies engaged in business with the DPRK. How do you comment on that? 答:我不清楚有關報道是否屬實,有關官員所說是否得到了美國官方授權。A: I don't know whether this report is true, or whether the relevant US official said this under the authorization of the US government. 中方一貫全面、準確、認真、嚴格地執行聯合國安理會有關涉朝決議。同時,我們反對在安理會框架外實施單邊制裁,尤其反對其他國家根據自己的國內法實施所謂「長臂管轄」。China has been implementing the UN Security Council's DPRK-related resolutions in a comprehensive, strict, accurate and faithful manner. Meanwhile, we oppose the imposing of unilateral sanctions outside the framework of the Security Council, especially the so-called "long-arm jurisdiction" by any country based on its domestic law. 長期以來,中方為解決半島核問題作出了不懈努力,自始至終發揮著重要和建設性作用。作為安理會常任理事國,中方積极參与了安理會一系列涉朝決議草案的磋商,並支持有關草案的通過。決議通過前,找中方幫忙,同中方合作,決議通過後,卻又對搞單邊制裁,這不是「過河拆橋」是什麼?For a long time, China has been making unremitting efforts to resolve the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, and played an important and constructive role. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China has actively participated in the consultation of a series of the Security Council's DPRK-related draft resolutions and supported the adoption of relevant drafts. Relevant country asked China for help and cooperation before the draft is adopted, but after the adoption, it is going to impose unilateral sanctions on China. Isn't it tearing down the bridge after crossing the river? 我們多次說過,解決半島核問題需要有關各方協調配合、群策群力。我們希望有關各方能相向而行,共同為推動半島核問題早日回到通過對話協商和平解決的正確軌道作出努力,「過河拆橋」的做法要不得。We have said on multiple occasions that the settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue calls for collective wisdom and coordinated efforts of various parties. We hope all relevant parties can work for the shared goal and make efforts to bring back the Korean Peninsula issue to the right track of peaceful settlement through dialogue and negotiation. 最後,我可以明確地講,執行的是安理會決議,不是某個國家的國內法。To conclude, I would like to make it clear that what China is implementing is the Security Council's resolutions rather than certain country's domestic law. 中-美關係問題:問:12日,美國伊利諾伊州中部地區聯邦檢察官辦公室發布公告稱,基於法庭掌握的證據、相關法庭文書及調查中發現的其他事實,美執法部門認為此前失聯的學者章瑩穎已經死亡。中方對此有何評論?Q: On July 12, the Attorney's Office of the Central District of Illinois issued a notice saying that based on facts presented in court and relevant court documents and other facts uncovered during the ongoing investigation, the US law enforcement department decided the missing Chinese scholar Zhang Yingying was deceased. How do you comment on that? 答:我們注意到有關報道,對發生在章瑩穎同學身上的不幸深感震驚和痛惜,向其親屬表示深切慰問。A: We have noted relevant reports. We are deeply shocked and saddened by the tragedy of Zhang Yingying and convey our deep condolences to her families. 政府高度重視維護海外公民的安全與合法權益。外交部和駐美使領館將繼續跟進事件進展,與美方保持密切溝通,並協調美警方加緊全力搜尋和調查。中方強烈希望美司法部門依法公正審理此案,將兇手繩之以法,使正義得到伸張。我們將繼續為章瑩穎的家屬在美處理相關事務提供協助。The Chinese government highly values the security and lawful rights and interests of overseas Chinese nationals. China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions in the US will continue to closely follow the development of this case, stay in close communication with the US side and coordinate with the US police to intensify all-out efforts for search and investigation. China strongly hopes that the US judicial department will hear this case impartially in accordance with the law, hold the perpetrator accountable and uphold justice. We will continue to provide assistance to the families of Zhang Yingying in handling relevant affairs in the US. 問:關於中美經濟合作「百日計劃」,有批評聲音稱中方開放市場准入的速度太慢,中方對此有何回應?中方對即將舉行的中美全面經濟對話有何期待?Q: As far as the 100-Day Action Plan is concerned, there has been criticism that China has been too slow to open up market access for foreign firms. What is your response? What is your expectation for the upcoming China-US Comprehensive Economic Dialogue? 答:中美兩國元首海湖莊園會晤以來,雙方按照元首會晤達成的重要共識積極推進中美經濟合作「百日計劃」,兩國的經濟合作進展順利。五月上旬,雙方達成了多項早期收穫成果。目前雙方正在進行「百日計劃」後續成果磋商,也有望取得更多務實成果。A: Since the meeting of the Chinese and US heads of state at the Mar-a-Lago resort, the two sides have vigorously advanced the 100-Day Action Plan for China-US economic cooperation following the important consensus between the two state leaders, and the economic cooperation between the two countries progressed smoothly. China-US economic cooperation has made important and positive progress. In early May, the two sides reaped a series of early harvests. At present, the two sides are conducting consultation on the follow-up outcomes of the 100-Day Action Plan with the expectation for more practical outcomes. 我們希望美方能夠同中方一道努力,推動即將舉行的首輪中美全面經濟對話取得成功,進一步深化雙方在經貿領域的合作,給兩國和兩國人民帶來更多實實在在的好處和利益。We hope the US can work with the Chinese side for the success of the upcoming first round of China-US Comprehensive Economic Dialogue, further deepen our cooperation in economy and trade, and bring more tangible benefits and interests to the two countries and peoples. 追問:你能更具體介紹一下對下周中美全面經濟對話的期待嗎?是否會進一步充實「百日計劃」的內容?Follow-up: Can you be more specific in what you are expecting from the next week? Would there be any additional details for the plan? 答:如果你想要了解細節,我建議你向有關部門去了解。A: I will refer you to the relevant department if you are interested in more details. 追問:中方對有關批評作何回應?Follow-up: What is your response to the relevant criticism? 答:市場的開放程度是有目共睹的。我們一直說,的大門一旦打開就不會關上,只會越開越大。外國在華投資總體上一直呈現不斷增長的勢頭,這就很能說明問題。A: Everyone bears witness to the degree of China's openness. We have been stressing that once opened, China's door of opening-up will never be closed. It will only open wider. Foreign investment in China on the whole has kept the trend of continuous increase, which speaks volume for the fact. 問:美國軍方人士表示,近來有一艘軍艦在阿拉斯加海岸一百英里處水域活動,據稱這是一艘通訊和信息採集船。由於這艘船出現在美國在相關地區進行「薩德」反導系統測試之前,有人懷疑該軍艦是在進行相關情報採集和觀測工作。中方能否證實?Q: A US military source said that recently a Chinese navy vessel was operating in waters 100 miles off the coast of Alaska, allegedly a telecommunications and information-gathering vessel. Since this ship appeared there before the US tests the THAAD system in the relevant region, there is suspicion that this warship is engaging in relevant intelligence-gathering and observation. Can you confirm that? 答:我不了解這個情況,你感興趣的話可以向軍方詢問。A: I'm not aware of this. I will refer you to the military if you're interested.台灣問題:問:蔡英文昨日用英文發「推特」稱,她對接待巴拉圭總統卡特斯的所謂「國事」訪問感到榮幸,雙方還簽署了新的經濟合作和遊客免簽協議。中方對此有何評論?Q: Yesterday Tsai Ing-wen tweeted that she was honored to receive Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes on his so-called "state visit" to Taiwan and the two sides inked new agreements on economic cooperation and visa-free travel for tourists. How do you comment on that? 答:世界上只有一個,台灣是領土不可分割的一部分,這是國際社會的普遍共識。任何企圖製造「兩個」、「一中一台」的行徑都必將遭到全體人民的反對,也不符合台灣人民的根本利益。A: The one china principle is the general consensus among the international community. Any attempts to create "two China" and "one China, one Taiwan" will certainly meet firm opposition of all Chinese people, and it is not in line with the fundamental interests of the Taiwanese people. 我們希望台灣當局審時度勢,儘快回到「九二共識」上來,不要再做逆潮流而動、不得人心的事。We hope the Taiwan authorities can make a correct assessment of the situation and return to the 1992 consensus as soon as possible, and do no more things that are against the trend of the times and the will of the people. 我們還要奉勸島內某些人士,一定要睜開眼睛看世界,要擺正自己的位置,不要做井底之蛙,不要再自欺欺人。We would also like to advise certain people in Taiwan to open their eyes to see the world, place themselves in a right position, stop being a frog in a well and deceiving themselves. 南海問題:問:印尼政府發布新版印尼官方地圖,將南海部分海域命名為「北納土納海」,這是印尼主張的專屬經濟區與中方「九段線」重合的地方。中方是否看到相關地圖?是否向印尼方表達關切?Q: The Indonesian government has released a new official map of Indonesia that renames a part of the South China Sea as the North Natuna Sea. The area includes Indonesia's claimed exclusive economic zone that is intersected by China's nine-dash line. Have you seen this new map? Have you expressed any concern to the Indonesian government? 答:我不掌握你提到的具體情況。但我要強調指出的是,長期以來,南海包括其英文標準地名South China Sea作為一個國際通用的地理實體名稱,其地理範圍是明確的,且早已為國際社會包括聯合國廣泛認可和接納。所謂更名毫無意義,而且不利於國際地名標準化的努力。希望有關國家與中方相向而行,共同維護好當前南海形勢來之不易的良好局面。A: I am not aware of the details you mentioned. But I have to stress that for a long time, as an international standard name of a geographic entity, the term "Nanhai" and its standard English name "South China Sea", refer to a clear geographical scope, which has been widely recognized and accepted by the international community, including the United Nations. The so-called change of name makes no sense at all and is not conducive to the effort to the international standardization of the name of places. We hope relevant country can work with China for the shared goal and jointly uphold the current hard-won sound situation in the South China Sea.中-歐關係問題:問:據報道,12日,德國批準擬對歐盟外的企業收購戰略性企業強化審查的新規,政府將有權阻止可能導致關鍵技術流失的收購。德國還將與法國、義大利一道推動歐盟法律作出類似調整。報道稱,新規是對德國和歐洲高技術企業被收購併喪失知識產權引發擔憂的回應。你對此有何評論?Q: There are reports that Germany has tightened its rules on foreign corporate takeovers of its strategic enterprises. This can allow the government to block takeovers if there is a risk of technology being lost abroad. Germany will work together with France and Italy to make similar adjustments to the EU law regulations. The report said the rules are a response to concerns that the IPR will be lost because of China's takeover of European and German hi-tech companies. How do you react to that? 答:我們對德方、歐方有關動向表示關注。我們多次講過,同包括德國在內的其他國家開展經貿合作的本質是互利共贏。近年來,中德、中歐經貿合作取得的積極進展有目共睹,為雙方企業和人民帶來了實實在在的好處,也促進了各自經濟的發展。A: We express concern to relevant moves of Germany and the EU. We have said many times that the nature of the economic and trade cooperation with Germany and other countries is mutually beneficial and win-win. In recent years, the positive progress in China-Germany and China-EU economic and trade cooperation has been there for all to see, and brought tangible benefits to their enterprises and peoples and promoted their own economic developments. 在當前國際形勢下,中方願同德方、歐方共同努力,在相互尊重、平等相待的基礎上,本著互利共贏、共同發展的原則,促進貿易自由化和投資便利化。希望德方、歐方在出台有關措施時應注意避免受保護主義思潮的干擾,避免向外界釋放混亂、消極的信號。In the current international situation, China stands ready to work with Germany and the EU to promote trade liberalization and investment facilitation on the basis of mutual respect and treating each other as equals, and in the principle of mutual benefit, win-win results and common development. We hope that, when introducing relevant measures, Germany and the EU can avoid being affected by protectionism and sending chaotic and negative messages to the outside world. 中-非關係問題:問:波札那總統辦公室周四表示達賴將於下月訪問波札那,總統將與其會見。中方對此有何評論?達賴此訪是否會影響對波札那的投資?Q: The office of the President of Botswana announced Thursday that the president will meet with Dala Lama during his visit to the country next month. What is China's response to this? How will the visit affect China's investment in the country? 答:十四世達賴是打著宗教的幌子,長期從事反華分裂活動,圖謀把西藏從分裂出去的政治流亡者。中方堅決反對達賴以任何身份和名義到任何國家從事反華分裂活動,堅決反對任何國家官方人士同其進行任何形式的接觸。A: The 14th Dalai is a political exile who has long been engaged in anti-China separatist activities under the cloak of religion with the attempt to split Tibet from China. China is firmly opposed to Dalai's trip to any country for activities aimed at splitting China in any capacity or name, and contact with any official in any form in any country. 中方的立場是明確的,我們希望有關國家認清達賴的本質,切實尊重中方的核心關切,就相關問題作出正確決定。China's stance is clear. We hope relevant country can see clear the nature of Dalai, faithfully respect China's core concern and make correct decision on the relevant issue.其它問題:問:四名香港立法會議員今天被取消議員資格,這一舉動是否會加劇國際社會對香港的自由受到中央政府威脅的擔憂?Q: The Hong Kong Legislative Council invalidated its four members' oaths of office today. Will this move increase the international community's concern that Hong Kong's freedom is threatened by the central government? 答:香港是的特別行政區,香港事務純屬內政。關於香港的問題不是外交問題,建議你向有關部門詢問。A: Hong Kong is China's Special Administrative Region, and Hong Kong's affairs are purely China's internal affairs. Your question on Hong Kong is not a diplomatic one, and I will refer you to the relevant authority. 會後有記者問及:據報道,日本警方近日發現兩具女性遺體,疑似是近期失聯的兩名公民。你能否證實並介紹有關情況?駐日本使館是否已經向失聯人員的家屬提供了領事協助?After the press conference, the following question was raised: According to media reports, the Japanese police in recent days found the bodies of two Chinese females, which were suspected to be the two recently missing Chinese nationals. Can you confirm that and tell the relevant information? Has the Chinese Ambassador to Japan provided consular assistance to the families of the missing ones? 耿爽表示,7月11日晚,駐日本使館接到一名公民緊急求助,其兩個女兒7月6日在日本橫濱失聯。獲悉后,使館立即啟動應急機制,緊急約見日警方等部門負責人,要求日方全力查找並及時向中方通報案件進展。Geng Shuang said that, on the night of July 11, the Chinese Embassy in Japan received an emergency call from a Chinese national, whose two daughters went out of contact in Yokohama on July 6. After learning this information, the Embassy immediately launched the emergency mechanism to meet the Japanese police and other principals of relevant authorities, and required the Japanese side to make all-out efforts for search and inform the Chinese side of the latest development of the case in a timely manner. 7月14日,獲悉日警方發現兩具疑似失聯公民屍體后,駐日本使館再次緊急聯繫日警方。目前,日警方已確認兩具遺體系失聯公民,該2人已不幸遇害。我們對兩名公民遇害表示沉痛哀悼,對其家屬表示誠摯慰問,對兇犯的殘暴行徑予以強烈譴責。駐日使館已要求日方全力破案,緝拿並嚴懲兇手,還受害者及家屬公道。駐日本使館將繼續密切關注案件進展,為家屬赴日善後提供積極協助。On July 14, after learning the recovering of two bodies suspected to be the missing Chinese nationals, the Chinese Embassy again contacted the Japanese policy urgently. At present, the Japanese police has confirmed that the two bodies are the two missing Chinese nationals who have been killed. We deeply mourn the passing of the two Chinese nationals, convey deep condolences to the bereaved families and strongly condemn the cruelties of the perpetrator. The Chinese Embassy in Japan has required the Japanese side to spare no effort to solve the case, seize and strictly punish the perpetrator and uphold justice for the victims and their bereaved families. The Chinese Embassy in Japan will continue to closely follow the development of the case and actively provide assistance for the families to handle the follow-up affairs in Japan.註:外交部四月、五月和六月例行記者會內容,可查看首頁」翻譯學習「的「翻碩&CATTI」欄目。翻吧

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