3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Hi ,親愛的,你今年多大了?很多人都會告訴我們,20多歲是最好的年華因為20多歲,我們對世界有了初步成熟的見識最重要的是我們有能力去改變一些事情了而這段時間,有的時候真的會定格我們的人生不灌雞湯小5隻是找出一些東西希望你可以過得更好01You're attached to your phone basically always,and kind of ignore everything else around you.沒有手機你就活不下去Today you can pretty much doeverything through apps on your phone — which makes it unsurprising that in a surveydone in 2012, 66% of participants confessed to 「nomophobia,」 an actual fear ofbeing without your phone. Smartphone pendency has become so common that nowrecovery centers like The Ranch even provide rehab for it.如今智能手機已經強大到滲入了我們吃穿住行各個方面,難怪2012年的一個調查顯示,66%的受訪智能手機用戶表示自己已經成為「沒有手機會死星人」,為此最近還出現了一些醫療機構專門為這些「手機病」患者提供治療服務。Do this instead: Youcan start by downloading an app like Moment to help you track theamount of hours you spend on your phone. Then try setting small boundaries foryourself, such as: - Putting your phone away when you』re out with friends.- Not using your phone when you』re out to dinner. - Setting it down when you』ve been on it for more than 20 minutes at a time.- Not touching it after 11 p.m.如何克服:下載一個類似Moment這樣的APP,記錄並控制自己每天使用手機的時間,並設定時間限制,當超過限制時間,才允許自己「偷看「一下手機解解饞:- 當你跟朋友在一起時就只管好好跟朋友耍,不要讓手機出現在你的視線範圍內。- 在外面吃飯時就好好吃飯,手裡拿著刀叉筷子就夠了,手機丟一邊去。- 手機拿起來超過20分鐘就放下歇一會。- 過了晚上11點就不碰手機。02You hold grudges forever and always. 你總是心懷怨恨When someone burns you — especiallysomeone you trusted — it』s extremely hard to get over the anger and hurt youfeel toward them. But a study published in the Association for PsychologicalScience shows that holding on to those hurtful memories and resentfulfeelings can have a serious negative impact on your emotional and physicalhealth.人生這麼長,總會遇上幾個人渣,有時候很難不生氣。但是一直沉浸在痛苦的回憶當中或是一直心懷怨恨,最終傷的還是自己。Do this instead: Whileit may take some time, try to find it in yourself to forgive that person andmove on. Don』t waste your time concentrating on what』s happened in the past.Holding a grudge is hurting you more than it』s hurting them.如何克服:雖然很難,還是盡量嘗試原諒這些賤人,過去的就讓它過去吧,你的生活總要繼續。默默的在心裡怨恨,人家卻毫髮無損,倒是傷了自己,多無謂。03You spend a lottttt of energy thinking aboutfinding a serious relationship.你總是花太多時間去思考自己的終身大事The idea of needing to be in aserious relationship or being ready to settle down in your twenties is a socialconstruct. And anyone who』s putting pressure on you for not having asignificant other needs to CHILL.儘管社會的普遍價值觀認為在20幾歲的時候一定要談一段有結果的戀愛,但誰都沒有權利因為你30歲了還沒結婚而一直詬病你,這是你自己的人生。Do this instead: Yourtwenties are a time for exploration and figuring out what you want. By no meansshould you feel inadequate if you haven』t found 「the one」 yet. Go out, meet newpeople, and have fun. You shouldn』t be on a manhunt every time you leave thehouse.如何克服:20幾歲是了解自我,弄清楚自己想要什麼的重要階段,完全不需要因為暫時「還沒找到另一半」就感到自己的人生不完整。多出去玩,多認識不同的人,自己開心就好。不要每次結識新的異性都非要奔著結婚去,不怕把人嚇尿嘛。04 You hate sunscreen 你從不擦防晒油Sun damage can have long-termconsequences for your health and also how you look: We』re talking skincancer, premature aging and wrinkles, and discoloration.晒傷可能會對你的健康和外貌造成長期的不良影響,嚴重時可導致皮膚癌,早衰,色斑,褪色等。Do this instead: The SkinCancer Foundation says if you』re going to be exposed to the sun for 30minutes or more, try to apply sunscreen 30 minutes in advance before you gooutside. Make sure to reapply every two hours, especially if you』re sweating alot or in the water. If you wear makeup, make sure to apply sunscreen first,before the makeup…even if your makeup has sun protection in it. Note: Alcoholalso makes your skin more sensitive to the sun, increasing your chances ofgetting burned.如何克服:如果暴露在陽光下超過30分鐘,應在出門前30分鐘塗好防晒油,每兩小時補塗一次,特別是在你流汗過多或者進行水上活動的時候。如果需要化妝,必須在妝前塗上一層防晒霜,注意:酒精會令你的皮膚對陽光更敏感,增加你晒傷的機會,避免使用含酒精的化妝品。05You still get wasted...and sometimes on weeknights 你仍會在工作日喝的酩酊大醉While it may be tempting after along day at work, getting drunk and staying out until 2 a.m. will leave youseriously sleep-deprived for the rest of the week —impairing yourdecision-making, lowering your productivity at work, and making you more proneto mood swings and weight gain.儘管一天辛苦工作后很想放縱一下,但是超過凌晨2點還不睡覺並且喝的爛醉如泥會令你接下來的幾天嚴重睡眠不足,導致你決策力下降,工作效率降低,情緒波動甚至體重下降。Do this instead: Hey,you』re not in college anymore. It may be time to start being a bit moreresponsible. Besides, your hangovers will just keep getting worse and worse .如何克服: 你已經不再是大學時代那隻打不死的小強了。是時候對自己的身體負責了,經常醉醺醺的會令你的身體狀況越來越差。06You order takeout way more than you cook你不喜歡下廚,總是吃外賣While it may be convenient,eating out puts a serious dent in your monthly earnings. A survey done by CouponCodes4u showedthat the average American spends around $9,000 a year on takeout.雖然在外面吃飯比自己做飯方便多了,但你有算過你每個月花多少錢下館子嗎?最近有個調查顯示美國每年人均花在外賣上的錢是9000美金誒。Do this instead: Tryprepping work lunches on the weekend so that you』re not spending an extra $5-10every day throughout the week. This alone could save you around $200 a month.You can also download the app Mint, which helps you create a budget, trackyour spending, and calculate your credit score. That way you can decide if youshould stay in and cook dinner instead of going out.如何克服:在周末準備好一周的工作午餐,這樣每天可以節省二三十塊,一個月下來就省了七八百塊啦。你也可以下載類似Mint這樣的理財App,幫助你記錄自己的收入和支出,這樣你就可以隨時知道自己今天是可以下館子呢,還是選擇「自己動手,豐衣足食」了。07You spend way too much time worrying aboutwhat other people think.你總是太在意別人的想法You are never goingto please everyone. Spending all your time and energy trying to make everyonehappy is just going to stress you out and lead to your own unhappiness.你永遠無法取悅任何人。花費太多時間和精力去取悅每個人,到最後傷心的只會是你自己。Do this instead: Don』tbe afraid to voice your opinions, say no when you don』t want to do something,and start valuing your own judgment. Your physical and emotional health willthank you for it.如何克服:敢於說出自己的意見,學會拒絕,相信自己的判斷。08 You think of mental health issues as embarrasing, or a sign of weakness. 你不敢正視自己的精神健康問題If you broke your arm, would youtell yourself you』re weak for needing to get help? No. And the same thoughtprocess should be applied to your mental health. According to the NationalAlliance on Mental Illness, every year, 1 in 5 adults — 43.7 million people —experience mental illness in the U.S. And last year only 60% of adults with aserious mental illness received mental health services.如果你扭傷了胳膊,你不會覺得的去醫院治療是懦弱的表現吧?同樣道理,如果你患有心理疾病,也應該及時去尋求幫助和治療。根據國際心理疾病聯盟統計,美國每年每五個成年人裡面就有一個(約43,700,000人)患有心理或精神疾病,但去年卻只有60%的患者接受了心理治療。Do this instead: Don』tbe afraid to reach out to others for help,if you』re dealing withreoccurring issues that are affecting your everyday functioning, reallyconsider seeking out professional help.如何克服:如果你周而復始地被一些問題影響著你的正常生活,一定不要害怕去傾訴,並及時接受專業的治療。09 You love your soda 你很喜歡喝碳酸飲料Research shows that peoplewho drink a lot of soda have a higher risk of high blood pressure, high bloodsugar levels, abnormal cholesterol levels, and excess body fat around the waist— all of which could lead to heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes.研究顯示愛喝碳酸飲料的人易導致高血壓,高血糖,高膽固醇等,更容易有大肚腩,患上心臟病,中風以及糖尿病的風險更大。Do this instead: First,look for a good alternative that will keep you hydrated while keeping yourcravings at bay — a great substitute to give a shot is flavored sparkling water.Then, try limiting yourself to a specific amount of soda a day. You can do it!如何克服:首先,找一樣碳酸飲料的替代物,有味的氣泡礦泉水是一個不錯的選擇。然後再慢慢減少你每日攝入碳酸飲料的分量,真的不難!10You're pretty bad about keeping in touch with your friends and family members. 你不常聯繫家人和朋友As you get older, it』s easy toform a bad habit of only reaching out to friends and family when you needsomething from them, which is not a healthy way to maintain your relationships.隨著你的年齡增大,你很容易會養成「無事不登三寶殿」的壞毛病,這樣很不利於你和家人或朋友之間關係的維持。Do this instead: Setaside some time each week to reach out to your loved ones, whether it』s bymaking a quick phone call, setting up a time to FaceTime, or sending a simple「how are you」 text. Your relationships are extremely important, especially inyour twenties, and you don』t want to take them for granted.如何克服:親人和朋友對你來說是非常重要的,每周都應該留出一點點時間與他們聯繫,打電話也好、視頻也好、或者只是發幾條微信,讓他們感受到你的在乎。11It's about a million years since you last saw the doctor. 你幾百萬年沒去檢查身體了It』s so easy to go for yearswithout getting regular checkups now that Mom and Dad aren』t putting them onyour calendar. But disregarding your health now could lead to a lot of troubledown the road that could have easily been prevented.離開家人或學校之後,你可能再也沒有定時體檢的習慣了。但你的身體可能已經在走下坡路,或者有一些隱疾你沒有注意到。Do this instead: Takematters into your own hands and do your research. Make sure you』re schedulingvisits to the doctor, dentist, gynecologist, etc. as often as recommended.如何克服:主動去關心和了解自己的身體狀況,定時體檢。12You still sleep in until 1 p.m. on the weekendsto catch up on all that sleep you missed during the week. 你周末經常睡到下午1點鐘,企圖把工作日的睡眠不足全部補回來After a long week, sleeping infeels like heaven. But a study done at the University of TexasSouthwestern Medical Center showed that while you may thinkyou』re catching up on sleep during the weekend, the extra hours aren』t helpingto boost alertness or energy levels. The extra sleep actually disruptedparticipants』 internal clocks — circadian rhythms — and made them more tiredcome Monday.勞累了一周,周末在家睡懶覺真的爽死了。但最近有研究發現原來周末的這些「多餘」的睡眠時間不僅不會讓你把之前的睡眠不足補回來,反而適得其反,使你的生物鐘紊亂,讓你下周一感到更加疲憊。Do this instead: Scheduleplans, whether it』s hanging out with friends and family, grocery shopping, or aworkout class, so that you』re up by a reasonable time. Also try to get aroundeight hours of sleep on weeknights so that your body never feels like it has toplay catch-up. One way you can get to bed earlier is by powering down yourtechnology one to two hours before your ideal bedtime. Studies haveshown the 「blue light」 from different smartphones and computers can suppressmelatonin, making it harder to fall asleep.如何克服:好好安排你的周末,跟親人或朋友外出,逛街,或者去報班上課等,這樣你就不會毫無顧忌的一直睡了。另外,工作日盡量保證每天8小時的睡眠,那麼到了周末你就不會有「補眠」的需求了。還有一個有效的方法是,在距離你目標睡覺時間的前1-2個小時關閉你的手機等電子產品。研究證明手機和電腦上的「藍光」會抑制褪黑素,導致不易入睡。13You stay in a crapppy relationship way,way longer than you should, and you know it.你苦苦持續著一段並不合適的戀情,不願放手While you may know yourrelationship isn』t working, the thought of being on your own is terrifying. Thething is, dead-end relationships are hurting you so much more than yourealize. Not only do they have a negative impact on your health, but they alsohold you back from infinite opportunities for self-growth.儘管你知道這段關係並不合適,但你害怕回復單身。而事實上,沒有結果的戀情對你的傷害比你想象中要大得多。這不僅折磨你身心,還讓你錯過很多自我成長的機會。Do this instead: Findstrength in knowing you deserve so much more than what the relationship isgiving you and end things.如何克服:意識到TA其實不值得你付出那麼多,鼓起勇氣去結束這段關係。14You try to plan out your entire life and obsessover five-year plans instead of living in the present.你總喜歡為自己的人生定下長遠的計劃Life, no matter how much you wantit to, is not always going to go according to plan. Putting yourself on atimeline is only going to leave you stressed out, disappointed, and unhappy withthe present.你的人生有時並不是順著你的意思來發展的,很多時候計劃總是趕不上變化。儘可能活在當下。Do this instead: Whilewanting things to happen a certain way or having a plan isn』t a bad idea,understanding that things can always change and accepting that there are goingto be things that are out of your control is a huge asset when going throughyour twenties. Obsessing over age and socially constructed milestones is onlygoing to hold you back from enjoying your experiences and where you are now.如何克服:每個人都希望事情是按照自己的意願來發展的,但在你20幾歲的時候,你應該擁有足夠的憂患意識,懂得「天有不測風雲人有旦夕禍福」的道理。為自己定下過於長遠的計劃有時候不一定是好事。15You're convinced that you're the only one inyour twenties who dosen't have your shit together.你以為只有你一個在20幾歲的時候茫然失措One of the biggest mistakespeople make in their twenties is thinking they』re the only ones trying tofigure life out. Learning how to be independent for the first time is scary.And it』s so easy to freak out about relationships, career paths, and where tostart with it all once college is over.20幾歲的時候最易犯的一個錯誤就是,總是以為只有自己一個在漫無目的的過日子。大學畢業時要面臨分手、就業、安身等問題,一開始的確會令人無所適從。Do this instead: First,understand that this is completely normal. Everyone thinksthey』re the only one who has no idea what they』re doing. But the truth is ittakes everyone time to learn and figure it all out. Instead of stressing (whichis shown to negatively affect your physical and emotional health), be proactiveand make a list of all the things you want to accomplish. It can be as simpleas 「open a credit card,」 「create a monthly budget,」 「search for apartments,」「apply to four jobs,」 etc. Then attack them one by one.如何克服:首先要明白這種狀態是非常普遍的。別以為你是世界上唯一一個處在迷茫當中的人,每個人都需要花時間去找到自己的定位,不需要感到有壓力。給每個階段要完成的事情列個清單,例如「開個信用卡」、「記錄每個月的收支」、「租房」、「申請4個面試」等,然後逐樣解決。喜歡,別忘了關注哦~每日和您共享最潮流的英文資訊!

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