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ScienceOpen在其平台上推出了一套強大的新功能,包括開放存取文章和作者附件的過濾器。利用state-of-theart技術,ScienceOpen豐富和發掘研究論文的內容、多級搜索和發現體驗。Innovative new features at ScienceOpen Berlin, Boston, Budapest, London, 14/03/2017 ScienceOpen has launched a suite of powerful new features on its platform, including filters for Open Access articles and author affiliations. Using state-of-theart technology, ScienceOpen enriches and exposes the context of research articles for a dynamic, multi-level search and discovery experience. ScienceOpen currently indexes more than 28 million article records, 3 million of which are Open Access, and is rapidly accruing new content from a range of publishers across the STEM and HSS fields. These new filtering functions will assist researchers in identifying relevant Open Access content more easily, and in exploring the output of particular institutes and universities. Publishers will also be able to easily document the impact of their Open Access content. CEO of ScienceOpen, Dr. Stephanie Dawson, said 「Our pace of innovation makes ScienceOpen one of the most interesting and fast-moving players in the market. We are delighted to continue to add new features to the search and discovery interface. We work very closely with the research community and publishers to provide the services that they need.」 Additional new features being released also include being able to sort content by the affiliation of an author at the time of publication, as well as the date articles were indexed at ScienceOpen. This means that ScienceOpen is rapidly becoming the smartest and most precise way to discover relevant research. A filter for Open Access articles on ScienceOpen has been in constant demand from researchers. Co-founder of ScienceOpen, Prof. Alexander Grossmann, said 「In a scholarly publishing environment where Open Access is becoming more common, we have to find ways to maximize its potential. Being able to more easily discover Open Access content will greatly enhance the research process for users across the globe.」 Keywords: Open Access, Search and Discovery, Publishing, Filtering About ScienceOpen: ScienceOpen was founded in 2013 in Berlin and Boston by Alexander Grossmann and Tibor Tscheke. It provides enhanced indexing services for publishers and advanced search and article overlay functions for researchers. 本文轉載自ScienceOpen網站,更多內容請點擊原文鏈接。編輯出版資訊合作夥伴LetPub:

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