3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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為幫助大家考前適應考試緊張的節奏,新東方網托福頻道在此與大家分享2017年3月4日托福口語考試獨立題練習題目。以下內容僅供參考,希望對大家進行托福最後的考前衝刺有所幫助。更多題目點擊查看2017年3月4日預測匯總TASK 1 1. 你覺得government 應該要採取一些什麼樣的措施來減少車流量以解決城市的交通問題? 2. 以下圖書館的志願者工作你會選擇哪一個? Helping people find the right material, read to kids or keep bookshelf organized. 3. Your friend has a bad eating habit.你會給他一些什麼建議? 4. Some countries now take measures to 來吸引大量外國遊客來當地的旅遊景點. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of attracting a large amount of foreign tourists to tourism sites, give examples to illustrate your points. 5. 每年很多有經驗和沒經驗的登山者都會嘗試攀登Mount Everest, which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish? 6. 你覺得人生的哪個階段是最困難的, being a kid, a teenager or an adult? 7. If one of your friends is always late for events and appointments,你會給他一些什麼建議來幫助他變得更守時? 8. 說說你學校能做什麼事來protect the environment on campus. Explain your answers in details. 9. 研究表明:people are supposed to sleep for at least 8 hours a day, but as a matter of fact, 很多人每天都只睡6.5個小時。What do you think is the impact of sleeping to people's lives? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer 10. 在辛苦工作之後,how do you usually reward yourself? 11. Which one of the following qualities do you think a good school should have?樂於助人的同學, knowledgeable teachers or 嚴格的規矩? 12. Choose among the following three activities that your school is planning to hold? 1. theater performance by student actors 2. concert by professional musicians 3.著名教授講座 13. 你的朋友們最喜歡你的什麼特點? Kindness, cheerfulness, intelligence? 14. 一些現在的火車專門設有安靜車廂 where passengers are not allowed to speak loudly and use cell phones, laptops or other mobile devices that produce loud sounds. 你覺得這是個好主意嗎?Explain why or why not. 15. Describe an occasion in your country where people give gifts to each other 再描述一下一種常送的禮物. 16. 描述一樣你覺得能培養小孩責任感的活動。 17. 學生們需要在期末的時候 evaluate their professors嗎? 18. In every culture there are some customs or traditions from the past that young people no longer follow. Describe a custom or tradition which formed in the past but you wish it is still popular today. Give specific reasons why you wish it still popular. 19. Talk about an activity you enjoy doing with your family. Why do you enjoy this activity? 20. what is the one style of clothing that students in your school tend to wear? 為什麼喜歡這種風格的衣服Include specific reasons and details in your response. TASK 2 1. 拯救endangered species of animals的資金應該是政府出還是應該從private sources來? 2. Your professor is asking you to help with some research on the weekend,但是你已經答應你姐姐去她的birthday party. Which would you choose? Explain why. 3. Some people like to share their thoughts through publications like newspapers and blogs, 其他人只喜歡給自己的朋友分享. 你更喜歡哪一個? 4. Some students prefer to study nine or ten months a year,其他人喜歡全年上學. Which do you think is better? Explain why. 5. 很多人覺得technology把人們聯繫的更緊密了,others believe that technology has actually distanced people, which one do you agree with? Explain why. 6. 有些人更喜歡活在當下, others prefer to be prepared for the future and plan ahead. Which do you prefer? Explain why. 7. 你覺得哪個更好:有些老師喜歡讓學生一整個學期就坐在一個位置上. Other teachers think students can choose their own seats each time and sit in different seats. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 8. Some people prefer to do every day tasks like doing the laundry or dishes by hand,其他人更喜歡用machines. Which one do you prefer? Give details and examples in your response. 9. 你覺得人們應不應該dress following fashion trends? 10. Some people prefer 記錄自己的生活by taking pictures or keeping diaries,其他人選擇不幹這些事. Which one do you prefer? 11. 你覺得做一件事,是過程重要還是結果重要? 12. Which one do you prefer? Review your notes after class and keep doing this throughout the whole semester 還是期末的時候再回顧複習筆記? 13. 你是喜歡一份需要經常涉及使用technology/computer的工作,還是喜歡一份不需要經常接觸technology/computer的工作? 14. When students have questions about an assignment for class, 有些人喜歡去和教授討論. Others prefer to ask other students in the class for help understanding the assignment. Which do you prefer? Explain why? 15. 同意不同意:腳踏車在現代社會裡會越來越不受歡迎 16. Do you prefer listening to music or doing nothing when you go from a place to another? 17. 你覺得通過 plastic surgery來改變自己的appearance是件好事嗎? 18. Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on TV. 其他人喜歡看educational programs. Which do you prefer? Explain why. 19. Do you agree or disagree with the statement 打電子遊戲是在浪費時間? 20. What kind of job will you choose? 一份錢多的工作or a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 作者簡介: 邱緣,就讀於美國埃默里大學(Emory University),專業neuroscience(神經科學)。高二因成績出色被埃默里大學錄取,直接升入了大學。完全融入於美國社會和文化,了解美式價值觀,做到真正的bilingual, 可稱英語為第二母語。大學期間選課無比發散,對於托福考試當中常考各種學科的基礎知識都有所涉。

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